Yakuza 3 Remastered

Yakuza 3 Remastered

50 Achievements


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Ultimate Challenger

Ultimate Challenger

Play all rounds in Ultimate Match mode after beating the game.


How to unlock the Ultimate Challenger achievement in Yakuza 3 Remastered - Definitive Guide

Ah yes, the return of Climax battles from Y0 and YK. This time however, they are slightly simpler than in the previous two titles I mentioned. These are bonus short battles that usually require you to do a certain fighting related thing, and sometimes under a certain time restraint. Such as defeat every enemy or chase down mack etc. They are available once you complete the games story. Some of the ultimate ones will unlock as you complete the previous ones. There are various levels of power which kiryu has in these, dependent on the match. The most powerful being Legendary Dragon, having maxed out stats, and the weakest being Masked Dragon, a barebones lv.1 kiryu. This achievement only requires you to play every Ultimate Match, in order to do so you have to get all the way so you have Ultimate Skill 5 unlocked and have at least attempted it. Some are pretty grueling but overall they are easier than the ones encountered in previous games.
Here is a link to a great page that will run down each and every match, the specifics, and strategy to use, also there’s a video link a little farther down the page:


All credit to CyricZ for the guide. I also recommend the rest of his guide as well if you need help with something in the game.

If you want a video version running down each one melee through ultimate skill, here’s one. It’s long, but one of the top comments has timestamps:

The hardest and most grueling due to many factors like time and challenge are the ultimate matches. These are all the boss fights from the main story and IF7. You must beat every boss chronologically and you regain a little bit of health after each one. The later ones can go for almost 30 minutes so make sure you have free time and patience because once you fail, you’ll start straight from the beginning. The best help is to know each bosses patterns and when they become vulnerable. The best attack to generally use against bosses is (X) (X) (X) (Y), this one has kiryu finish his strikes with a heavy overhead double axe handle, this will almost always break the block and do a bit of damage, in some cases it may knock them on the ground. However, it depends on each boss on what the approach is. Also always use the hells gauntlet heat finish, it does the most damage. Final tips I have for ultimate matches are to use Tiger Drop (RB + Y) and Tiger Parry (RB +B) and to seldom use heat actions because they do little damage and take away from ur damage factor.

Here’s a video by Devilleon of him running down Ultimate Match 5:

04 Feb 2021 18:19

Cheers and thanks for the info. I don't get why the negative votes
By Reineldinho1981 on 16 Feb 2021 10:41
Oh, and Challenge Match 9, with Ultimate Mack? That rivals the car chases on Legend in Y0 and YK for sheer frustration.
By jrod39 on 28 Feb 2021 17:26
Hey Jrod, I’ll add a little more to my solution in regards to the ultimate match line, as the guide I provide offers 0 strategy for the individual bosses unfortunately. Cyricz guides are great but I’m sure some detail would help in that department. To clear up the complete and what not, yes you have to beat every ultimate mission, it doesn’t matter if you get a C or an S on it, but you do have to beat every single one.
By XxXTheAIRNESS23 on 28 Feb 2021 17:40
Thanks XxXTheAIRNESS23 (can I just call you Airness? :)). I just cleared UM2 (I had *this much* health bar at the end--holding fingers a millimeter apart) so I'm moving on to UM5 now. Wish me luck. :)
By jrod39 on 28 Feb 2021 22:45
So, ummmmmm, the achievement just unlocked after Majima destroyed me in UM5. So it does NOT require you to beat every ultimate mission. The achievement description is actually accurate here--it unlocked after I returned to the Ultimate match menu after losing to Majima (the fourth boss, I think).
By jrod39 on 28 Feb 2021 22:56
I can confirm what jrod says. I let opponent #1 in UM5 beat me, I didnt even bother attempting that endurance match. Achievement popped immediately after my loss. Thx jrod.
By Rickr304 on 10 Mar 2021 00:20
Thanks for the reply Rickr, i am gonna edit it with that final caveat. Im still mixed about it because if i recall correctly i did not receive mine until i finished UM 5, but you & jrod are stating differently so it is definitely worth noting.
By XxXTheAIRNESS23 on 10 Mar 2021 00:44
Just wanted to confirm that you do not have to beat Ultimate Match 5 to unlock the achievement. Unfortunately got too greedy with Mine at the end but it ended up unlocking for me after returning to the menu.
By Hunkymunky5 on 20 Jun 2021 05:23
Yep, unlocked after attempting and failing ultimate match 5 as others suggested so you can get away with not completing that one!
By Djshep on 30 Sep 2021 01:03
So do you need to complete every match, or play every match? I'm hung up on Ultimate Match 2 (just can't get to Mine with enough health to survive very long), and the idea of having to run a much longer gauntlet in Ultimate Match 5 fills me with whatever the exact opposite of warm fuzzies is. But the wording suggests that simply playing UM5 unlocks the achievement, and I've seen a few posts online which suggest that--but I've also seen some which suggest that you have to complete it.
By jrod39 on 28 Feb 2021 17:25
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This is intended to compliment TheAirness' general guide, I wanted to give more specific information in regards to some of the Ultimate matches which may not perhaps be available on the video posted. Hopefully this may also help people who want to get S rank on all for the War God Talisman accessory. I've also included a little tip for Ultimate Mack in Challenge Match 9 at the end.

Ultimate Match 2 -
Firstly, remember that you start with 3 weapons in your inventory. As soon as the first fight against Kanda begins, get out your Kali Sticks and start attacking. Just don't stop, the standard Kali Stick combo appears to stop you from being stunned, which is Kanda's whole deal. Even if he manages to grab a bar stool, just keep attacking. In no time, you'll get to the first cutscene where he pulls the decoration off the wall. Make sure to do the QTE to dodge and gain heat, then go back to being unarmed. Make sure you have at least blue heat active (You can back off and hold RT for more heat if you don't quite have enough.) and wait for him to swing the large object at you. You should get a Heat prompt as he does which will activate Essence of Self Destruction, this will cause him damage and instantly destroy the object. After this he'll hunch and stop attacking, do a XXXYY combo, two if you can. This will make him pull the second one off the wall, do exactly the same again with that one for more easy damage. At this point, a single punch should be enough to put him into the finishing move, it probably won't quite finish him but if it doesn't don't worry because you will immediately go into the crazy "throw him onto the bed" event that'll completely destroy him.

Pull out your Tonfa and just keep attacking. The Tonfa you are given doesn't appear to lose durability unless you use it to do a heat move or block, and it has a very high durability as well so you can basically treat it like it has infinite durability. Just keep attacking with it doing just the standard combo, no strategy required. Majima will block a huge amount of course, but it doesn't matter. Just keep going, you will win with minimal damage. The only thing I would suggest is to use any heat you gain to stomp him or use the tonfa special.

After the last two matches, he's really surprisingly easy. You'll want to be behind him as much as possible, so dodge early and dodge often. You'll find he will very often end up firing in completely the wrong direction for ages with his dual pistols, giving you plenty of time to pull out the faithful XXXYY combo. Juggle him whenever you can and he'll go down quick. The shotgun he pulls out is a little more tricky and it can knock you down, but it doesn't do as much damage as you'd think so just be really aggressive. You can try hiding somewhere in the room if you don't want to face a particular weapon, he will often change weapons when left alone. His rising kick can also be a tricky one, but as long as you dodge early he'll probably miss and thankfully it doesn't do much damage either. There are also heaps of items around the room you could hit him with, but be wary of using them as the AI will usually knock them straight out of your hands if it can.

Here we go. Definitely the most difficult, but hopefully using the above tactics you'll get to him with plenty of health. I've seen it mentioned that the nunchaku work well against him, but it doesn't work for me at all so i'd suggest sticking with being unarmed. This fight is all about keeping an eye on his heat levels. When he's in normal mode, just be aggressive and use good old XXXYY to deal damage, hopefully you'll knock him down and can occasionally use a heat-stomp on him. If he glows blue he doesn't seem too much more difficult, I suggest just keeping up the attack on him. When glowing orange he seems much more capable, you can continue to attack if you feel confident but he will be much quicker to react and will hit harder so be careful. You'll probably want to think much more about blocking or dodging here. Once he goes into red mode, immediately stop attacking! Don't focus on him with RB either, just break away completely and repeatedly roll around the area with AA to dodge-roll his crazy fast attacks. His range is huge as well so don't think you're safe to merely run away. After some time, he'll go back into normal mode and you can resume attacking. Bear in mind that once red mode ends the first time you'll be put into a QTE, be successful on this and you'll do some damage plus get some heat. Unfortunately it won't happen again the next time he ends red mode so make the most of it. Be patient and you should be able to bring him down. If you find you're getting hurt a lot, then don't attack him at any time other than when he's in normal mode to hopefully cut down the damage.

Ultimate Match 3
I found this one incredibly difficult, although I don't see many complaints online about this one so maybe it's just me. Remember that this is VR mode and you can't use heat actions at all. Anyway, here's what worked for me:
Lau Ka Long x 3
Straight into the deep end on this one. Bear in mind that damage is shared between all three of them, so you don't need to focus on one over the others. Unfortunately, this also means you're stuck fighting all three of them through the whole thing. Try to keep moving, they like to gang up on you if they get too much of a chance and they will likely stun-lock you for a while. If you run away from the group, you can bait the unarmed and claw ones into doing a weird flying kick which can be Tiger Dropped. I managed it a few times but wasn't particularly good due to the odd angle they come at you, but if you're an expert with Tiger Drop then this will end the fight very quickly. If you're like me and can't pull it off, then start throwing. A lot. If you can throw one into the others all the better, the shared damage makes this very effective. You'll no doubt be interrupted when trying to throw, but keep trying. If you can get one alone for a second it can give you a chance for an easy throw. Watch out for the spear one, the long range can catch you out. Try to throw each one of them in turn if you can, they will automatically counter your throw if you attempt to throw the same one twice quickly.
Joji Kazama
Throws also work pretty well against Joji. Keep an eye out for when he changes his fighting pose, it means he'll counter any normal punch or kick against him but throws will still work fine. Also, when he does his body switching thing, wait for a second or so then go for a throw. However, do it really slowly, by the time you actually complete the throw your bodies will have switched back and the damage will count. It'll also save you from having to avoid attacks while switched. Other than these two things, there isn't a huge amount of strategy to Joji, and if you've gotten this far you clearly know what you're doing!
Kazuma Kiryu
Really hard (unsurprisingly) but more for the time limit than anything else. I was unable to get anywhere near beating him without being able to land a few Tiger Drops. There isn't even really much else you can do against him other than tiny bits of damage here and there. Irritatingly, the long QTE won't finish him either, and you'll likely be racing for that last bit of damage. You just really, really need to land that Tiger Drop.

Ultimate Match 5
A lot of the harder ones will have been covered in Ultimate Match 2, so you should be ok with those ones now! Thankfully you are equipped with the same weapons as you were in UM2 as well so the same tactics work here. Remember that you automatically get S rank just for getting though this, so take as long as you want and don't worry if one fight takes a fair amount of health from you as you will partially heal each fight.
I won't cover all fights, a lot of them should be pretty easy. A few fights which could be tricky which you didn't do in UM2:
Lau Ka Long
This is the normal version of the boss, where you fight just one form at a time which should make it a lot easier than the triple-threat in UM4. You can put some distance between you to build heat, which will allow you to use some of the items at the edge for good effect, but you can afford to be aggressive here and shouldn't come away too badly. The claw form thankfully goes down very quickly.
Joji Kazama
This will also be the regular version rather than the body-swapping VR guy, and is ridiculously easier as a result. Having access to heat moves makes a massive difference here. He loves to counter, but rarely attacks so just spend time filling your heat with RT then either use one of the chairs to do a heat action or do Essence of Rolling by rolling towards him with AA and mashing Y. Repeat!

Be warned, despite what you may think, Mine is not the final fight in this challenge, you'll also do the fights from Ultimate Match 4 as well. They aren't too difficult, but just be ready for them. Remember that you still have the weapons equipped if you need them. I found the Tonfa useful against Kamiyama, just be really aggressive as you were with Majima.
Special mention goes to:
This guy can be completely impossible or laughably easy depending on your approach. If you try to attack him he will go completely berserk and will likely put you on the floor in seconds. The trick is to do the same thing you can do against Joji - spend time building heat with RT, he'll almost never try to stop you (and if he does it's minimal damage) then do an Essence of Rolling to damage him. Keep doing this until he goes down!

Extra Special Non-fighting Mention
I also have to mention the horror of Ultimate Mack in Challenge Match 9 - he's so, so difficult. You'll probably have already checked out CyricZ's guide for a few tips (once again - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/239455-yakuza-3-remastered...), but one thing that really gave me issues was that Kiryu would randomly stop sprinting at points, ruining the attempt. I found that by fully holding forward on the left stick and steering with the right stick, this was greatly reduced. If you have the same issue then give this a try (and good luck!)
(Also, don't be an idiot on Challenge Match 1 and attempt it without thinking to press RT. Yeah.)

22 Jun 2021 18:28

I don't see it mentioned anywhere but any time you are playing with the Legendary Dragon loadout you can heal yourself indefinitely (except in VR). It only takes time but thankfully you only have to pass the matches so the loss of time doesn't really matter. This is a huge help for Ultimate Match 2 in particular where it is already hard to get to Mine with a considerable amount of health, not to mention beating him with his huge damage output. This might work outside Ultimate Matches but the rest is relatively easy and short. To keep it short:
One of your abilities is allowing you to slowly regenerate heat when your health is flashing red. This means if you can run away from the opponent you can recharge yourself. The other ability you have is (if you have at least the long heat bar) you can press both analogue sticks at the same to heal a bit. So in the case of Mine you just fight him until he the flashing part then run away from him in circles. Try to keep as much to the edge of the arena as you can and he can never hit you with his flying kick. When you regenerated heat then heal (you don't have to stop running!) and when he misses a flying kick you can turn around and begin beating him up. If he beats you down again then run away and repeat. I strongly suggest running away when he is in orange or red heat mode because he can stunlock you long enough to kill you.
By HUN playmore on 16 Dec 2021 12:16
thanks a ton! the mack tip really helped!
By TheAlterPlace on 07 May 2022 18:40
You're welcome, glad that worked for you as well!
By Ashley6200 on 08 May 2022 09:58
The mack challenge took me a while, I noticed the camera angle was my issues like running into invisible barriers, lucky to get him done after a hour of trying that was the 2nd hardest challenge I had the one I'm stuck at now is UC 4 with the VR on the last battle, can't get that tiger drop or parry 😭
By iTzDanski92 on 07 Jul 2022 17:21
I'm with you, I really, really hated the VR fights. The lack of Heat and the weird quirks they introduce gave me loads of trouble. I really wish I could give you "one weird trick" for the Kiryu fight, but it really does just come down to landing Tiger Drops. You've gotten pretty far already, so I know you are capable of this. Keep trying, you can do it!
By Ashley6200 on 08 Jul 2022 07:01
Confirming that you don't need to finish the last one, just playing it and Failing it will unlock the achievement.
By Mathiw on 20 Mar 2023 03:20
Absolutely, yes! If you don't care about the War God Talisman accessory then you can start up the last one, immediately lose and get the achievement without the hassle.
By Ashley6200 on 20 Mar 2023 09:49
Ultimate Match 2 caused me the most grief and using the weapons above didn’t work for me, I used no weapons at all, and focused on XXXYY, grabs, tiger drops and essence of rolling - this helped me do it, worth a try if you are also struggling :)
By Warlord Ethan on 09 Mar 2024 18:22
I'm impressed you could beat Majima without weapons, I remember I was absolutely and completely terrible without the Tonfa cheese strategy. Nicely done! Outside of that fight and the very start of Kanda, yeah, good old faithful XXXYY is the best way to go.
By Ashley6200 on 11 Mar 2024 20:03
Health isn’t too big of an issue for the Ultimate Matches tbh: if you end up going into critical health just wait for the Heat gauge to fill the first bar and then press cn_LS and cn_RS to heal yourself. It’s not much but the room of error that it enables is so severe that most of the Ultimate Matches are basically free as long as you don’t get reckless.

As for Ultimate Match 3…
Lau Ka Long and Joji: Try to focus on aggression and grabs, cn_B grabs if you can for Lau, and always for Joji.
Kiryu: Focus on triple cn_X double cn_Y combos; if he retailiates input cn_Y while guarding, and then do a cn_B grab. When he gets up, input cn_RB and cn_Y: he typically (or always, idk) attacks right after he gets up. If you can get one Tiger Drop in and use cn_X cn_Y cn_Y combos to keep him down afterwards you shouldn’t need to worry about the timer.

Also, try to get a little Heat before doing a Super Finish: for whatever reason it takes longer to charge it up here, making it barely possible to do so from an empty gauge. Even a smidge helps making this easier to do.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 11 Feb 2024 02:51
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The point is that you just need to play all the matches, it would not even be necessary to win, but due to the fact that the last match opens only after completing all the previous ones, you will have to get at least some rank in them. But you can simply launch the latter and immediately lose and the trophy will appear

14 Mar 2023 12:13