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Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty in Ironman mode


How to unlock the Valhalla achievement in XCOM 2 - Definitive Guide

OK so there's no solution already on here and I suppose there can't really be a 'solution' for this achievement as such, so I thought i'd post some helpful hints and advice.

The obvious stuff
-Ironman is a game mode where you can only save once. The game will save at certain points automatically (e.g. at the start of your turn during battle) and the autosave option makes no difference. If you fail the game for whatever reason (e.g. Avatar meter being full) you will fail the game entirely and will have to totally restart from the beginning potentially losing 20+ hours of gameplay.
-This can be done on commander or legend difficulty (if you're REALLY looking for a challenge)
-This can be done in combination with other achievements (e.g. only using 4 squad members, not letting a single solider die, etc) but this would only make it a lot harder and more frustrating so i'd strongly advise against it.
-You cannot change difficulty of the game at any point (it will warn you in-game changing difficulty will disable achievements)
-For the love of all that is good don't try this as your first playthrough (even if you've played xcom 1!)

Most important tips
-While you can't 'save and load' in the traditional sense, you can quit the game and reload back up. For example, if you're in a battle and your strongest character dies that you've named after your BFF/GF/BF/whatever and spent hours customising them to make them look super-cool. Quickly pause > hit the guide button > press start on xcom2 > quit. Reloading the game will bring you back to the start of your turn. You'll be doing this a lot.
-Take your time! Don't rush! Yes, some missions are timed but I still found i could take a turn to reload and position units strategically without running out of time.
-This also applies out of battle. Of course this isn't an achievement you want to go on for too long, the longer you take, the worse it'll be if you fail. However rushing the main missions may mean you're far into the story fighting higher tier enemies while you've only got 4 soldiers and tier 1 gear.
-Fight enemies, not armies! Never pull more than 3 or 4 enemies at time, you'll get overwhelmed (especially if game autosaves and you've got 5 half-dead soldiers versus 8 full health enemies). If you go too far forwards in a mission and end up pulling 3 groups of enemies it's probably worth quitting and reloading the game before the game autosaves.
-Hack, hack, hack! Hacking and disabling can be helpful, but hacking and controlling enemies can save your soldiers a great deal of hassle. Firstly, you'll have an extra unit to help you fight, but more importantly if you move the controlled mech unit close to the front of your units, the enemies will target the mech units, rather than your soldiers. Also, hacking the security lights (whatever they're called) can grant nice bonuses (increased supply income or increased hacking skill, for example).
-Say hello to my little friend! Grenades, grenade launcher, explosives in general can be VERY helpful. Not only do they have an area of effect with a 100% chance to hit and armour shredding, but they will also destroy an enemy's cover, turning a 34% chance shot into a 72% flanked shot with 40% crit chance. Very useful.

Less important tips
-Don't forget to gear up well! I did rush a bit too much when I started (as i advised against above) and found myself with low level gear and wasn't hitting hard enough. I would apply this mainly to weapons, moreso than armour (I completed this game using only tier 2 armour, but tier 3 weapons).
- Don't ignore the avatar meter, but don't focus on it. I didn't find the avatar meter too much of a problem, I only had to take down one avatar factory to buy me a small amount of time.
-Engineers are probably more important than scientists at first. Engineers should always be working on something. Usually assigning an engineer to a facility (e.g. resistance comm) is much cheaper and more efficient than upgrading.

General tips - these apply to xcom 2 in general, rather than commander ironman but are very useful for this achievement.
-Try not to let your units die. There's a high chance you're going to lose a unit or 2 early on but hopefully only rookies. This is OK. But once they get a class and have been promoted a few times they become MUCH stronger and losing a high-ranked unit can be very detrimental.
-Linking in with the above point, try to get a solider promoted as high as possible as quick as possible. Some of the higher-promotion abilities can be a real game-changer.
-Shredder! Always have this ability with your grenadier, the armour of some enemies can really sponge some of your shots, shredder will take away 1-3 (depending on your grenadier's weapon tier) points of armour. Also, when possible, I'd recommend attacking first with your grenadier, lowering armour, then using your other units to hit with higher damage.
-Executed! The weapon mod 'Repeater' offers 5/10/15% chance to insta-kill and can be very useful for the last mission. I'm going to assume you know what the last mission is and what you have to do (if not look away now or spoiler!) - kill the 3 avatars while getting swarmed with aliens/ADVENT. Ideally you'll want a superior repeater with 15% chance, but an advanced (10%) may do. Equip the mod to as many soldiers as you can (assuming you have more than 1, i only actually had 1 when i did it and that did enough), this means you have a chance to instantly kill an avatar, assuming you can get close enough. If you don't instantly kill the avatar you can always reload and try again, if you feel you need to.

11 Nov 2016 13:50

Just started this playthrough yesterday, and are we sure it only saves at the start of each turn? I don't know whether I am jumping the gun here, but to me it seems that it saves after each action. Can someone confirm this before I go any further? Thanks!
By BRANIAC1972 on 21 Dec 2016 03:52
It's been a while, but im 99% sure it doesn't save after each action. HOWEVER, there may be certain mission triggers which will cause the game to auto-save regardless of action/turn (e.g. completing an objective, killing/capturing a VIP etc.) Hope this helps!
By OnexWingxAngelx on 21 Dec 2016 09:45
I just finished my Commander Ironman run and I didn't get the achievement.

Edit: 4 hours later when I was playing another game it pops up, thankfully.
By HolyHalfDead on 03 Feb 2019 07:24
Anyone able to tell me how to disable cloud save synchronization? i want to manually control when the ironman save is uploaded to the MS cloud in case i get the "save lost" glitch and end up having to start over.
By count023 on 11 Jul 2019 13:27
Go offline? Cloud saves are usually synchronized at application startup. So you can restart while online a few times when you want to synchronize, and be offline during ”normal” play.
By WhyattThrash on 11 Jul 2019 16:06
Is there a way to force that without going offline? I use the win 10 streaming to get around family using my TV when i want to play console games.
By count023 on 12 Jul 2019 00:35
As far as I'm aware, there is no way to back up your save data from the cloud. I also, had my heart broken by a campaign-ending crash which deleted my ironman save.

Here is my solution:
Play the base Xcom2 game. The War of the Chosen, while generally more fun and polished, contains the 'Lost' enemies. One of the main causes of the crashes has to do with the swarm mechanic for them. During the save cycle, the game gets messed up.

In a regular play through, disabling autosave will eliminate the majority of the crashes. As this is not an option with ironman, just play the base game. The Tower and Alien Nest DLC are OK.

Doesn't hurt to only play a couple hours at a time and keep that Xbox nice and cool, too.
By Gaspizar on 07 Apr 2020 11:39
Counter-opinion...delete the Alien Nest/Alien Hunters DLC (before you start your playthrough as it won't let you play without it if you start a game with it). That Viper King can seriously derail a mission, especially if you are going for Legend difficulty, no deaths & no squad size achieves at the same time as this. He simply hits too hard with his Ruler Reaction after every little thing you do, along with 800 foot long tongue, as well as showing up way before you have the equipment to deal with him.

The Shen's Last Gift is ok though to use.
By Rhyolitic on 05 May 2021 08:08
After some experiments into what triggers an autosave:
- Beginning your turn (not ending it, if you're fast enough during the enemy move you can still quit and reload your turn)
- An exception to this seems to be the last Avatar fight where the game does save after the end of your turn. It still doesn't save after each action though. And you can still reload the save to trigger a more favorable second pod (the first pod for the turn becomes locked in so you're stuck with that one)
- Pausing does not autosave, but opening the ”Load game” menu does! (this could theoretically be abused to save mid-turn after a favorable roll, not that I would ever condone such a thing...)
- Editing and saving your options doesn't autosave your game either, although it does say "save"
- I've seen no evidence that other in-turn actions would trigger an auto-save

Now I would of course never condone save-scumming for an achievement, this was all purely experimental, in the name of science! Of course...
By WhyattThrash on 27 Jan 2019 04:10
I hope you are right my friend! When i started off yesterday it seemed to be doing it by action, and not turn. I am pretty sure i didn't do any of the major objectives in the mission, but i have started my Commander Run without using the Squad Size upgrade so i will go back to my Ironman playthrough when i have done that! I hope that you are right otherwise this just increases the difficulty a hell of a lot! I fear the timed missions will be almost impossible if it is by action because there are times when you are almost forced to move across the map without being able to go into overwatch (i.e. using both actions just for movement).I have 3 achievements left to get - Ironman, Commander without Squad Size Upgrade and the Commander Run being finished by 1st July. On the plus side, i am still enjoying this game but it is way tougher than the 2 Xcom releases on 360.
I will test this when i can, and report back!
By BRANIAC1972 on 21 Dec 2016 15:11
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Works in base game only, it does not in War of The Choosen.

Achievement is quite easy with infinite turn glitch. This glitch works in standard and Ironman playthrough, on any difficulty.
To make it work you have to save game short before you finish last move of your last character after which normally enemy would have his turn and then load that save. You will still have your turn while enemy looses his.
Just be carefull with few exceptions, enemies who transforms from other forms or pop up can still make their move so watch out when you want to trigger them - this applies for Andromedons, Chryssalids and Faceless.

Using this glitch you can even go for all below achievements in same playthrough:

XCOM 2Immortal CommanderThe Immortal Commander achievement in XCOM 2 worth 430 pointsOverthrow the aliens on Legend difficulty

XCOM 2The Few and the ProudThe The Few and the Proud achievement in XCOM 2 worth 343 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ difficulty without buying a Squad Size upgrade

XCOM 2ValhallaThe Valhalla achievement in XCOM 2 worth 460 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ difficulty in Ironman mode

XCOM 2The UntouchablesThe The Untouchables achievement in XCOM 2 worth 263 pointsBeat the game on Commander+ without losing a soldier

23 Apr 2019 08:16

Glitch still works as of 5/3/21. Be aware that during missions with countdowns, the timer still ticks down, even though the enemies aren't doing anything.

Second, turn off the Action Camera (in the Options->Gameplay->Show Action Cam). Seriously, that thing screwed up my timing on Save & Exit so many times. It's much easier to judge when to hit Start with it off.

Third, save scum it. Go offline before every mission, after making sure your save file syncs/updates. If something goes tits up, you can delete/download your save file and try again (very handy if going for The Untouchables achieve, especially with missions involving Faceless).

Finally, TAKE BREAKS. It gets really tiring having to do this after every turn and your timing will invariably suffer.
By Rhyolitic on 03 May 2021 12:09
This explains the reduction in ratio. Is it really an achievement anymore if you haven't had a challenge? At the same time, I get it completely, life is only so long and this way people can move on.
By Vr English on 16 Jan 2020 14:02

If you are following the Road Map, then this will be your third playthrough and is arguably the hardest trophy in the game. In Ironman mode, every decision is final. There is only one save file and it is constantly being overwritten by every decision you make so if you make any mistakes at all, then you have to live with them.

First of all, recognize you are not going to have a perfect playthrough as there's no such thing in this game. Mistakes will happen and the game does seem to punish you for it but not every mission has to be a success for the game to be a success as you can fail a lot of missions and have things go wrong, though still be okay because you will eventually reach the turning point. In every playthrough, there's this moment where you stop playing catch-up with the aliens and start steamrolling them. Generally, this happens once you have a few Psi Op units on your team, you have established contacts across the globe and you suddenly have enough cash to buy all the things you want. There will come a time when the enemies stop getting stronger and you don't. This game was designed to make you work to get to that point but you can do it. The hardest part of the game will be the first few missions.

If you're really worried about this playthrough, there is still a way to save scum. It's a bit more work but you can create a backup either to a USB device or the PS+ Save File Cloud (if you have a PS Plus account) and revert to that if things go horribly wrong in your game. I don't recommend doing this often, as the load times in XCOM 2 are pretty long (even with the latest patch) and it would be tedious to keep quitting the game to overwrite the save file but making a backup at the start of each mission isn't a bad idea.

See the "Tips for Surviving XCOM 2" section of the Road Map for more information: LINK

Here is an exploit that you can use to make this trophy significantly easier: LINK

If during the aliens' turn before completion, you turn off the application (game) and then download it, you can repeat the unsuccessful move... but this takes a long time in terms of downloads. The autosave is written after the moves are completed.

18 Jan 2017 08:50

If you close the game, in order to reactivate the glitch you need to delete your profile data in the game saves.
By ExeQtor_PS on 15 Nov 2018 10:10
There is no need to invent anything about the extinction of the game.
Leave one save during the battle, on a different difficulty level.
Fix the game as described in other trophies for endless moves.
Load your save in terminator mode or start the game (depending on your choice).
That's all!
By LordMINION on 11 Jun 2018 15:35
If you close the game, you DO NOT need to delete your profile data, the bug works without it, just continue the procedure of saving in two slots.
By leu72bc on 05 Jul 2019 00:29
Lord Minion is right. I found a convenient way to call the bug.

First, if you perform this operation, which was written about in the platinum section, during the turn when they announce the call for reinforcements and their landing place (I made a separate save called ~ call), make a save move (called arrival) ~ load, press options (click 6 times necessarily ), thereby postponing their arrival for a turn, then we make an observation to be on the safe side and simply complete the turn, if everything works out, then the opponents will stop moving not only on the next turn but throughout the entire game session, you complete the turn and the enemies stand and do nothing, and this last about 20 seconds, then it’s your turn again, that is, you won’t need to save/load/save/load on each turn, it’s easy to treat, just close the game. And secondly, this bug also works with other saves, that is, we break the game on easy difficulty and load the terminator legend and the enemies there are also inactive.

Video for clarity https://youtu.be/Gb-BhVdsFvk
By Mr_Bazi on 30 Jun 2018 14:30
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If you have difficulties getting this trophy (and they can arise, no matter how well you think through the battle: a soldier will miss 90+% of his accuracy, which is why you will kill someone, then sometimes the game itself will freeze in time is your turn, and there is only one save, so you are in trouble, start the passage again), then I simply recommend playing it safe - before the start of each battle, save and close the game, then send this save to the cloud (if you have a subscription). Yes, it’s a bit long, you’ll have to close the game every time and then start it again. But if you suddenly screw up in battle, then such a safety net will save a lot of time and nerves.

31 May 2020 08:53