Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

75 Achievements


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Complete Puzzles 8-15


How to unlock the Detective achievement in Worms 2: Armageddon - Definitive Guide

As with the previous trophy, please refer to the following walkthrough on how to complete each Puzzle. Remember that the methods described are how we were able to complete them, so this may not necessarily be the only way to do some of them.


This is another trial and error Puzzle that will most likely have you selecting "Restart Level" over and over again. Firstly, pick up the two crates (Holy Hand Grenade and Jet Pack.) The trick here is to stand to the right of the explosive barrel, throw the Holy Hand Grenade next to it, and then stand slightly to the right of the grenade. If you do it correctly, your worm will be sent flying towards the two enemies, knock them both off of their perch and into the Mine/explosive barrel pit below. It's a lot easier said than done, so don't expect to get it right on your first go.


You will need to activate your Ninja Rope and grab onto the ledge that is above and to your right. If you attach the rope to the far right edge and pull yourself right up, you can then go to your inventory and select Parachute from there. Then press square18x18.png to open it and you can make your way over to the enemy worm. Remember to guide the Parachute along using the left Analog stick so you don't fall short and end up in the water.


Although you have a Ninja Rope in your inventory, you don't actually need it to complete this Puzzle. As the message states in the game, sacrifice is key here. Move one of your worms directly behind the enemy worm and leave him there. Then, your next one will need to hit both of them with the Baseball Bat. Your first worm will die, but it will also take out the enemy worm with it. When using the Baseball Bat, make sure that you aim the crosshair as low as it will go, and that you hit both worms over to the right so that they don't get separated.

Difficulty: Easy

The Odynophobiac trophy is almost guaranteed after you complete this mission, as it is very likely that you won’t take any damage here.

Start out by using the Bunker Buster and aiming it directly above the cave with the Mines in it. You'll notice that the terrain dips slighty above the Mines – this is the ideal place to aim it. Now, you'll have a tunnel with direct access to the Mine cave. Now, select your Homing Missile and aim it at the crate that the enemy worm is standing next to. Do not collect the crate, as it only has a Prod in it which is completely useless here. You will need the explosion caused by the crate to propel the enemy worm into the tunnel. When firing, make sure that you aim the Homing Missile upwards so that it hits the crate and not the worm.

Difficulty: Easy

Fire Punch is the name of the game here, and you have three of them at your disposal. Start by using two of them on the worm directly in front of you. For the first one, make sure that you punch him over to the right, so that he ends up in the middle of the landscape. Do the same for the second Fire Punch, ensuring that you knock the enemy over to the right once more and into the water.

For the second worm, position yourself directly below him, and backflip by pressing square18x18.png twice in quick succession. When your worm reaches the full height of his backflip, immediately activate the Fire Punch to boost him further up into the air, knocking the enemy worm off of the ledge and into the water.

Difficulty: Medium

With your first two turns, use the Blowtorch to make two chutes down to the enemy worm. They should be positioned like this:

Make sure that you don't fall into the pit with the enemy worm and that your newly created tunnels extend all the way through the land. Next, use the two shots from your Shotgun to create gaps in the walls which are holding the two mines on the left side of the map. This will be very important later on in the mission.

Next, use the Teleport to collect the weapon crate (Earthquake) located to the left of the enemy worm. With your next turn, use the Bunker Buster and position it so that it breaks the walls next to the mines at the top right of the map. An ideal position is shown here:

Finally, use the Earthquake to shake things up a bit. This will send all of the mines falling down and through the tunnels that you made, killing the enemy worm.

Difficulty: Medium

Position your worm as far right as you can on the first platform. Next, use your Homing Missile and lock on to the ground immediately to the left of your worm. Then, fire the missile straight up with full power. The explosion should send your worm flying in the air and over to the next platform. Here, collect the weapon crate (Homing Missile,) and move to the right of this platform, ensuring that you jump over the utility crate without collecting it. The reason that you won’t be collecting this crate is that you will need the explosion caused from it to propel your worm further into the air and onto the next platform.

Select the Homing Missile from your inventory and lock on to the utility crate which you should now be standing next to. This explosion should send your worm flying to the far right of the map allowing you to collect the two utility crates and a weapon crate.

On your next turn, Blowtorch through the wall to the left in order to collect the second weapon crate. Now, position your worm right next to the oil drum on the left hand side, lock onto it with your Homing Missile and fire straight up with maximum power. This explosion should send your worm flying over to the final platform with the enemy worm. All you have to do now is Blowtorch through to the enemy worm, stand a good distance away and let the enemy worm feel the wrath of the Holy Hand Grenade. Hallelujah!

Very Hard

For the trophy Lightfoot, this puzzle must be completed before sudden death kicks in. This means that you have 2 minutes in which to reach and kill the enemy worm.

Firstly, use the Lightning Strike to increase your worm's health by 30. Next, you need to place a mine a few paces back from the right edge of the first platform. Trigger the mine with your worm, and the resulting explosion will need to take you over to the next platform. If your worm doesn't make it, then restart the mission.

Now, you need to get to the top of this platform and parachute down to the right. However, there is a wall in your way. Place a Dynamite as high up on the wall as possible, stand back, and allow it to explode and create a path for you. Move along your newly created pathway.

Now comes the hardest part. You are going to have to Ninja Rope your way up to the enemy worm without touching the ground. Fire the Ninja Rope upwards at about a 30 degree angle, then swing. At the far right of the swing, press Cross18x18.png to release and quickly press Cross18x18.png again to reattach further up. Repeat this until you are next to the enemy worm. This will take many attempts as the Ninja Rope can be very temperamental, so remain patient and don’t expect to do it on your first go. Bear in mind that you only get a maximum of 5 shots of the Ninja Rope to make it up to the enemy worm, which should be more than enough if you’re able to get it right. When you are next to the enemy worm, finish this puzzle by smashing him into the water with the Baseball Bat.
See step-by-step passage to levels 8 - 15 HERE

15 Aug 2011 08:45