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55 Achievements


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Cat Scratch Fever

Cat Scratch Fever

Win ten bets on three-round tournaments at JCC.


How to unlock the Cat Scratch Fever achievement in Yakuza 0 - Definitive Guide

This is a stressful achievement, be prepared to grind out and rage at some of the weird mechanics behind this game, it litereally can feel like playing rock paper scissors with someone who can read your mind...

There's some prep work that seemed to help greatly while chasing this acheivement, which is part of the grind towards 100% and another achievement anyways, so I would strongly advise working the following out first.

As Goro Majima, go to the Dragon and Tiger Sotenbori, you want to start doing Equipment Searches, to the Japanese Blacksmith Village, sending the Japanese Mercenary, giving him an additional 70,000,000Yen makes the timer 8 seconds, which is just enough time to get out of all the menus, then you can instantly turn it in to claim the rewards.

What you're grinding out specifically will be the following.
10 x Ruby
5 x Diamond
and a recipie for "Beads of Good Fortune"

Once you have all that, craft it, this will make it avaiable for Kiryu to purchase from the equivalent shop in Kamurocho.

Now, before starting the Cat Fighting, you want to equip Kiryu with some items that increase his finacial luck, I used the Beads of Good Fortune, the Secret Wallet and the Insulated Shirt.

With all that equipped, it really did seem to increase my fortune at this annoying minigame. Although you won't be successful 100%, it still seemed to be much better odds to me. So onto catfighting.

This will be similar to the other guide to this achievement, where as Jennifer is the go-to gal for betting on, and although I'm not sure it had any effect, betting the maximum every time just to be safe. Also read the ticker, more often than not it will read a negative statement for Jennifer, if that's the case, back out and go again. You want something positive, humming her own theme, students grades increasing, or had a choice steak were the stand out ones for me. Once you see one of those, then proceed to make you bet ad get cracking.

The game itself is psuedo, rock-paper-scissors, except that it's more the AI needs to decide it's going to let you win, there is no rhyme or pattern here, it does what it does, so I found hedging bets to be the better course. I would pick whatever would lose to the opponents weakest hit, and beat their strongest, and this worked fairly well. So the following move set was what worked for me.

Oppenent - Move
Rei (Ninja) - Rock
Sayuri (Nurse) - Paper
Franchesca (Vixen) - Scissors
Maria (Cop) - Scissors
Yurie (Student) - Scissors
Momoko (Hostess) - Scissors
Yuiko (Diva) - Rock

And just hope, there will be occasional rounds where the AI decides it's going to win and no matter what you pick, it will ALWAYS trump you, so be prepared for it to be a little unfair, also keep an eye on what colour the faceoff screen goes, if you see Rainbow colours, be prepared to spam the B button, this can sometimes win a round in a single move. If you don't see rainbow colours, feel free to skip the move to save some time.

If you draw, and you will alot, there is a button bash faceoff, althouth this feels like it's really stacked in the AI's favour, i found letting the AI make 1 spot of ground before I started bashing the button helped some, but there will be plenty of times where no matter how fast you hit B, the AI WILL win no matter what. Just keep going and with a little luck, the odd loss won't matter too much.

Finally, don't throw your controller at the screen when you think you've won, only for an opponent with the 'Comeback' perk to get up as Jennifer is celebrating on full health, only to have her arm broken and instantly lose, it's rare, but oh-so frustrating.

Be patient, and do a few at a time, don't solely pour your efforts into grind these 10 wins back to back. it will feel easier to space out over a few days, there's alot of other stuff to grind out to fill the gaps.

Good luck everyone, I hope this helps some :)

21 Mar 2020 17:03

Used Jennifer each time with the minimum bet. The scrolling news at the bottom was ineffective. I won 5 of the times with bad news for her.

I would say near the end of the fights the ai tended to use their strongest hand, other than that this is luck based and will take some time but definitely doable.
By TenebrousXbx on 30 Jun 2021 22:40
I won 4 tournaments pretty early with Jennifer/Rei; came back a few chapters later to finish it off.

Jennifer has won 1 additional time... out of at least 50.

This is the single worst minigame that I have ever seen, mobile titles have better RNG than this
By ConcreteShark92 on 19 Sep 2021 07:58
With the proper equipment you can turbo the A button and idle boost this. It will always pick the first girl in line which is random for each tournament. Button A cycles through the moves so you will always pick a random one. Also turbo-ing A ensures you will win all winnable mashing battles.
By LordMakanaki on 08 Apr 2020 05:05
I recommend making the max bet before each tournament. Maybe I'm just getting lucky, but I'm having great success.
By TheOatmeal on 17 Apr 2020 02:31
Great guide with helpful tips, but RNG makes this one a grind regardless of what you do. There were a few extra details that I picked up while suffering through this achievement. Hopefully they can ease another person's pain, even if just a little:

Momoko was usually my toughest opponent. So, not only would I make sure Jennifer had a positive message on the ticker, but that Momoko had a negative message as well. Do the same for whoever is your personal archnemesis. I also made sure the bar graph of Jennifer's recent match history looked good.

If purely going for the 10 wins, making minimum bets in my experience is preferable to higher bets. The more money you bet on a fighter seemed to decrease her chances of winning all 3 rounds. But your mileage may vary.

If you're also trying to unlock the CP for 100,000,000 yen in profit, you can bet on fighters with good payouts. As long as you're not facing Jennifer, you can win the first round with a "weak" fighter and then back out to bank the money. Rinse and repeat.

You will tie often during throws, and the button mashing game is definitely rigged. However, I went from losing almost every draw to winning most of them (like 60%) with a slight change in my approach. The "start off slow and speed up" method as mentioned in the guide really does work. It seems like the computer calibrates its speed based on your initial input. Of course, this won't help during draws that the computer is programmed to always win (usually when Jennifer's attack color doesn't change despite your tapping).

The other thing that helped was pulling out and using an old controller. This way, I could really mash the hell out of the "A" button during draws and not worry about damaging anything. Learning how to tap "B" at insane speeds can also end matches quickly with a rainbow attack.

There are two fighters (student and police officer) that possess the comeback perk. This is the ultimate middle finger because like the guide explains, it allows your opponent to outright steal your victory after defeating them. Insanely frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it, especially during the final round. However, I have some good news. If you really tap the hell out of the "A" button during the comeback attack, there is a good chance that Jennifer can fend off their instant kill and preserve your win.

And finally, good luck because you'll need it. Some players report not having much trouble with this achievement, but that's because they had Lady Luck on their side. Not everyone is born with a four-leaf clover, so pray to RNGesus and hang in there. Perseverance will always win out in the end.
By Dresden N7 on 23 Apr 2020 14:36
IDK even without any luck enhancement Ive managed to go from 49mil to just over one billion in like an hour. did 4 tournies, won 3 lost 1 in the final round to button mashing bs. still haven't gotten the achievement tho. Additionally the fourth tourny I did I picked Maria on accident instead of jennifer since I noticed Maria was in a good mood. Jennifer first opponent, max bet, Maria at like 8-1 odds for final. won over 800mil. one thing I noticed was that Maria outfit changed in the first match to a leopard print. is that unusual?
By IKnight485 on 26 Apr 2020 21:54
Do you know of anything that would block this recipe being found? I have tried this so many times and got the gems fine, but the recipe just won't come :(
By LanDi on 23 May 2020 13:26
Unfortuantly, it is up to the powers of RNGesus. I don't think there's any way to deny or help get past that luck wall.
By Lord Von Chimp on 23 May 2020 14:07
Thanks, I'll keep trying!
By LanDi on 23 May 2020 16:21
I read a trick on the Steam forums which seemed to help me immensely. Apparently when you both select the same option and have to battle it out, the computer matches your button mashing speed to begin with which is why you often lose. If you start tapping A slowly then after 2 seconds or so, start mashing at full speed you will likely win. After changing to that tactic I won around 90% of the battles.
By Billargh on 08 Jun 2020 21:57
@Billargh - that actually makes sense. If that could be verified I'd happily chuck that into the guide. Will have to test that when I get a chance and see if it helps, or works like that.
By Lord Von Chimp on 10 Jun 2020 16:55
I've tried the Maria technique and the Jenifer technique for two and a half hours now and not one tournemant win. Have got all the clothing items and am betting maximum each time. Am ensuring they have a positive news feed item.

Fuck this achievement I'm not wasting any more of my life on it. :))))
By FiveWizz on 10 Oct 2020 21:12
You want to bet the least amount possible when going for this achievement, which is 10,000 yen. Betting the max makes it much harder to win because the payout is much larger even when using Jennifer.
By Renegade Sun on 27 Feb 2021 02:36
This solution worked well once, I also wore all lucky boosting items. Rather than trying to constantly get this I'm just coming back to it every now and then. So I don't lose my mind haha
By Myths Armada on 23 Apr 2021 12:40
I want to add to anyone going hard here: Turbo helps, but just a lot of mash prompts are rigged. Don't blow your thumb out trying to mash. I've lost SEVERAL TIMES with turbo
By DigitalAtlas on 07 Jun 2021 22:08
To build on what DigitalAtlas said: after a while I gave up and rubberbanded turbo A. The rng is ridiculous so I went to sleep.

edit: and got stuck in a loop when the special event came up headspin
By Chucklestyle on 25 Jun 2021 05:45
^I'd have screamed.
By DigitalAtlas on 25 Jun 2021 16:54
I read on a separate forum that the Beads of Good Fortune + Head Honcho Scarf help a lot so I tried it out and got me 4 wins in a row with Jennifer. It could have been just dumb luck but I would highly recommend giving it a shot if you are really struggling.
By Chocotaco119 on 01 Jul 2022 16:57
Does ANYONE know if winning the bet against the Gambling King counts towards this? I beat him last night, and I want to know if it's one less win I have to grind out.
By Crater Bob on 15 Oct 2023 23:40
Wasn't nearly as bad as the ratio and comments imply imo. I skipped all the optimization and just brute forced 10k bets with Jennifer; anecdotally didn't notice a strong difference except for the fact that I saved money and time by not waiting for "good rng" which didn't guarantee a dub. Took me roughly 2 hours to get the 10 wins from scratch
By The S bot 9000 on 19 Dec 2023 20:02
With all the ridiculous Achievements in this game, this one isn't in the toughest 10. Yes the rock paper scissors is rng, but the screen shows you what your opponents strengths are so it's less luck than is described here. I had no luck gear at all; simply pick Jennifer, who is easily the dominant fighter, and she wins at least 1 out of 3 tourneys; each winning tourney takes between 5-10 minutes; and if you lose it might only take 1 minute and you start again.
By Daelus1 on 24 Mar 2024 19:50
The most important thing to do to make this easy is to bet the smallest amount possible for every match. I found betting higher does make the matches harder to win. Once I started betting the minimum it became really easy to finish this achievement off.
By Renegade Sun on 12 Feb 2023 14:07
It seems really stupid but I won 6 tournaments in a row with one trick (probably a coincidence but I cost nothing to try if you're desperate enough ).

The trick is: What if the game cheats by reading your hand?

Let's say your opponent's strongest move is rock, chose the losing move (scissors in this case) and at the very last moment, just before your answer is validated, change for the winning move (paper here). It doesn't work each time but I got way more success with this method
By Lianhua on 01 Apr 2023 13:40
That is just one match, not a tournament, so no.

Edit: FYI to the trick above, it kinda works, but eventually it becomes a croc of shit and the opponent reads your hand till you’re dead anyway. How mahjong is so hated (which, for the record, is honestly a blast once you finally understand how to play it) yet this is seemingly not is fucking absurd. There is a trick in regards to the Comeback and Endurance perks however that does actually work, consistently too. Pay close attention to the cutscenes after the opponent is defeated. If you are unable to skip the second cutscene, spam cn_A ASAP. If you did it properly their perk won’t actually trigger and you’ll get the win; it can fail but I’ve only ever had it happen once.

And also, the waiting on the draws is basically bullshit: it only ever works once in a blue moon, even if I press nothing in that initial window.

And also also, be prepared for a LOT of Finals losses, that’s where at least 80% of my losses came from.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 23 Oct 2023 06:20
While the English Teacher is definitely OP on average she isn't the only strong character. The Brazilian girl, the flight attendant and the nurse can all be pretty good. The cop, the diva, the student and the ninja is definitely on the weaker side, even when in a positive mood. Aside from the events scrolling at the bottom, the multiplier matters a lot but mostly the attack color. I get it, it is to make the gameplay wrestling like with all the sudden turns and comeback but many matches can get very frustrating when you only get the weakest attack over and over while the opponent does 25+% damage with every victory.
By HUN playmore on 10 Aug 2020 07:52
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The person you bet on has to win all 3 catfight matches in a row and win the tournament. You have to do this 10 times. It is recommended that you back out and save after each tournament win.

Honestly, this is a heavily RNG dependent trophy to get and you will need to be patient to grind out the wins.
This is the general strategy I adopted to get the achievement.

1 - Bet on Jennifer only when her Info at the bottom of the screen reads as something positive. If not, back out of the JCC club and try again.

2 - I always bet the maximum amount on her. I have no idea if it has any effect, but some people swear by it, so I did it anyway.

3 - I always put the move to counter the enemy's strongest move instead of trying to go for a draw/win on a round by betting on the 2 most likely attacks. I found that if you're going into a tug-of-war button mashing, you're 80% of the time going to lose regardless.

4 - Do not skip rainbow attacks, there is a phase within the attack animation where you can spam B to deal more damage. Sometimes it is the difference between winning the match right there and then, and having to go through one more win.

That's all. It can feel like utter bullshit sometimes but that's how it is. I got this trophy while doing something else on my com so I didn't feel like I was completely wasting my time.

Good Luck!

04 Mar 2020 15:25

is there a counter for this, i am doing 1-2 per day to not completely destroy my gamepad and i think i lost count... i'm sure it will pop at 10, but what if not.. i had a couple glitchy cheevos for chapter progress and hot/cold food
By headXcrash on 13 Mar 2020 08:27
This is one of the most frustrating minigames (and thus achievements) in the game, and that's saying something. I have lost count of the number of times Jennifer has defeated Yurie without taking damage in the Final, only for Yurie to rise from the dead and break Jennifer's shoulder to win the tournament.

When you switch between rock, paper, and scissors, the color flame changes, and I've spent time trying to work out if that's a clue to which attack you should choose for the fighter ... but I haven't been able to work out any pattern. It isn't even a good indicator of how much damage the attack will do. It just seems ... unrelated.
By jrod39 on 16 Mar 2020 21:51
I'd also amplify what ArchDragonrose said in his solution--do something at the same time so you don't feel like you're wasting your time, because this is a pretty annoying achievement. I'm not sure which minigame hate more--this or koi koi.
By jrod39 on 16 Mar 2020 21:52
regarding button mashing, i found it that i have more chance to win if i wait a little before start mashing, opponent usually pushes me back no matter how silly the mashing is, but if you wait a little all you need is to be slightly ahead. again this is not a 100% success, maybe i am imagining it.
By headXcrash on 19 Mar 2020 04:32
The button mashing is entirely rigged. The moment you see the enemy start to come back, you are destined to lose.

Additionally, there is no counter to the number of wins you currently have so you have to manually keep track or just trust in Achievement Jesus to pop your chievo at 10 wins.
By ArchDragonrose on 20 Mar 2020 10:48
I didn't have too many problems with this. Lost maybe 4-5 times on the way, twice because of instant counter wins. My suggestions are to take note of what the AI is playing. If they win on a non top skill, they typically pick those again. I felt like ties were more 50/50, so if they have multiple top skills, pick the one that wins against one and ties against another. A bit of a grind, but not too bad, I may have gotten lucky with RNG though.
By BlinkFandangoII on 20 Mar 2020 13:47
Most cancerous shit I've ever seen in a videogame. Fuck this achievement tbh
By Lighted v on 03 Apr 2020 22:08
so far I have never made it past round 1 with Jeniffer the 3 times I did win the tournament was with maria and won using her rock only, her weakest move.
By STOUTASSASSIN67 on 23 May 2020 06:19
What I did was bet the max amount on maria when she had a good comment on her and ONLY used rock for the entire tournament and won at a decent rate if you look at the numbers under the characters those are the chances of them winning those rounds and Maria consistently has the highest chances to win each round. here's a link to video that is the strategy I used exactly to win all 10
By STOUTASSASSIN67 on 23 May 2020 23:20
Similar to what headXcrash said above, I read a trick on the Steam forums which seemed to help me immensely. Apparently when you both select the same option and have to battle it out, the computer matches your button mashing speed to begin with which is why you often lose. If you start tapping A slowly then after 2 seconds or so, start mashing at full speed you will likely win. After changing to that tactic I won around 90% of the battles.
By Billargh on 08 Jun 2020 21:59
Great guide. I was always so frustrated that no matter how hard i mashed A, i still lost. Fuck this minigame for giving you hope. Your guide helped alot!
By FuzzyWuzzy28 on 10 Aug 2021 15:49
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You have to win all 3 cat fight matches in a tournament 10 times. You can't cash out early after 1 or 2 wins. This is a tough trophy that will take some time.

You unlock the cat fight during chapter 6. You will run into a character who teaches you to throw money away to avoid a fight. He will then tell you about a special place to win money. This is the cat fights.

When you enter the cat fights, you have to pick a fighter to bet on and an amount to bet. Then you will play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and do some button mashing at times to try and help win the fight.

When picking your fighter, read the ticker at the bottom. It will give you a 1 line summary of each fighter. Read each line and look for the most positive sounding one. The ones with better fortune have much more chance to win. To be honest, I ignored odds of winning and strength of attacks and just picked judging on the ticker.

Your bet affects the outcome. I don't know how though. When I went for these wins, I started with 1,000,000 Yen bets and lost a lot. A lot of that was without my main plan though. I did win once with the million bet. The rest of the time I only bet 10,000 Yen which is the minimum allowed. Note that you have to win 100,000,000 Yen in Cat Fights if you are going for the 100%. I got an offer to predict the outcome of 8 fights after a few wins. I predicted each win and got a huge payout. This immediately covered the 100,000,000 I needed so I no longer had to bet big anyway.

Once you decide who to use, the next step is noting down your opponents strengths. The more stars in an attack option, the more chance of it being used. So you want to pick a counter move based on the most likely 2 attacks. If Rock is strongest, then Scissors, then Paper. You should mainly / only pick Rock. It will beat Scissors and have a button mash chance against Rock. I will list out each fighters stats and what I would use:

Francisca: Use Scissors
Rock 3
Scissors 3
Paper 4

Jennifer: Use Rock
Rock 5
Scissors 5
Paper 4

Maria: Use Scissors
Rock 1
Scissors 2
Paper 4

Momoko: Use Scissors
Rock 3
Scissors 5
Paper 4

Rei: Use Rock
Rock 3
Scissors 3
Paper 1

Sayuri: Use Paper
Rock 5
Scissors 1
Paper 3

Yuiko: Use Rock
Rock 3
Scissors 4
Paper 1

Yurie: Use Scissors
Rock 2
Scissors 2
Paper 4

The final step I did was note down every attack they used. I looked for a pattern and occasionally changed my attack. Not too much though, as more often than not, I found they countered my pick. There is no guaranteed win. Once I started using this system, I got 1 tournie win out of every 3 or so. After each win, I would leave and go collect my business payouts and also save. Just to mix things up so I didn't go crazy working on this. It took 3 or 4 nights of trying to get this one.

30 Apr 2017 22:48

For this trophy it is better to choose Jennifer. She has the highest stats for all techniques, and a high chance of immediately destroying a quarter of her opponent’s health right after the gong. Unfortunately, as in most local mini-games, there is absolutely inexplicable randomness at work here. So even if you are superior to the enemy in all respects, it is possible that the computer will consider that it would be necessary to deliver the strongest possible blow, despite all your advantages, simply because.

02 Mar 2017 19:11

I support the addition above, it really works, but there is one thing. The buff does not necessarily fall on one girl from the grid. The following happened to me: Jennifer won at Poker, Momoko (the second girl in terms of stats after Jennifer) returned from a date on the islands. As a result, Momoko carried my Jennifer out without a chance. The next time only Francesca had the buff and I won the tournament in about two minutes.
By znobivay on 11 Jul 2019 14:17
I support the speaker above regarding Jennifer. However, the randomness in this game is not so scary. You just need to understand the mechanics.
1) This is a banal “rock-paper-scissors”. To win, I mainly chose the option that counters the opponent's maximum value. Those. if she had 4 stars for scissors, I took the stone. Yes, sometimes you miss, but this is often not critical at all.
2) If the techniques match (stone against stone, for example) - button meshing begins ( ), which works as strangely as possible. If the enemy wants to - even if you are a Flash with super speed - your clicks will not mean anything at all. Although there was some kind of mistake found for this - skip the beginning of this mashing and let the icon move in your direction. And only after that start jamming . Perhaps this is some kind of input lag, when the game starts to catch the cross only some time after the start of the QTE. Before using this method, in 80% of cases I lost this competition. As soon as I started using it, 90% of attempts were successful. It could be a coincidence, I can't guarantee it.
3) Attacks have 5 colors - white, blue, green, red and rainbow. And the attack power corresponds to this gradation. White - a light slap for a drop of damage, red - a powerful attack for a quarter of the strip. Rainbow is a separate conversation. If you win with a rainbow background, get ready to squash quickly , because Each press will add damage to the enemy. Some opponents can be taken out with one rainbow attack.
4) Jennifer has a starting attack, with which you can deprive the enemy of a quarter of his health from the beginning of the battle. It works randomly, but I got the feeling that pressing buttons at the beginning of the battle contributes to the appearance of this attack.

PS Do not participate in a big game where you are offered to guess all the winners for 10kk. This does not count towards the trophy, you will spend a lot of time on this (if you go to the end), and it will be of little use. Not counting the money, which by that time you will have plenty of.
By Hono-no_Snake on 19 Apr 2017 14:58
I will add from myself:
If the enemy has the weakest attack, such as scissors, always choose paper. Firstly, there is a greater chance of winning the attack. Secondly, even if you lose, the attack will most likely be weak and you won’t lose much health.

If suddenly there is a draw, both have a stone, for example, and you have to squeeze , first look at what color the enemy's attack is. If the color is white, then it is better not to take risks and do not press anything. It's better to lose and take little damage. Otherwise, during the collision, the enemy’s color may change and you will receive more damage, because Button mashing is also random, it is not a fact that you will win the attack.
By DeadPool on 08 Dec 2019 16:23
I read that if a character has a joyful event, this increases the chances of winning. These events are displayed on the running line below (in the menu where you select a fighter and place a bet). Since Jennifer is the only fighter for whom you can at least somehow complete this “masterpiece of game design,” we catch events about her. Among the good ones, I noted (I will write in Russian, because I don’t remember the exact spelling in English): I won a big bet in poker with my friends (I’m glad, because I tasted a delicious steak), my grades in class improved. So, we catch one of the phrases indicating the good disposition of her spirit (not all were indicated) and hope for luck.
I caught a phrase about poker, as a result: winning the tournament in 1:45 with a bunch of rainbow attacks.
By Ahav on 15 Apr 2019 17:04
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The fastest way is to bid above 10,000,000 yen. With high stakes, you will win every third tournament. While I was betting ten thousand, I suffered for a very long time

22 Nov 2023 19:18