Wolfenstein: The New Order

Wolfenstein: The New Order

50 Achievements


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Unlock demolition perk 4


How to unlock the Bullseye achievement in Wolfenstein: The New Order - Definitive Guide

Level 2

Once you step outside the building, pick up the 2 grenades on the desk. take out the enemies and wait for the first drone. this one is pretty easy since it always bumps the ground on the same spot. so just time your throw and take it out.

After taking out the next two enemies, the last 2 drones will go after you. wait a second and give them time to fly at you and stick closer together. run behind cover and throw your last grenade. they should be close and slow enough for you to get them both.

If you got all 3 you only need to reload this part once for the remaining 2.

22 May 2014 21:21

Thanks for this, it helped a lot.
By TheSign88 on 23 May 2014 05:17
very welcome :)
By NE0182 on 23 May 2014 09:23
perfect +1
By SneakyStabbalot on 23 May 2014 16:22
nice solution
By wolfzero01 on 25 May 2014 16:36
awesome, thanks.
By ProjectSix on 02 Jan 2015 03:24
The one person who voted this negatively must have some definite issues with life.
By neeker75 on 06 Nov 2015 12:48
is 100% but shows unlocking ..what can I do?
By Seby88 on 17 Dec 2015 17:44
This is also a great area to knock out the Sentinel achievement as well. Just throw the grenade and quickly pick up and throw again right in front of the enemy.
By KungFuMonk3y on 01 Feb 2018 16:30
Can confirm this still works.
By nemesis646 on 09 Dec 2018 21:55
@KungFu Monk3y

Thanks for the tip.
By Fl0ydPinkert0n on 03 Mar 2019 18:02
If you're having trouble with the timing in Chapter 2, the asylum front doors won't close if you don't leave the porch. The drones will come into the foyer eventually and it's much easier to grenade kill them there.
By Gilbert Prime on 16 Jul 2021 18:35
EZ thank you!
By SilentStucho on 12 Aug 2021 17:52
This just would not pop for me on my first run. I even got the achievement for the perk after this with the rocket launchers using this same checkpoint save.

It just never popped, so I had to replay the game. If this ends up happening to you, you can use the first level to get the perks that lead up to this one: 2 kills with 1 grenade, 10 grenade kills and grenade kill on a Commander. Once you've got those, you can use this guide to get the achievement, which, incidentally, did happen for me.

Baffled at how it didn't pop the first time...
By AllOvaMyself on 16 Sep 2022 22:43
I had the same problem of AllOvaMyself... cry
By MauMaury72 on 18 Sep 2022 11:53
Still bugged after all these years.
By Oncogene27 on 31 Oct 2022 21:15
I have several perk achievements that I just realized are bugged, despite having all perks obtained in my campaign.
By ToMiSIav on 19 Mar 2023 21:22
This might be bugged, I got the perk in the game, but this hasn't popped
By Mrxknown JG on 21 May 2023 00:58
I also can confirm that this is glitched This is the 3rd perk achievement that hasn't worked. It seems like they're trying to force a second play through to get them.

UPDATE: Unlocked on 2nd play through; different time line.
By pointmanmike on 25 Aug 2023 16:07
The achievement description is a lie, BTW. I think only drones count, as I tried grenades on the big mechanical enemies, and the big robot dog one, and got nothing.

NB: If you haven't got the 'AR Magazine +' Tactical 6 achievement, just before this area you go behind a reception room and press a button to open doors to it. You then get a wave of 8 men to kill from cover using assault rifles - just go back out of reception and crouch with B behind a desk and hold LB to peer over it and shoot - repeat 10x for the 80 kills. The best part is that killing all 8 doesn't create a new checkpoint, so just restart the last one.
By Goatlips on 15 Oct 2022 10:17
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The above solution is great, and works well. However, if you missed that part and have yet to unlock this, another great place is on chapter 13 the Lunar Base. However, you must have grenades in your inventory because there aren't any pickups in this area. If you have some saved up like I did though, right when you put on the moon suit and enter outside, you will come to the top of a hill looking down on 3 of those flying drones. Easy place to throw grenades and let them float towards them and blow them up. You only need need 5, so just restart the checkpoint and you are right at the top of the hill looking down on them. Easy peesy!

28 Jun 2014 18:35

when i come to this place there are no grenades in my inventory.. -.-'
By Double D Shox on 29 Jun 2014 10:40
Ah....that could be a problem...guess i should add that in my solution that you must have grenades from a previous chapter.
By KJer25 on 29 Jun 2014 12:10
The achievement glitched on me its 100% but is still showing as locked
By Grayfox Bebop on 22 Jul 2014 12:58
yeah kaptin ..mine did this too....not on this particular achievement, but just reload the checkpoint, or stop and start the game and you should get it. It will not pop, but it should unlock and of course, add to your gamerscore.
By KJer25 on 23 Jul 2014 02:04
You can get all 5 grenades that you can carry earlier in the level when you clear out the circular room. Just don't use any until you get on the moon and you should have plenty. Guide was clear and worked well for me, not sure why the negatives ? +1 from me
By FoolsAndKings on 23 Dec 2014 20:28
Yeah, there are tons of grenades in the moon base, just need to look in corners, nook, ventilation tunnels, etc.
By The Globalizer on 07 Apr 2015 18:51
I had the same problem kaptin! is 100% but shows unlocking ..what can I do?
By Seby88 on 17 Dec 2015 13:03
followed this guide, saved my grenades and popped it in three attempts thank you +1 from me!
By Gloss666 on 08 Jul 2016 18:50
np gloss, glad i can help!
By KJer25 on 08 Jul 2016 20:50
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This achievement requires you to get 5 kills on mechanical enemies, but will only unlock once you have completed the relevant prerequisite.

During chapter 13, after putting on the suit and leaving the base, you will walk through a narrowing.

At this point you will reach a checkpoint and you will encounter 3 drones.
You can use this point to try and get the achievement.
If you kill them, just restart checkpoint.

24 Jan 2020 00:00

Demolition perk 4 is Bullseye and is unlocked by killing 5 mechanical enemies with grenades.

This won't be possible until Chapter 3 and a good farming spot is at the beginning of Chapter 3 when you get to the open area after torturing the Nazi officer, pick up the grenade by the wooden hut (to the left of the gate you entered). Now get detected and some flying drones will attack you, throw the grenade at them and they will automatically "suck in" the grenade so you cannot really miss them. Restart the checkpoint and repeat. Note: You can pick up two additional grenades in the center complex that you would have to pick the lock to enter.


The fourth demolition perk is Bullseye. This perk will make thrown grenades detonate on target. 

In order to unlock this perk, you must perform the following requirement at anytime during the Campaign:

  • Kill 5 mechanical enemies with a grenade.

TIP: Towards the end of Chapter 2, when you open the asylum's front door and exit to the courtyard, clear the initial wave of enemy troops. After they're dealt with, an APC will storm the courtyard and release a flying sentry bot. During this time, you can work on trying to destroy the sentries with the tesla grenades that are on a wooden table of the asylum's front porch. Once the first sentry is destroyed, reload the checkpoint and finish grinding this perk out.


The fourth demolition perk is Bullseye. This perk will make thrown grenades detonate on target. 

In order to unlock this perk, you must perform the following requirement at anytime during the Campaign:

  • Kill 5 mechanical enemies with a grenade.

TIP: Towards the end of Chapter 2, when you open the asylum's front door and exit to the courtyard, clear the initial wave of enemy troops. After they're dealt with, an APC will storm the courtyard and release a flying sentry bot. During this time, you can work on trying to destroy the sentries with the tesla grenades that are on a wooden table of the asylum's front porch. Once the first sentry is destroyed, reload the checkpoint and finish grinding this perk out.

The fourth demolition perk is Bullseye. This perk will make thrown grenades detonate on target. 

In order to unlock this perk, you must perform the following requirement at anytime during the Campaign:

  • Kill 5 mechanical enemies with a grenade.

TIP: Towards the end of Chapter 2, when you open the asylum's front door and exit to the courtyard, clear the initial wave of enemy troops. After they're dealt with, an APC will storm the courtyard and release a flying sentry bot. During this time, you can work on trying to destroy the sentries with the tesla grenades that are on a wooden table of the asylum's front porch. Once the first sentry is destroyed, reload the checkpoint and finish grinding this perk out.

You can do it closer to the end of the 2nd chapter (Hospital) - when you leave the doors to the street, pick up 2 grenades (on the left on the table), kill the first batch of Krauts and 1 drone will fly right at you. Let’s hire a perk that can be done in 5 minutes, fortunately the checkpoint is right in front of the door.

28 Nov 2014 18:15

The easiest way to do this is in the chapter “Lunar Station”, as soon as you come to the surface in a spacesuit, along the way you will meet three drones, jump between the stones, fire a couple of shots, all three drones fly to the same place, throw a grenade, two drones are destroyed, and repeat this 2-3 times .
By hpFX50 on 21 Jun 2015 22:02
You can also easily get it at the end of level 5 on the helipad. As soon as you enter the platform from the ventilation near the fence, there are 2 grenades, using a pistol with a silencer, kill the nearest soldiers so as not to interfere, and start shooting at one of the robots (at the simplest level you need to spend 1-2 magazines) and then throw grenades. Repeat 5 times, checkpoint right before exiting the ventilation.
By Card on 06 Nov 2017 21:10
At the "New World" chapter, when you make your way through the Kraut posts with the "Polish" family, in the first section there are 2 officers; We raise the alarm, 2 flying robots arrive, wait until they get close enough and throw a grenade at them, then click start from the last checkpoint and so on three times, quite simply, on the easiest difficulty level.

02 Jul 2014 20:27