Crypt of the NecroDancer

Crypt of the NecroDancer

61 Achievements

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Flawless Victory!

Flawless Victory!

Aria Low%. Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.)


How to unlock the Flawless Victory! achievement in Crypt of the NecroDancer - Definitive Guide

I can't give an exact solution based on the randomness of dungeons. I can however, give some helpful tips to help you on your way.

First I must mention that this is a real pain no matter how you look at it. It will take practice and many failed attempts. You are only allowed one mistake with aria in this run, whether that be taking a hit, missing a beat, or generally anything else that breaks your coin multiplier. The second mistake is game over. Furthermore, you aren't allowed to pick up a single item or use any shrines. Not even bombs or a new potion. The only thing you are allowed to pick up is gold. Well, and your dagger after you throw it.

For starters, you should take aria into boss practice and practice each of the bosses up to zone 3(or zone 2 since aria works backwards), along with the Golden lute, until you can do them semi consistently. You will most likely not make it through by luck alone. I will try to outline a bit of my strategy for each. I will be labelling them in arias zone order, not the traditional scheme.

Coral riff 4: This is probably the easiest boss through all zones. I like to start near the left so the water tiles end up to the side instead of the middle or all over. Pay attention to which minions are coming. If it's drums, hit up and down. Keyboards hit left and right, the other 2 come at diagonals, so jump over, hit one, and leave the other alone. I usually jump in one of the water tiles to get rid of it between minions. After the first rotation they come at you in groups of 3. One you should be able to jump to the side and hit one without issues, the other group of 3 appears at 3 of your 4 diagonals. If you jumped the right way where you are next to only one, hit him. If you jumped between 2, just get out to safety. Now the remaining minions rush you along with the boss. Take out the minions but be aware of corals aoe damage. For coral himself, line yourself up so you are jumping backwards at the same time as him, with a forward jump after to close distance. Once he's 2 tiles away jump in for the hit. When he's down to his last heart I usually just chuck my dagger at him to risk as little as possible. Remember to pick it back up.

Coral riff 3 and 2: Basically the same, just minions and coral have more hearts. Makes the minion/boss rush a bit tougher but still doable. If minions group up with him and it's not safe to hit them, sometimes you can line them up with the boss and throw your dagger to take them out and hit coral and pick it back up before coral gets to you again.

King Konga 4: Make sure you're ready for the irregular beat. Hit 7 beats and break for 1. I always use my bomb on his throne. For this one you can jump straight up the middle, skirt the tempo up, and be aware of the bat. Either hit him if he gives you the chance, or play to the side he's not on. Usually for me that's the left. Jump up and place your bomb in the top corner next to his throne. From here it's a bit of a game of chance. I rush the ghost on the left and kill it quick before starting on Konga. However, Konga spawns randomly, and sometimes it's right next to the ghost putting you in a bad situation. Use sideways jumps to let Konga approach you for the hit. Don't jump towards him unless there's 2 empty squares between you.

Konga 3: More consistent for me. No ghosts to chase you, just some armadillos that commit to a straight line once they see you. Same Strat, bomb the throne and finish him.

Konga 2: This one can be tough depending on the enemies that run from and chase you. I take out the fire and ice minions, then the fire dog, then head for the throne to bomb it if the chasing minions aren't close. If one is you can push him to the corner and get to his 1 square diagonal. From there if it's the one heart guy you can lead him to the throne, drop the bomb, hit him, and run. If it's 2 hearts you'll have to do the same, but with hits on the Konga line to draw him in instead before bombing the throne. Another Strat you could use for the chasing enemies(goblins. Looked it up after.) Is to throw your dagger at them. You'll just have to do it twice for the gray one.

Death metal 4: His beat is fast so be prepared. So I like to start on the ghosts with this guy so they're not chasing me the whole time. Lure them in and kill them quick away from death. Once he's alone draw him in for some side hits. Takes 3 to drop his shield. He moves every 3 beats. Once his shield is down you need to be on top of him hitting him as quick as possible so he hopefully doesn't spawn many minions. They're confuse wizards, and they're not the easiest to deal with at this speed. Once he's down to 2 hearts you can take your time. He hits the whole horizontal line he's on every so often, so just dodge it up or down while moving in. Go in for a horizontal attack after one of these. Vertical attacks he can slash you while you're moving in.

Death metal 3: IMO the easiest version. Minions are clones that mirror you. Don't bother with them, just stay away and get your hits on death. Keep going when his shield drops. Since the clones are still alive, he won't spawn new minions.

Death metal 2: Not really difficult. I start by going for the elemental beetles. Once the shells gone hit them once, jump back, hit 2 more times for the finish. Or just jump, hit, jump, hit, jump, hit. When they're gone handle death like usual. I believe he spawns yellow skeletons. Not a huge threat. One hit is all they need to leave you alone.

Deep Blues 4: This guy I can't give much advice for. Minions are chess pieces which move as such, with the exception of the queen who moves one square every turn, and can hit you at diagonals, so you have to position yourself so that doesn't happen. It's a fairly random setup everytime for which pieces move first. My Strat is to jump 2 squares into the room then to the left wall. From here hopefully the pawn has moved forward. Jump up and hit him, then hit the knight on the right, then the queen. I like to get rid of the other knight asap. They have a way of making life difficult. From here it's best to take out the pawns quickly. Preferably from the side, but do what you have to. If you're on a diagonal when one moves you're getting hit. Prioritize the ones closest to the bottom so they don't become queens, but be aware of the rooks and bishops closing in. Hit them if you have to. Once the minions are dead the king comes after you. Use sideways jumps to let him approach like Konga. You very well might have to improvise and handle this fight in a different fashion depending on which pieces decide to move first.

Deep Blues 3: Same Strat as 4, just has a couple red pieces that take 2 hits instead.

Deep blues 2: Same Strat, but half the pieces are red. More can go wrong here since enemies won't be dying in one hit, leaving more openings for others. It's more important on this fight than the others that you focus on killing those pawns before they become queens. 2 heart queens suck, and if you get 2 next to eachother, you're probably screwed.

The Golden lute: If there's any boss you want to be pretty consistent at, it's this guy. Getting to him and losing will leave a bitter taste in your mouth to say the least. This guy has 10 hearts I believe, and you can only damage his head. He moves his head every other beat, and his body every 8 beats or so. Your goal is to hit him once to confuse him, then hit him again to do another 3 hearts in one hit. However, everytime you hit him, it offsets you from his head and you have to hit an enemy, his body, or one of the arrow pads to get in the proper position for the second hit. I strongly suggest the arrow pads. Also, either when you hit him the second time, or about 10 beats after the first hit, the confusion transfers to you. Be prepared and handle it accordingly. Now once you hit him 3-4 times, he will spawn 2 dragons. One green, one red. Sometimes you can get lucky and lure the red dragon into one of the periodic fire blasts from the statues, but you'll probably have to take them out yourself. Once they're gone, resume your attack on the lute. Once you get him down to one heart, every statue will fire in sequence from the top down. I suggest jumping left and right until it hits the row above you, then jump up and finish the lute if you haven't already.
Now. If you aren't getting the second 3 heart hits in, I believe a point will come where you get confused again, and he will spawn more sets of dragons. I advise you try not to let this happen. I've never seen a second dragon set in all the times I've faced him.
The other factor in this fight is minions. There is a coffin in each top corner spawning minions. You can try to take them out, but that comes with its own risks. Pray for skeletons. Wizards aren't terrible but be aware of their wind spells. The real pain is the horsemen. They can and will end your run if you aren't prepared. Alot of times you won't be lined up with them so you'll have to hit an arrow pad to get into position. If you ever get a yellow skeleton, either from a coffin or horseman, you can just hit them once so they jump away headless, and you won't have to worry about that minion for a bit.

Now that you know the basic way to deal with him there is a way to kill him within 30 beats, but it's situational and depends on a few things. To start, you rush up and jump in front of him until his body jumps forward. If you get a horseman and he isn't trapped behind the lute, abort and do it legit. If he is trapped or its other minions, hit the head after his body moves, then his body, then his head. Now you're confused for the next 10 steps or so, so push down a few times to rush him and get another head hit, another body hit, then opposite of his head to hit his head again. Dragons spawn and minions start closing in but don't panic. Your still confused for 2 more moves. See where his head is and press the opposite direction to jump in front, then down to hit it. Your confusion is over. This is the other sketchy part. If you have a potion it's a guaranteed win, if not you may have to improvise. With confusion gone, press up to hit his body, then hopefully hit his head right after. If he doesn't put his head next to you, and you have a potion, you can jump over, take the hit, and finish him. If you don't have a potion you should probably retreat and deal with his minions. The lute jumps forward in the next move or 2 so you don't want to be there. He will be at one heart so the statues will start firing and maybe take care of the minions for you. Finishing the lute this way leaves you almost in the statue blast zone, so do a side jump or 2, then jump through the blasts, or jump down first to read it and play accordingly.

In addition to all the bosses, you must also be able to handle all zones and their minibosses. I advise practicing a few of the minibosses as well and any enemies you may struggle with. Most notably the mommy, and the red and blue dragons. Maybe the banshee and ogre as well just so you're prepared.

I would also like to cover some general tips for enemies and zones.

- play it safe. This isn't a race, and impatience will oftentimes get you killed.

- if terrain allows, always dig horizontal first, especially in zone 4, so you're going vertical with the miniboss in case it's a dragon.

- anytime you enter a new room or dig a new wall, jump back. Usually there will be enemies just on the other side waiting to jump you.

- if you can use traps to take out enemies safely, it helps to do so. You don't need gold here so you're only making it easier on yourself.

- if something seems a bit overwhelming, don't be afraid to retreat and regroup. Better to lose 1 min playing it safe than 10 min trying to be a hero.

- enemies like to group up in ways where it's not really safe to attack. Try to divide and conquer rather than take them on together. Sometimes you can hide around a corner and lure them around it one at a time.

- be aware of 2 and 3 heart enemies, and know that you have to hit them on their offbeat and jump back.

- be especially careful around ice and fire tiles in zone 3. Hitting enemies while standing on a fire tile will cost you, as will pressing a button while sliding on ice.

- it may be worth your time in zone 3 to kill the chasing enemies if they get close so they don't sneak up on you while you're trying to work on the miniboss.

- if you know a skeleton or horseman came from the coffin, try to leave it as a headless skeleton so you don't have a constant stream of enemies coming from it while trying to get to the stairs.

- zone 2 is often pretty dark in places. Be mindful, and don't rush things. You've already passed the worst zones, it's painful to lose from here on.

- while zone 1 is largely the easiest zone, don't take it lightly. They put the wall spiders here, and if you're not careful, they will end your run. Learn how to jump back and forth till you get an opening to move in and break the wall and kill him.

- do not underestimate any enemy. Leaving even the most basic enemy behind can come back to bite you if you're not careful. I advise taking out basically anything that chases you. Even bats in most cases.

- learn how to prioritize enemies. Generally fastest to slowest, i.e. eagles that jump 3 squares->horseman/pixies/shove monsters->skeletons/wizards->fire/ice elementals->golems->blobs.

- zone 3 is generally open, and half the time you will be attacked from all sides from the start. Be prepared, and handle it as best you can. I've had several rounds where it seemed near impossible to make it past the initial rush alive.

Hopefully the info here can help somebody. This achievement is not easy, even with the knowledge of how everything works. It will take practice, patience, and maybe even a bit of luck. So good luck to you.

14 Dec 2018 15:19