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How to unlock the CUBE FINAL WORLD COMPLETE achievement in DEATH BY CUBE - Definitive Guide

I discovered that there were 2 secret characters in the game that I didn't know about after I got the achievement for completing all the worlds,. I decided to write a guide because these two secret characters makes things so much easier.

World 1 - World 6 (IO- Ollie) are pretty straightforward that you'll eventually get. A few of the tougher ones taking a few+ tries.

I can't tell you how to play but I can recommend a few characters:

High Risk: When you need a bit of range and need to score a lot of points. Dies in one hit and has a poor dash so you have to adjust to that play style. Very good for points, good for base destroying.

Dash: When you need to run and snipe the enemies hiding from behind. Long dash = great for running, stunning and killing. Great for points, horrible for base destroying.

Homing: When you need to hold an area and the enemies aren't instantly trying to rush you down.

Spread: When you need to camp in a corner and the enemies are rushing you down. Needs a few multi-kill upgrades to shine so hopefully you get them in time. Great for base destroying.

Safety: When you need to live a little longer. Contrary to what the in-game tool says, its basic weaponry is decent.

The two secret characters (see below)

Stay away from:

Base Master
Extreme Shooter
Secret Characters Only Unlocked With Codes
(I got this from GameFAQs, so credit it to the site)

At the Upgrade Screen Press the following:

Unlock LOSS - Black Robot Hold LT > Press RT > RT > X > Y > X
Unlock SELIS - Pink Robot Hold RT > Press LT > Y > X > LT > Start

Each character is a hefty 6500 coins but its worth the cost to decrease the amount of headache you'll end up going through if you don't.

Character specialties:

Both Robots can get "upgraded weaponry" unlike High Risk but it requires so many upgrade power ups that you're very unlikely to see it.


I am LOSS.


Weapon is a laser sword with a length of 2 in-game background cubes. (Short Range)
Each kill within range gives x2.0 multiplier. (High Risk gives x1.0 per kill)
Max Dash is half of Stage 1-1 Top to Bottom aka its pretty good.
Health is about similar to most of the bots. (High Risk dies in 1 hit)

For any level where you can close the gap on the enemy, LOSS is ridiculously good.



Weapon is a rapid fire medium range laser. The damage output is low but pierces through enemies.
Each kill within range gives x2.0 multiplier. (High Risk gives x1.0 per kill)
Max Dash is about 90-95% of Stage 1-1 Top to Bottom aka its very long. The biggest problem is that SELIS cannot move unless she is dashing.
Health is about similar to most of the bots. (High Risk dies in 1 hit)

She is a pretty poor character but has potential in a few locations.

World 7 is where most players have troubles in this game.

Here are my character suggestions for each stage for the achievement. You'll have to look else where for some of the gold strategies.

7-1: LOSS

Reason: This level is a 2 min base survival mission. His 2.0x score makes hitting the 2,000 for bronze a breeze so you can focus on stalling the match and surviving easily. His sword pierces through walls as well and his dash can close the gap on enemies if need be. I got gold on this level without even trying with LOSS.

7-2: LOSS

Reason: This level is a 4 min base endurance survival mission. His 2.0x score makes hitting 10,000 very quick and easy so you don't have to worry about scoring AND surviving. Dash behind enemies and take them out while they focus on the bases.

Around the 2 minute mark, the only things that spawn in are bullet spammers so if/when you have the score requirement satisfied, you can camp in front of the base to keep its health up indefinitely while they shoot it. The one thing that you'll have to do is make sure to press and hold the shield button to catch bullets to prevent a good portion of the bullets from hitting the base. I usually let go at late 2, early 1 before repeating the process because I've had times when I let go at 1 and the game still decided to blow me up.

7-3: Either SELIS or High Risk

It is a toss up. SELIS is much easier to deal with the cubes on this level while scoring high but High Risk has a easier high score capability once the cubes are dead. The only thing that makes High Risk a high risk is that he dies in one shot aka misdash or unlucky break. The thing that makes SELIS a bit of a risk is positioning yourself so you don't blow yourself up while destroying the exclamation marks for high points with the high multiplier since you can't walk like other characters.

Personally, I think SELIS is easier for Bronze but High Risk is better for Gold. You "could" use LOSS but the only way you could do it is to dash at the very moment the exclamation mark blows up or you will die.

IF you really don't like any of the choices above, Homing also works if you're willing to play a little chicken. You'll get enough for Bronze/Silver.

7-4: LOSS:

Reason: Scoring enough points without being overwhelmed is the problem. LOSS's 2.0x score multiplier is a godsend. The long dashes help you get behind most of the enemies and take them out easier and his laser sword is good at destroying bases.

The big problem is the alternatives:

SELIS does not have enough damage output.
High Risk is too flimsy against the bullet shooters.
Homing is too slow at scoring
Spread doesn't have enough range.
Dash isn't very good at destroying bases.

7-5: SELIS:

Reason: With SELIS, you can dash into each of the 4 bases and stay safe to everything but the circular exploding guys. Her Laser shots are just long enough to hit enemies outside of the base so you can rack up some multiplier while shooting each base. Its just too easy this way.

7-6: High Risk:

Reason: Easy level. LOSS's range is too low and SELIS's mobility is too much of a problem.

7-7: Homing:

Reason: Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Start with Holding RT at the start of the level. The small enemies will swarm you while bullet shooters shoot at you. The bullets you rack up in your shield will kill the small enemies for you and rack up a good multiplier to start with. Let go before it blows you up. From there, start using shooting and kill everything. You'll want to dash so that the enemies target the decoy while you shoot them with homing shots either close up or within range. Stay close to the decoy to get the best benefit from it. Be very careful not to walk into the range of the exploding enemies and you'll find this level won't be too bad.

If you don't like Homing, LOSS has a stronger start but is a bit riskier to use overall.

16 Jul 2013 01:22

1 Comment
This is a very good solution. It really helped me out a lot. The only levels I'm having issues with are some of the Survivals. I tried using the 2 hidden characters for it but neither seem to be ideal for the Survivals. The closest I can get to a Bronze Medal in those levels is with the Safety robot.
By ClockKingRM on 31 Aug 2015 01:03
This is probably the last achievement you'll get, since all other achievements can be obtained without completing the game. It's also the hardest if you're planning to get it through money obtained from medals gained.

You must unlock all worlds and levels to obtain this, plus get atleast a bronze medal for each level. Worlds and Levels cost money (Chips). Each world contains 4-7 levels.

Worlds: 32.750Ch
Levels: ~46.600Ch
Total: 79350 Ch

Ways to gain chips:
Killing enemies: Even when not passing a level, you'll still get a small ammount of chips for having killed enemies.
Gaining medals: You can get Bronze, Silver and Gold on each level. Giving you 1.000Ch for each medal you get. (you can't unlock the same level medals twice)

Since this game is hard I doubt a lot of you will get this achievement, but if you're up for the challange you'll get this with some patience and lots of playing. If you can't get through a level, try another character. "Spread" can kill lots of enemies quick and "High Risk" automaticly gives you a +1 combo for each enemies you kill (other characters need to confuse an enemy first).

Boosting method:
You normally won't get a lot for just killing enemies. But there's a way to get lots of Chips in a short time.
Playing level 4-1 (Elio's World) you can get 650Ch every 10 seconds. Play as the "High Risk" character and just simply kill all the large cubes.

I'm guessing the high Chip ammount is a glitch/bug, since the ammount of Chips you get is insane, so this boosting method might not work when you're reading this guide.

05 Nov 2011 16:04

I can confirm as of Feb 22, 2012 that the boosting method here still works.
By hunterIV on 22 Feb 2012 20:47
Don't know why this got down-voted. Still works today. toast
By VixyNyan on 07 Jul 2013 03:53

Earn at least a bronze on every stage in every level, not a lot of tricks here just remember to use appropriate characters for the right levels.