DOOM 3: BFG Edition

DOOM 3: BFG Edition

59 Achievements


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Evil Nightmare

Evil Nightmare

Complete the RoE campaign on Nightmare


How to unlock the Evil Nightmare achievement in DOOM 3: BFG Edition - Definitive Guide

This Achievement is probably the hardest of the single player bunch. You must first beat RoE on a lesser difficulty to unlock Nightmare difficulty for it. When you do, be aware that your health will constantly drop down to a maximum of 25 points. Also important to note is that ALL health packs have been removed from the game (with the exception of wall mounted units.) Unlike the other two campaigns you don't get a Soul Cube at all during this venture, so you are going to have to have to use The Artifact you find at the beginning wisely. You can have a maximum of 3 charges for the Artifact. Don't use your primary save with less than 2. Save your charges. Do not use them unless you absolutely have to, in order to beat a particular area of a level. However, if you find extra corpses laying around you can go ahead and use charges if you want - just remember not to accidentally blow up any of them or you can't get the charges.You never know when you might need them. Outside areas seem to be one major glaring area that I remember they were almost a must have.

About those wall mounted health stations: What I did with them was only used them to get back up to 25, as it would simply just go back down. If I had extra at the end of a level I would go back and max it out then run to the exit as fast as possible. This might help you save a little bit of frustration during the beginning stages of the next level.

My first advice, as with any DooM 3 Nightmare campaign is to maintain at least two different save files, as autosaves simply will not suffice. Make sure you have a primary save file and only save on this one when you have at least 25 health and hopefully full or close to full armor. You can use a second save file for risky saves where you have less than the amounts above.

Starting from the beginning, you will want to use your pistol on the lost souls that come flying at you. If you crawl under a nearby rock, you can find a shotgun that will help you out later on. Always search an area for extra ammo, weapons and armor before moving on. Even with 125 armor and 25 health, some things can 1 hit kill poor doom guy - This is NM after all! Later on you will find a grabber, which I would recommend having on hand for small enemies like lost souls (flying burning skulls) and cherubs (winged baby bug things) and trites (white colored spider things) as it will 1 hit kill all of them and often save you a lot of trouble or a dead Doom guy.

It is worth mentioning that the grabber can be quickly equipped by pressing right on the D-Pad. Not always first though. The D-Pad right actually toggles between grabber and fists. And as annoying as it is, EVERY time you go to a new level OR reload a save it defaults back to fists, so you have to reset it. Not having this setting right can mean the difference between life and death for the Doom guy on NM. Remember the objective here is to not get hit as often only 1 hit takes you down and then you have to reload the game again.

Also make sure to save a little bit of ammo for each situation. It helps to have grenades or rockets for the Z-Sec zombie soldiers, as they will cause a lot of trouble during their brief appearances. The chaingunner is the much worse variety of the Z-Sec type undead, so save some for him too.

Do not forget to collect every PDA and unlock every storage cabinet - most usefully being Sarge's Double Barreled Shotgun storage case - Which, might I add is useful to have equipped in most situations because if you run up to an enemies faces and blast them - most lesser demons will go down in one hit if aimed right. This is very useful when they are spawning in, as you can get the jump on them. You will notice there are not very many imps in this campaign. They are instead replaced by the tougher and deadlier enemy called the Vulgar. Vulgars are everywhere in this campaign. And I recommend the Double Barrel at close range for them in most close situations.

Revenants (skeletons) are a pain. Make sure to save some plasma gun ammo for them, as it can destroy their projectiles. Rockets and grenades are sometimes effective too, depending on the situation.

Don't forget to save some MG ammo for those long range fights, as it is the only weapon with good accuracy at that kind of range and only when fired in bursts. The Chaingun can serve a similar purpose but only at medium range or on larger enemies.

Now, at one point you will find a BFG 9000 aka The Big F'n Gun. I believe the first time is near the end of the campaign by climbing underneath the tram tracks at the beginning of a level. My reccomendation here is to SAVE THAT BFG! Don't use any ammo until the very last boss fight with Maledict / Betrueger. Trust me - you are going to need it. You may find one or two extra BFG Cells, but that's about it.

Another new enemy in RoE is the Bruiser (huge thing with a TV screen on its face) and IMO is probably the toughest of the bunch. You don't have to deal with them as often as other demons, but when you do - it's best to have some sort of plan. That plan really depends upon the environment you meet one in. Sometimes it seems that the Artifact is almost the only way to take them down. It's good to save some heavy ammo like rockets for these things as you don't get much of a chance to dodge their rapid fire arm cannons. If you can manage to get in and away fast enough with a Double Barrel, well it is a tactic that can work sometimes.

Now, on to the BOSS FIGHTS.

You will face 3 Hell Hunters. The first of the 3 is the HELLTIME HUNTER. First things first: Make sure you have your grabber equipped before you jump down to fight it, as it is the only weapon you will be using for this battle. This hunter likes to fly around rather quickly and throw fireballs in your face. It also has a special attack where he throws a whole bunch of fireballs at you at the same time. The key here is to look the fireballs and not anything else when he is doing so. Otherwise, one or more will likely end the Doom guy's adventure rather quickly. The single fireballs can be either dodged or deflected with the grabber but will NOT damage it. Another thing this boss loves to do is fly right up in your face. Run away and strafe him as fast as possible, as it's one hit and you're done in this case. In order to defeat him you must use the grabber to grab the blue energy orbs that fly out of the two machines on the left and right side of the room. Remember that it goes in a left, right repeat order. The faster you hit him with these, the better chance you have to survive. Just don't forget to dodge or Doom guy is toast. Upon besting this demon, you will receive your first Artifact charge - Helltime - which slows down time kind of like in the F.E.A.R. games but much slower.

The next boss you will face is the BERSERK HUNTER. If you are following this guide, then this fight should be quite easy in comparison to the last one. Before you enter the fight, equip your Artifact - hopefully you have been saving those charges and have 3 - it helps. Even if you don't, there are bodies scattered around the area. The strategy is simple: as soon as you see the demon's chest light up turn on hell time (the artifact) and take our your double barrel shotgun. Run up to that area point blank and unload. Be careful, as he likes to jump. If you run out of charges take out your artifact and use the corpses in the area to recharge it. Repeat this process and the battle will be over quickly. Upon defeating this boss you will receive the Berserk ability whenever you use your artifact. This lets you kill all enemies except bosses in 1 hit by punching them. Use it to your advantage when you need to.

The last of the hunters is the INVULNERABILITY HUNTER. This hunter likes to use the surrounding electrical units to charge up and then proceeds to either blast you with fireballs or rip your head off. Make sure as usual to have your artifact equipped before you enter the door to fight him. When the fight begins, use the artifact and start fighting him (I used the Chaingun which has extra ammo laying around in the corners of the room if you run out. When he goes to recharge you will need to run up and click a green button to open up the electrical chambers (the order is 2, 3, 4 so look for the right numbers) and fire your weapon into the electricity to blow it up. I prefer to use my artifact while doing this to avoid being destroyed. You will probably run out of charges during this fight, but don't worry as there are more corpses around to recharge the artifact in this room barring you don't accidentally blow them up. After you have done this and all reactors in the room are blown up, he will no longer be invulnerable and you can unload your chaingun or whatever you picked to end this fight. As always, make sure to doge and sprint-strafe. When you defeat this demon you get the Invulnerability charge added to your artifact, which is very useful indeed.


If I heard hype about this fight being hard, I'd have to say the hype is true. Hopefully you have done what I said and saved that BFG and have max ammo for it on this fight. You may want to take the time and make sure to get through the level beforehand with 25 health and max armor by utilizing your saves - it helped me anyway. As usual, before entering the portal make sure you have 3 charges on your Artifact and have it equipped. This took me many tries, but the strategy I worked out goes as follows. This boss has only certain situations when he stays in the same spot at one time. One of these is when he is perched up on the big skull thing. This is where you unload on him with the bfg and can get multiple direct hits. Note that when he is perched here, it is one of his most dangerous attacks, as it rains down hellfire and brimstone on Doom guy and is very very very hard to avoid. Another time although not as good is when he is on the opposite side hovering (you have to time it right.) Always use the Artifact for the invulnerability and Hell Time during these parts. There are only 2 corpses to recharge your artifact. In counting that means you get a maximum of 5 charges. Chances are eventually even with full BFG ammo you will run out. I mostly did single BFG shots at Maledict and did not bother to charge up in case I missed and also didn't want to waste too much time reloading. When you do run out of ammo, I found the chaingun or even the MG (which has better accuracy) could finish him. Try rockets if you want, but they tend to miss terribly once Hell time runs out. Just remember not to waste an artifact when Maledict is flying around too fast to hit or not visually present. His fly over you and burn with fire attack is the only one that can be somewhat easily dodged imo. It may take a few tries. It may take an extra save or 2 midway through (don't overwrite your main ones) but eventually you can best Betrueger.

I don't write many guides, but I noticed that one had not been written for this particular cheevo, and I hope the information here is enough to net you it. Please leave me any feedback or anything you think I should add in the comments.

14 Dec 2012 21:20

Not to sound dickish but I think your guide is making this seem a lot harder than it actually is. I'll admit it's a pain in the ass without the cube, but Betruger is a push over. All of the enemies have the same amount of health as they do in every campaign. What I did for Betruger was shoot him with long range type weapons until he perched on the rock, then unloaded the BFG. He went down on the second perch, and I never got hit once.
By Fooga on 30 Mar 2013 17:34
I agree with Fooga, Betruga is a pushover. All you need to do is shoot him with the chaingun until he perches on the rock. At that point use the artifact and unload the BFG. You only need to do this twice to finish him off. There are two bodies to the right of his perch if you need the charges.
By shelbygt5252 on 12 Jul 2013 01:37
So, uh....just finished doom 3. Not looking forward to those lizard type dudes that throw blue plasma. That's really all I'm worried about. Gonna be a bitch.
By PhilTheStampede on 25 Feb 2014 06:51
Wasn't that bad. Just had to save a lot. Really missed that quick-save feature from the original. Not to mention some parts of the game were missing, but that's a whole other thing.
By PhilTheStampede on 01 Mar 2014 21:56
After trying various methods, I looked at Fooga's comment and got it 1st time. Only used Rockets, 2 Artifacts (Hearts) and about half of the BFG ammo. +1
By FoolsAndKings on 18 Nov 2014 20:59
Glad I could help! wave
By Fooga on 19 Nov 2014 00:30
Yep, Guide makes it sound harder than it should and what's worse withhold these informations:
"On the Nightmare difficulty, the Artifact will already be fully powered, but it will still be unusable until the player defeats the Helltime Hunter. Also, the artifact will no longer absorb the powers of the other Hell Hunters, instead after killing one, the Artifact will become fully charged. " taken from the Doom-Wiki
By HerrKätzchen on 10 Aug 2016 20:58
+1 to everyones comments, Betruger is a total pushover
By SONofGIANTS610 on 27 Jun 2018 19:01
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Julz D makes this sound a lot harder than it is. The artifact is in fact much better than the Soul-Cube. The reason for this is that you have access to all upgrades after defeating the first boss. This means SloMo/Iframes and berserk-mode from the very beginning.
This is especially helpful against the Revenats. Cause, holy fuck, there's dozens of these shitheads. Which brings me to the point that you have to learn to spawnkill these guys with the Sawed-Off as you won't have access to the plasma-gun for the majority of the campaign.

And that's about it. If you finished Doom3+Lost Mission on Nightmare you should know how to deal with most situations.

Make sure to abuse the save-function. You have at least 15save-slots. Use them to reverse your steps if necessary.

I've played through RoE once before attempting Nightmare and got through it without running into any kind of major trouble.

Also; if you haven't already, collect all PDA's. None of them spawn any extra-mobs.

And to make sure you don't run out of ammo or have to pass on the Sawed-Off

Storage Locker Combinations
Locker Number Code
028 516
029 516
105 769
407 937
408 937
034 134
035 134
042 714
009 492
116 634
117 634

Other Codes
Display Case in Sarge’s Office 428
Security Core Bridge 281

11 Aug 2016 22:58

Note: The difficulty trophies stack. Nightmare is unlocked after completing the game on any difficulty.

This is not extremely difficult but rather time consuming due to excessive saving. However, every second or two your health will drop by 5 until it reaches 25. Don't bother trying to keep your health above 25 when trying to survive. Here are some general tips:

  • Save, save, save!: The only way you could make Nightmare difficult is by not constantly saving. You should be saving after every single enemy that you kill. You should never enter a room with out having saved, nor should you last over one minute without saving. This makes Nightmare into a game of Trial and Error, when you die you'll know what to do next time in order to get passed the bit you're on. As you only have 25 health, a single hit from an enemy can kill you.
  • Cover: There isn't a cover system in this game but you can hide behind walls and such, then pop out and shoot the enemy and go back behind the wall. This is very effective against the demons which use long range attacks, e.g Imps. Don't get up close and personal though, as most enemies will lunge at you. The enemies with guns will kill you almost instantly, make sure you run back to cover and wait for them to come to you and then shoot them to avoid damage. The shotgun up close will kill them in one hit most the time.
  • Artifacts: Use the artifacts whenever you can, these will allow you to slow down time at first. As you progress through the story you will kill more of the demons which will grant you additional powers for the artefact. To be able to use it you have to equip it then hover the crosshair over a dead human body, it will then absorb the 'soul' and give you 1 use of the artifact.

This is the second achievement for Nightmare difficulty, this time however you must complete the Resurrection of Evil campaign. Please refer to the achievement “DOOMed Nightmare” for more specific tips for Nightmare. This campaign is probably harder than the base game’s campaign is.

This time around, you will obtain another artifact different from the Soul Cube, this one being the Bloodstone. The Bloodstone is also referred to as “the Artifact.” It is basically a floating heart that grants you unique abilities such as invulnerability and slow motion which you will unlock through natural storyline progression. This artifact is crucial to defeating the bosses in this campaign as well as completing Nightmare. 

Note that the Artifact does not restore health this time and it can only be restored by ways of health kits or med stations. The Artifact, unlike the Soul Cube, is recharged with human souls instead of Demon souls. One great thing however, on Nightmare the Bloodstone will already be fully powered and usable (possess all three abilities) once you defeat the Helltime Hunter. Defeating bosses on Nightmare just results in the Bloodstone to become fully recharged.