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Exquisite Timing

Exquisite Timing

Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty by July 1st (July 15th for War of the Chosen)


How to unlock the Exquisite Timing achievement in XCOM 2 - Definitive Guide

Each new game starts you on March 1st. The goal of this achievement is to beat the game on Commander (or Legend shock) difficulty in under four months. You will need to plan out your research and construction goals, ignoring most upgrades in favor of the mission critical projects.

I thought it might help people to see a sample timeline. This is a log of my activity with the exact days that I completed each of the important research projects, construction projects, and missions along the critical path. I played on Commander difficulty and chose to simultaneously obtain the achievements for never buying a squad size upgrade and the achievement for never losing a soldier. This didn't end up being much of a handicap at all. You won't have much time to spare on building a GTS school and you certainly can't be spending time training new soldiers to replace the fallen.

I ended up finishing all of the critical projects and missions with about 10-15 days remaining. I took my foot off the gas a bit in month four to spend time researching additional armor and weapon upgrades, as time allowed.

I'm sure there are dozens of ways to approach this achievement and your results may vary. That being said, I am sure this type of outline will prove useful to a number of people.

Month 1
March 05 - Lab Research Completed: Alien Biotech
March 07 - Staffing Update: Eng (2)
March 10 - Lab Research Completed: ADVENT Officer Autopsy
March 14 - Staffing Update: Sci (1)
March 21 - Mission: Investigate Blacksite
March 22 - Construction Completed: Proving Grounds
March 30 - Proving Grounds Project Completed: Skulljack

Quick Tips For the Month:

Month 2
April 05 - Mission: Skulljack an ADVENT Captain / Kill Codex
April 06 - Lab Research Completed: Alien Encryption
April 12 - Discovered Black Market
April 12 - Staffing Update: Eng (3)
April 15 - Lab Research Completed: Magnetic Weapons
April 18 - Construction Completed: Shadow Chamber
April 19 - Staffing Update: Sci (4)
April 25 - Shadow Chamber Research Completed: Blacksite Vial
April 28 - Lab Research Completed: Resistance Comms

Quick Tips For the Month:

Month 3
May 02 - Shadow Chamber Research Completed: Codex Brain
May 05 - Construction Completed: Resistance Comms
May 10 - Mission: Investigate Blacksite Vial Coordinates (The Forge)
May 13 - Shadow Chamber Research Completed: Codex Data
May 18 - Mission: Skulljack Codex / Kill Avatar
May 22 - Shadow Chamber Research Completed: Stasis Suit

Quick Tips For the Month:

Month 4
June 01 - Mission: Investigate Codex Brain Coordinates (Recover Psi Gate)
June 11 - Shadow Chamber Research: Research Psi Gate
June 20 - Lab Research Completed: Plated Armor
June 24 - Shadow Chamber Research: Avatar Corpse Autopsy
June 27 - Mission: ADVENT Network Tower
June 27 - Mission: Alien Fortress

Quick Tips For the Month:

You may have noticed I didn't mention the AVATAR tracker once. It shouldn't become an issue. You're rattling off main missions frequently enough to keep it in check.

As for combat:
This guide is primarily focused on the top level strategy. There are lots of people out there willing to give advice on higher difficulty combat. Most of it boils down to knowing your classes, staying in cover, and doing a lot of your damage from overwatch. Hang back and let the aliens spend their actions on movement. You spend yours on shooting.

Just don't forget, this isn't ironman. Save early and often. I saved just about 200 times on this run alone. Always try for the low chance outcomes that allow you to keep your soldiers from getting injured. I completed 19 missions in the four months and 12 of them were flawless. Keep this in mind. Prioritize weapon upgrades over armor upgrades. You don't need to spend resources on armor upgrades if you're never going to let yourself get hit.

Thank's for reading and good luck commander.

16 Oct 2016 00:03

Good guide. I will be using it to try and get the achievement. 😀
For clarity's sake, I assume you mean Advent captain and not avatar.
By Kugsen on 17 Oct 2016 20:43
Correct. I'll clean that up.

Good luck!
By bryan dot exe on 17 Oct 2016 22:50
Also useful, the list of corpses you can safely sell at the black market after researching them.

ADVENT MEC, ADVENT Officer, ADVENT Shieldbearer, ADVENT Turret, Andromedron, Archon, Muton, & Sectopod.

(Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/XCOM2/comments/480kw3/list_of_corps...)
By bryan dot exe on 20 Oct 2016 20:10
Yes, it should say Officer not Captain. I'll changed it.

I do not currently own any of the dlc either.

Let me see if I can figure out how many scientists I had staffed in the early game. I'm not sure if I have enough saves from that early in the game to get a full picture, but I'll certainly check it out. It's possible that I accidentily noted the day I started that research, not finished. I tried to stay consistent with marking my completion dates on research, but that was early in my playthrough and I won't rule it out yet.
By bryan dot exe on 28 Oct 2016 22:03
@kiasano, you are absolutely correct. I completed Alien Biotech research on the 5th at which point I started the 5 day process of researching ADVENT Officer Autopsy. I got 2 engineers before obtaining my first scientist.

Thank you for pointing that out. I'll make the correction to the guide.
By bryan dot exe on 29 Oct 2016 01:21
Very helpful guide. I used this to get "The Few and the Proud" and "The untouchables" in the same play through.
By Lt Warfarin on 08 Nov 2016 02:43
Thanks for the information. Just some thoughts from my run. They may be mentioned by others already, but I'm just throwing the information out there again.

I just ran through and grabbed this with the Ironman achievement. My main goal was to beat it on Ironman, but I was decided I would try to do it in the required time frame. If not, I was content with trying another playthrough after finishing Ironman. I ended up with about 3 weeks to spare, as well, so there is a little bit of leeway.

Obviously, make the storyline progression achievements a priority and only spend the required intel to get to where the missions spawn. I built two radio towers to lessen the intel costs.

The only extra research that I did was for the tier 2 weaponry and armor. I also never got the Black Market, but I did enable Alien Rulers and got the cache of Alien weapons. Don't enable Shen's Last Gift and you can get a free robot from the Proving Grounds. He helped out during missions where my A-team was injured, but I didn't want to invest supplies in upgrading his weapons/armor too.

I ran into a Power issue at the end and didn't have enough power to upgrade my Shadow Chamber. At this point I just got rid of the Proving Grounds (Skulljack was already built) to free up some power. So, I only had to build one Power Station (upgraded and staffed). The only buildings I bothered with were GTS, Power Relay, Proving Ground, Resistance Comms and Shadow Chamber. I did clear out an extra area or two for the supplies, though. I also had to upgrade the Power/Resistance buildings.

I lost a few troopers early on, but ended up with a decent main squad of a Sniper, Support, 2x Rangers and 2x Grenadiers. None of them reached max rank by the final mission. I was worried about being overwhelmed by the harder enemies in it, but the Commander's Avatar unit that you get for the mission is amazing. I just crawled through it and abused his Mind Control and Rift skills, always waiting for the skills to recharge before moving forward. Mind Control Gatekeepers for a huge advantage, especially in the last room. I also lucked out and Haywired a Sectopod in the mission.

I learned in the last room that if an Avatar mind controls one of your guys you can get him back by hitting the Avatar with a Frost Grenade.

I think Scientists made more of a difference than Engineers - I had the majority of the buildings built very early on - and still had a lot of research left.

When I finished the Skulljack/robot in the Proving Grounds I just kept building Ammo until I trashed the Proving Ground. More than once Dragon rounds saved my ass. Everyone was basically carrying 1x Grenade and 1x Ammo upgrade to the final mission.

Again, no major game changing thoughts - just things I picked up on that helped.
By eohjay on 08 Nov 2016 17:49
Thanks for chiming in eohjay.

I can't imagine running it without the black market for some easy cash from time to time but I guess the surplus of dlc gear makes that easier.

Engineers are definitely important early on but scientists are the only important personnel in the final months. That just seems to be the flow of things.

I used the proving grounds similarly. Pumping out ammo and grenades with any spare time once the skulljack was done. Don't even need an engineer staffing it if you're short on engineers at the moment.

I believe flashbang grenades also remove mind control.

I also had success hacking a sectopod in the final room. That thing dealt a majority of the damage I put into the final two Avatars.

I'm glad to see you're experience lined up pretty well with my own. It's important to get a good start and stay on schedule. If you can do that then you'll have plenty of time left over at the end.
By bryan dot exe on 08 Nov 2016 18:31
What was your guys strategy for the final mission? I beat it on commander ironman, but that was with a squad of 6, including 2 maxed out psi ops. I'm finding the final mission to be impossible with a squad of 4, no psi ops. I'm save scumming a lot, but I just can't keep up with the enemy spawns.
By StevesTurn on 12 Nov 2016 18:13
StevesTurn I stayed in the back, behind the partition, just to the left of where you spawn in. You can save scum to get the enemy spawns you want. Don't worry about what spawns far away from you, they won't even advance much at all without line of sight. Just clear out the enemies that spawn close to you on that left side as well as anyone who tries to move around the wall to the right.

You're gonna want to eventually mind control a gatekeeper and/or hack a sectopod. Then those become your primary damage dealers. Save scum like crazy to ensure criticals on the avatars and make sure they teleport to spots you can still hit them at. My hacked sectopod did a vast majority of the damage needed to take down the second and third avatar.
By bryan dot exe on 12 Nov 2016 20:14
Glad to see you got it StevesTurn. What made the difference for you in that final room?
By bryan dot exe on 13 Nov 2016 14:52
Hanging back wasn't working for me - whatever avatar was up would just demolish me from afar, usually with AOE. I instead tried the strategy of blitzing forward to the central platform, save-scumming heavily to get weak spawns each time. It took 3-4 full resets (starting the final room over) before I got a setup where I could burn down all 3 avatars on the first turn each spawned, and having to sacrifice 1 or 2 of my guys along the way.

Thanks for the help, and the great guide getting me to that point!
By StevesTurn on 13 Nov 2016 23:31
Doing a legendary game and thought I'd shoot for this too. The length of time to build, research and heal are ridiculous! With 3 engineers it'll take best part of a month to build the shadow chamber. I think it will be essential to use the building boost when scanning if you want to get this. I'm 2 months in and don't have a shadow chamber yet as you have to build a power relay first. Great guide and I'll get this on Commander next. But just my 2 cents don't even bother with it on legendary. A wounded soldier takes 42 days to heal shock
By DeviSlator on 13 Dec 2016 01:25
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's mathematically impossible on legendary difficulty.
By bryan dot exe on 13 Dec 2016 02:32
Thanks, got through it with only one injured, I forgot you get all your soldiers not just team of 4, so wasn't too bad. On June 17 now, just doing final research, should launch final mission by June 27
By karen greaves on 20 Dec 2016 12:33
Found a bug that makes the final battle much easier. If you save after your turn but before it says "Alien activity", and then reload, all your soldiers get another turn before the aliens go. Works best if your last guy is moving on his final turn, during the movement animation hit save. Not sure if this works for everyone but pretty reproducible for me. I have both dlc.
By karen greaves on 20 Dec 2016 15:54
@karen greaves: Spot on. Never bothered actually trying this until the final mission but I can confirm it works like a charm as of now and I also own both DLC.

Thanks for this solution and all the comments.
By Citizen Snickey on 09 Mar 2017 17:02
I did this on my second playthrough of the campaign.

I completed the Avatar Corpse Autopsy on May 30th, then spent a month researching armor and weapons. So it doesn't have to be perfect timing, but you really need to focus on what needs to be done.

Hardest part was the Avenger Crash with only base armor and weapons, and I was going to give up. But then I found when restarting the mission that the beacon was now close enough to the Avenger to hit with Sharpshooters. I sent a rookie to reveal the beacon, took it down with 3 Sharpshooters, then took off leaving the rookie behind :(

I had 5 Engineers, 5 Scientists and a Lab, as that determines what equipment you have going into the final mission. Apart from the required Power Relay, Resistance Comms, Proving Ground and Shadow Chamber, I also built a Guerrilla Tactics School (Squad Size II).

This is the equipment I had by June 29th:
Plasma Lance
Beam Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Mag Cannon
Predator Armor
E.X.O. Suit (2)
Conventional Gremlin
Conventional Grenade Launcher
Conventional Frag Grenade
Plasma Bolt Caster
Powered Shadowkeeper
Ionic Axe

I was hours away from completing the Muton Autopsy for Plasma Grenade, and if I was to do it again I would either spend Intel on rushing research or get at least one more Scientist. I would also start building E.X.O. Suits earlier as I was saving for W.A.R. Suits but didn't have enough time to complete the Powered Armor research.
By HolyHalfDead on 29 Dec 2018 23:53
Thanks for the timeline, it helped a lot! The RNG was not on my side for scientists, and I had to build a lab in the last month and just barely got the plasma lance and storm gun for the final mission. Although I didn't use it for squad upgrades, I still ended up building the guerrilla tactics school for the personal combat sims and the class bonuses.

I ran the final mission with two Sharpshooters and two Rangers, using Bluescreen and Armor-piercing bullets, so no need for explosives or hacking. With one Phantom ranger acting scout, most enemies didn't even reach striking distance of to the squad before they were taken out.

Bundles of enemies are handled by the Avatar's AoE attacks, and the Sharpshooters' Kill Zone and Serial skills. Powerful enemies can be taken out with the high-crit rangers and Run-n-Gun. The spider suit is incredibly useful for the snipers to move between the columns in the final room without having to sacrifice their shots.

In retrospect, I thought this would be way harder. But I guess since you're rushing it, the alien technology doesn't have time to catch up. Some missions were tough (beating the first avatar with barely any upgrades on a timed mission was rough), but the last mission was a breeze compared to longer playthroughs.
By WhyattThrash on 24 Jan 2019 09:31
Phonomenal guide! I had a hard time finding the scientists on my first try, intel stifled my second run, but the third worked great. Thank you so much!
By Faustus PHD on 02 Aug 2019 20:00
I'm trying this out next, but this was a great guide of what to look for when I was doing my Legendary run, doing this next but THANK YOU for listing everything.
By Dampish60 on 07 Nov 2020 10:03
Quick question, is this easier to do on vanilla or WoTC?
By FuneralRites on 26 Apr 2024 11:30
I believe the milestone "March 05 - Lab Research Completed: ADVENT Captain Autopsy" is impossible to meet this early in the game. I started a new game, went straight for "Alien Biotech" on February 28, which takes 5 days with 0 scientists. This unlocks the ADVENT Officer* Autopsy, which takes another 5 days (so 10 days total). Even if you acquire a scientist right away, I doubt this milestone can be met this early on in the game. Can you please elaborate on how you achieved this?

(I don't own any of the DLC in case that matters)

Also thank you for the guide!

edit: I just looked it up, and there is no research project for ADVENT Captain, I assume you meant ADVENT Officer?
By kiasano on 28 Oct 2016 21:12
Yeah, 6 scientists and it takes 13 days each to research stasis suit, psi gate and avatar. Intel costs are 80 per territory and they take 5-8 days to scan!
By DeviSlator on 17 Dec 2016 22:43
@karen greaves I believe the random number generator for avoiding the UFO locks in the result well in advance of the event itself. I believe you're stuck with it.

There are a few strategies that can work. 1) slow and easy. Clear each wave as it lands and slowly move up. Save scum like crazy 2) move a group up the flank just far enough to put your squad sight sniper(s) in range of the tower 3) dash a single soldier ahead so that your squad sight sniper(s) get shots on the tower.

This speed strat usually sacrifices the one "rabbit". Although buffing them with smoke and aid can sometimes delay death long enough to get them back to evac.
By bryan dot exe on 19 Dec 2016 16:10
Props to you Faustus for sticking it out. Well done.
By bryan dot exe on 02 Aug 2019 20:06
Mission accomplished commander. This took me two tries. I hit a roadblock the first time by not having enough power to upgrade the Shadow Chamber. Stupidity, I started over. I could have removed the Proving Ground to free up power, which I figured out was possible the second playthrough. Some stats I remember... Engineers/scientists 5/5, 22 missions with 18 flawless, 3 Colonels and 1 Major, 15 days injured (Avenger Defense got me) never upgraded squad size, no medkits, no additional armor, plasma weapons. I finished June 23rd. I hadn't played the game in 3 years so I had to relearn most aspects of the game. I always figured this achievement was unachievable... for me. Thank you for the great guide/timeline. I was right on/ahead most of the time. +1
By Kroktapus on 15 Apr 2020 02:58
Excellent guide. This was my final achievement and i found getting everything other achievement first helped so i knew what to expect, and when to expect it. I also had a good idea of what classes i would be using and what builds i would be using on them.
The one thing that should give everyone hope is that because you are doing this so quickly, the enemies aren't as tough as they would be if you are doing a longer playthrough. When i did a longer playthrough the final battle was horrific even though i was powered up fully, whereas this run through was hard, but not utterly stupid.
My timeline followed this very closely - everything you need to prioritise is listed above, so this an excellent guide that will get you through.
I even fluffed up my proving ground projects - starting them way too late - i forgot they are mainly resources costing, and not cash or intel so i didnt start anything until i was very deep into the last month. My point is that there is a little bit of 'wiggle room' if you make a mistake and some of the secondary stuff - the main story progression you have to hit on time.
By BRANIAC1972 on 25 Jan 2017 06:11
Finished up getting this today using the timeline. Word of advice for me would be focus on getting Intel and your 4 scientist. 4 scientist are necessery ASAP as they're required to do one of the Shadow Chamber research so if you don't have them you'll hit a wall and your at the mercy of RNG for the game to throw one your way.

Intel was the thing that stiffled my game as I needed to go 3 regions out for the "Investigate Codex Brain Coordinates (Recover Psi Gate)" mission which were in the complete opposite direction to the the regions I'd already unlocked for the Blacksite mission. Needing to acquire the Intel to buy regions stiffled my progress towards the end.

Found supplies and even engineers to be a little less of a priority. Only really made power relays and 2 Resistance Comms, upgraded them both and put an engineer in one. Also made a Laboratory to speed up my late game Shadow Chamber research knowing that, once I had gotten my Psi Gate mission location, I was going to be stuck needing Intel for 3 regions so I needed to speed up my research for my Psi Gate and Avatar Corpse
By ninjaraiden2003 on 14 Mar 2019 16:40
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There's nothing wrong with the other solution; I just thought I'd give another take on it, with some of the same tips and some different ones.

1. To unlock this achievement, you must have a near-perfect game, meaning you have to make all the right choices about building facilities, performing research, scanning with the Avenger, and, of course, you have to be flawless on the battlefield most of the time. This means you WILL be abusing the Start Menu to save and load your game progress. If one of your lead soldiers gets wounded, even slightly, you'll usually need to reload and try something different. I know, it can feel like a cheap way to win, but it's actually a very strategic challenge of its own kind, and will take all the XCOM skills you have. If a top soldier has to miss even one battle, things could go south, and even if they don't, that soldier might miss out on getting promoted all the way to colonel by the time of the final mission.

With the above in mind, plan on getting
XCOM 2The UntouchablesThe The Untouchables achievement in XCOM 2 worth 264 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ without losing a soldier

in the same playthrough.

2. Game setup: Choose Commander difficulty, no Ironman. If you have the Alien Hunters DLC installed, DO select it (as in, put a checkmark next to it). If you don't, you'll have to fight all of the alien rulers, and you don't have time for that. If you select it, you'll have to scan for the unique weapons if you want them, but then you don't have to deal with the rest of that DLC. I would leave Shen's Last Gift unselected. That way, you can build a free Spark in the proving ground without having to play the mission. (I didn't enable the tutorial because that automatically fails you for The Untouchables achievement.)

3. You should have auto-save turned on in Options->Gameplay. (It's on by default.) This will save your butt over and over. The game auto-saves just before the beginning of your turn, which means you get to see the results of your turn and then watch what happens on the aliens' turn. If something bad happens, then before your next turn begins, simply go to the Start menu, load your last auto-save (or 1 or 2 saves back), and you're back at the beginning of your turn.

4. Also use manual saves frequently. Trying to control a sectopod or skullmine an Advent? Save first. Trying to take down an archon with a Deadeye shot from your sharpshooter? Save first. Was the hack sucessful? Did you make the shot? If so, save again. Again, I know some players may be turning up their noses at this advice, but do you want to unlock the achievement or not?

5. As for commanding the Avenger, engineers, especially early on, are EVERYTHING. Once you finish the gatecrasher mission, go to the research lab and the engineering lab, then SAVE. Press Y to go to the bridge and see what it gives you to scan. If it isn't an engineer, reload. I'm serious about engineers. You should get 4 or 5 as quickly as you can. Scientists are also important, but you can wait a little while before collecting them. Don't wait too long, though, because there will be a point about 2/3 of the way through where you MUST have at least 4 scientists to proceed. You will typically get enough intel and supplies from missions. Remember that if you have a specialist who does a lot of hacking and skullmining, you can get extra intel and supplies that way.

6. You'll need to rush building the Shadow Chamber much quicker than you normally would. I completed mine on April 20, and I just barely had time to finish the game (1 day to spare). You'll also need to stay on top of Resistance Comms and power. Those three things - Shadow Chamber, Resistance Comms, and power, can bring you to a dead stop, and you can't afford that. The other facilities, like the Advanced Warfare Center and Guerilla Training Center, are nice-to-haves, but not having them won't bring your objective progress to a dead stop.

7. I made three tries at this achievement and was never able to get the Defense Matrix built in time to do me any good, so you should probably pass on that. The Psionic Lab is out of the question. You won't have time to even research psionics, much less build a lab and train soldiers. All of the other facilities are doable. For the record, my facility completion order was workshop (March 16), power relay (March 25), proving grounds (April 3), resistance comms (April 5), shadow chamber (April 20), advanced warfare center (April 21), guerilla training school (May 9), second power relay (over coil, June 13), laboratory (June 28). I don't know whether going for the workshop early was the best way to go, but it worked for me.

8. Ignore the alien facilities and the Avatar counter. The aliens won't finish the Avatar project before July 1 as long as you complete your objectives on schedule. (They obviously didn't hire enough ENGINEERS wink.) Go on all of the time-sensitive missions (guerilla ops, supply raids, etc.) Only attack an alien facility if you have some time to spare at the end and want to see if you can get your soldiers ranked up.

9. Except for maybe your home continent, you probably won't have time to go for continent bonuses. Sorry.

10. Other than the region contacts and radio relays that you need to progress in the game, the only scanning you should do in the Avenger out in the world is for engineers, scientists, Avenger power, comms, and the monthly supply drop. Any other free time you have in the Avenger should be spent back at HQ on Rapid Construction. You won't have a whole lot of chances to do that, but take advantage of them when you do.

11. Keep a calendar somewhere - on your computer, on a whiteboard, or whatever - of your game progress. That way, if you miss the deadline, you can reload from where you think things started to go wrong instead of having to start a whole new game.

And, last but not least ...
12. The achievement should really be worded "Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty before July 1st" or "by June 30," because if you begin the final assault on July 1, you'll get a big fat nada. STATUS CONFIRMED.

29 Oct 2016 18:19

All good advice. Thanks for adding. Especially the bit about the dlc. I don't have any experience with that part of it.
By bryan dot exe on 01 Nov 2016 13:38
If you have the Alien Hunters DLC installed, DO select it.
I did not select the DLC, as in did not put a check mark when starting the game, and still had to fight a boss. Had to start the game over.
By Epsilon Theta on 03 Oct 2018 15:18
@Epsilon Theta you did the exact opposite of what I recommended and got the exact result that I warned you would get from doing so. I don't know how I could have been any more clear about what you ought to have done. Thanks for the downvote.
By Lt Davo on 03 Oct 2018 17:19
Selecting the "DLC" only enables the missions. In the description it says that all enemies, equipment, etc, is active even if you don't choose to enable the mission. So you will have the content anyway, regardless of whether you enable the story or not. Both cases had the same outcome for me.
By Epsilon Theta on 04 Oct 2018 17:21
@Epsilon Theta - incorrect. If you select the DLC, then you will not encounter the Viper King until you begin the first Alien Hunter mission, and you won't encounter the other two rulers until you have killed the Viper King. If you never investigate Dr. Valhen's research site - where you meet the Viper King - then you will never encounter any of the rulers.

If you don't select the DLC, then there are no missions to trigger the rulers, so they can come out against you in any order and at any time.

If you do as my solution recommends, and select the DLC, then you don't go on the Alien Nest missions, you won't get any rulers, guaranteed. You did the opposite of what I recommended and then downvoted, because you didn't like what happened, That's pretty unfair.
By Lt Davo on 04 Oct 2018 18:02
I did not select the DLC and encountered the Viper King in the first Blacksite mission, not having seen any Alien Hunter mission (as expected).
By Epsilon Theta on 04 Oct 2018 19:06
Exactly! You encountered the Viper King because you didn't select the DLC. My solution tells you you are SUPPOSED TO SELECT THE DLC so that won't happen.

DO select the Alien Hunters DLC.

DO put a checkmark by it.

You will NOT see the Alien Rulers if you DO select the DLC (unless you deliberately start the Alien Hunters missions).
By Lt Davo on 05 Oct 2018 00:18
My apologies, I now understand what you mean. The missions essentially lock the enemies from appearing as they are "reserved" to appear first in the missions. Would you mind making that a tad bit clearer in your solutions for people like me? redface
By Epsilon Theta on 05 Oct 2018 06:15
Thank you. I added "as in, put a checkmark next to it." I hope that's clearer? I don't mean to be snotty, but I thought I was already making it pretty clear what to do and am not sure where the confusion came in. But I will consider rephrasing it again if that still doesn't look right.
By Lt Davo on 09 Oct 2018 01:10
I recommend adding "as in, it will only have you encounter rules after you finish their story mission" after you explain what happens when you select it. That is what made it clear to me why selecting the DLC would help at all.
By Epsilon Theta on 09 Oct 2018 15:22
I thumbed up solution due to the tip to about checking the alien hunter dlc. I didn't do it on my first attempt and just got destroyed by the bosses.
By SallyNasty on 05 Feb 2019 17:02
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Works in base game only, it does not in War of The Choosen.

Achievement is quite easy with infinite turn glitch. This glitch works in standard and Ironman playthrough, on any difficulty.
To make it work you have to save game short before you finish last move of your last character after which normally enemy would have his turn and then load that save. You will still have your turn while enemy looses his.
Just be carefull with few exceptions, enemies who transforms from other forms or pop up can still make their move so watch out when you want to trigger them - this applies for Andromedons, Chryssalids and Faceless.

Using this glitch you can even go for all below achievements in same playthrough:

XCOM 2Exquisite TimingThe Exquisite Timing achievement in XCOM 2 worth 418 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ difficulty by July 1st

XCOM 2The Few and the ProudThe The Few and the Proud achievement in XCOM 2 worth 345 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ difficulty without buying a Squad Size upgrade

XCOM 2ValhallaThe Valhalla achievement in XCOM 2 worth 463 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ difficulty in Ironman mode

XCOM 2The UntouchablesThe The Untouchables achievement in XCOM 2 worth 264 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ without losing a soldier

And do another playtrough for Legend as it has larger times and cost required for all research and constructions and there is no way you can beat game on Legend by July 1st.

23 Apr 2019 08:27

oh my god
your description is terrible and doesn't explain how to do it
its technically cheating
but it totally works

By Archer Spense on 04 Oct 2019 04:20
Be careful with this glitch. It caused my save to corrupt on 2 separate Ironman runs. DO NOT have a haywire protocol as your last move as that is almost a sure fire way to corrupt the save, I don't know why it happens, but it has happened to me multiple times on non-Ironman runs.
By L0RDM0NEY0FMAN on 09 Jan 2020 01:56


If you are following the Road Map, then this will be your second playthrough. The game begins on March 1 and you must begin the final mission no later than June 30 in order to unlock this trophy, giving you only four months to complete all of the story missions. You will need to manage your time very carefully in order to accomplish this. Here is an excellent guide for this: LINK

The guide includes a complete calendar playthrough, done in spreadsheet format, which lists each day, research and facility progress and unit status. You don't have to follow the guide perfectly (and you won't be able to anyway, as many events and mission rewards are random) but you can see the author only had about 14 days to spare at the end of his run. I followed the guide as closely as I could and had about 10 days to spare at the end, so there is some room for leeway.

During this playthrough, you must try to ensure that every mission you undertake is flawless or near flawless. "Flawless" means not having any of your units take damage. You need to create an elite group of soldiers who can accompany you into every mission and you will have to make do without any Psi Op units (there is not enough time in this playthrough to create them). Pay close attention to what the author of that guide built and researched and make sure that your first mission scan reward is an Engineer or Scientist. You can afford to deviate from the guide somewhat later on but you want the beginning of the playthrough to be as close to what he does as possible.


06 Nov 2016 12:57

1 Comment
The trophy description is incorrect.
You need to pass at Commander or Legend level
By ndrychak on 27 Aug 2021 22:18
Finished on May 29. He gave up on everything possible - the squad ran around with standard guns and armor until the very last mission (only for this one I bought better weapons). I missed 80% of events on the map - if there was no intelligence or scientist there. After building the testing area and creating the drill, I removed the room so it wouldn’t waste energy. Built 2 power relays and 2 communication stations.
I studied everything from Taigan that does not require eleria or data. Finished with avatar progress halfway through. I tried to get the achievement in the summer - both with and without a bug. In the end, he knocked it out without (it turned out faster). I simply “shone” the map with a scout in invisible, and from beyond the edge of visibility I hit everyone with snipers (2 pieces). It took a long time, but no one was even injured the entire game.

22 Dec 2018 16:27