Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

35 Achievements



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Get Off My Lawn

Get Off My Lawn

Successfully stopped 50 Raider Attacks



How to unlock the Get Off My Lawn achievement in Fallout Shelter - Definitive Guide

Raider Attacks are a specific random event that happens occasionally during regular play. It's very obvious, as an alarm will begin blaring (as with any negative random event) and you will see the scum running down the path to break down your door.

During this siege, the raiders will begin depleting your resources. These attacks will get progressively more violent and difficult to defend against as you get more dwellers and defeat more raiding parties, but luckily I seemed to easily defeat them as I got around 15 armed dwellers to fight back.

The main defense is arming your dwellers. You can do this by selecting them and giving them weapons and outfits to help combat the threat. You should work on equipping everyone in your vault at all times, this will help against any kind of disaster that may occur and will keep your storage from filling too quickly.

The Raiders will move from room to room, attacking anyone in their path (excluding pregnant women and children, the saintly knights they are). From my experience so far, they will not stay in a room if there is no able-bodied resistance in the room with them. They will stay to fight whoever happens to be in the rooms they enter, but will only stay for a short amount of time until they decide to move on, regardless if they killed anyone or not.

The raiders move from floor to floor, before reaching the bottom. They will fight in the last room that has warriors and then they will flee. If you do not kill them before this happens, the Raid will not count as stopped.

You can put well armed dwellers in the first room of the vault, called the Vault Door room, to assign them as guards for Raider defense. In my case, I do not worry about it too much. I have (at the time of writing) 30 dwellers and all of them are armed decently well, so the raiders never make it more than 5 rooms into their siege.

If you want to check your progress, there is a counter under the stats page for Raider Attacks Stopped. It's located under the "Cumulative Since (Current Date)" header in the Stats page.
External image

External image

EDIT: I have been playing on the Windows 10 version of the game, and have been idle'ing for some of my Raider Attacks, which seems like a decent way to farm them. Note, that if you idle you run the risk of multiple random events damaging characters, with the result of some of them dying in raids or fires, ect. Keep an eye on the vault when you hear the siren blaring.

Also, it would seem that the more vault dwellers you have, the higher likelihood that you get a different assault, albeit from Ghouls or Deathclaws. This will unfortunately just take more time away from you, and I don't know how to exploit Raider only attacks as of yet cry

People are recording Feral Ghoul attacks as low as 40 Dweller population, so you might want to try grinding this achievement out with >40 population before going for the higher room achievements.

09 Feb 2017 10:58

Yeah on the wiki it says that death claws start showing up at 60
By Seitzz on 12 Feb 2017 04:14
This is gonna take so long.
By ATCS on 09 Feb 2017 17:29
I've got almost 18 hours logged in the game, and I'm only just at 15. Unfortunately I can't find anywhere that states a way to make these events occur more frequently cry
By guns vs kittens on 10 Feb 2017 00:27
Even though the stat section says "cumulatove", it seems to be specific to one vault, instead of across all vaults as I had hoped. That means all 50 have to happen in the same vault. =/
By risseless on 10 Feb 2017 00:39
So I didn't think this one was going to be that bad. But then I started to have Feral Ghoul attacks at higher levels, which just means this is going to take even longer than I had anticipated.

Oh well, it's a fun game. But this achievement really sucks, as you only get raider attacks when you're sitting watching your vault and that's perhaps the least interesting part of the game.
By ALollz on 10 Feb 2017 16:01
i get attacked by raiders all the time i have over 60 (my windows 10 achievements wont unlock due to a program i have on)
By OhhJustBQ on 10 Feb 2017 16:54
Made it to 6 percent, now I am getting mostly ghoul attacks... darn lol.
By GrimaceTheGrey on 10 Feb 2017 18:34
I noticed the more I advanced through the game raider attacks have been replaced with Deathclaw and Ghouls so I'm assuming there is something with the amount of dwellers tied to them popping up more frequently.

Also this achievement is soooo fun waiting for the eventual random attacks to happen jeez.
By finallife6 on 11 Feb 2017 23:59
what I've been doing is I'm playing the game on Windows 10, while also playing Witcher 3 on Xbox One. It seems both games can be played at once, so I'll update the guide to say you can just idle on Windows 10 if you want, though it's not recommended since your vault might be wiped at higher levels due to the random events that could hurt people.
By guns vs kittens on 12 Feb 2017 02:16
I'm leaving my vault at under 60 people until I get this done and over with.
By ATCS on 12 Feb 2017 04:06
^is that confirmation that under 60 dwellers will always have a better chance at raider attacks?
By Sev22suff on 12 Feb 2017 04:13
Well time to start kicking people out. Got 20 to evict
By Sev22suff on 12 Feb 2017 20:02
Lucky you, I had 180...took forever
By Seitzz on 12 Feb 2017 21:49
So under 50 = raiders? Thats for sure?
By Markyshizzle on 13 Feb 2017 00:18
Well time to start kicking people out. Got 20 to evict
By Sev22suff on 13 Feb 2017 00:54
I dropped mine down to 39 dwellers just to be safe and I have only had raiders attack.
By Sev22suff on 13 Feb 2017 02:32
I have a population of 41 right now and I'm getting feral ghoul raids. I'd move population to under 40 to be safe. I might have to evict a couple people until this pops...
By VegaDark541 on 13 Feb 2017 07:49
God this Achievement sucks ass need a good way to boost this lmao
By Im Revv on 13 Feb 2017 23:57
The wiki also says that raider will increase in number the more caps you have. But it doesn't say if that will increase the amount off attacks. But this information might be useful. I'm gonna hoard a bunch of caps and see if there is a increase. Even on a high level vault 80+ dwellers.
By ssippiee on 14 Feb 2017 00:14
I've got over 600k and I'm still not getting attacked.
By Dub86Nut on 14 Feb 2017 00:32
Definitely try and get this without going over 60 dwellers. I was getting plenty of Raider attacks and once I hit 60 and Deathclaws started coming I haven't had a Raider attack since.
By Edweirdd on 14 Feb 2017 05:02
You actually want to go under 40 and mole rat proof your base, or go under 30 and mole rats won't spawn either. 60=deathclaws, 50=radscorpions, 40=feral ghouls, 30=mole rats, under 30 would be just fires, raiders, and radroaches
By Seitzz on 14 Feb 2017 06:03
I have had raider attacks after 60+ they just take forever. But you have a change to get feral gulls and death claws and all the other shit that can cause a incident. So that only makes it take even longer.
By ssippiee on 14 Feb 2017 09:32
@Segendary, you need mr handy's
By Seitzz on 14 Feb 2017 13:38
You should just wait till you've got the other achievements in the game and then downsize your vault to 38 dwellers and maybe 5 or 6 rooms
By Seitzz on 14 Feb 2017 15:27
If you are progressing through the game and stumble upon the "kill X amount of raiders unarmed" which rewards you with a lunchbox, do not unequip your dwellers as I did. I got this objective at around 85 dwellers and after seeing maybe one raider attack since 60 dwellers I got 3 in a row once this objective was active. Unfortunately the numb skull I am I went for the prize. Guess Ill just have to downsize. Just something to look out for.
By EnigmaticShadow on 14 Feb 2017 16:46
I destroyed my vault almost entirely, left only a dozen rooms with 29 dwellers and 3 floors, and haven't been attacked by anything for the whole afternoon. There has to be a minimum amount of rooms to have, or maybe more dwellers, I'll try again with two extra floors first.

Also dont't make the mistake I made by strenghtening the front door, the upgrade cannot be removed and I read somewhere that it diminishes the frequency of the attacks.
By OlivierL57 on 14 Feb 2017 18:25
This sucks..I'm at 50 raider attacks survived, yet the xbox app shows 42%, when I click on the achievement it shows 54%...yay xbox
By Seitzz on 15 Feb 2017 02:32
You should add to the solution that is a known fact that if you leave the radio broadcasting to the wasteland you increase the chances of raider and deathclaw attacks. I'm currently at 120~ dwellers and still getting a decent amount of raider attacks. The rest is perfect :)
By DMDias on 16 Feb 2017 12:30
Dub86Nut said:
I've got over 600k and I'm still not getting attacked.
Well there's that theory out the window
By ssippiee on 18 Feb 2017 23:56
Can this achievement be done through multiple vaults? or does your progress reset if you have a second vault
By BIGwoody181869 on 20 Feb 2017 00:43
Yeah Ive had my game idling for 22hrs and have yet to get a single attack.

Edit: Ive removed all but 40 dwellers and 6 rooms and Ive had a significant increase of attacks while idling. Ive had 3 Raider and 2 Feral Gouls in about an hour.
By HeavyMetal ZMBE on 21 Feb 2017 00:35
Animal with objective completition bonus works. I have x3 completition bonus, and each raider attack counts as 3.
By CubusPL on 21 Feb 2017 17:50
I have 43 dwellers currently and just had a Raider attack.
Ghoul attacks seems to be more common but it looks like you do not have to evict.
By LeiChat on 22 Feb 2017 12:31
I had around 115 dwellers with 37 attacks stopped. I hadn't had a raider attack for idk how long. So i decided to evict down to 40 and still nothing. I evicted 10 more with 7 rooms total. I've had 4 attacks in one hour now
By GriZzly GRiP on 22 Feb 2017 22:29
This has glitched on xbox for me at 94% and game stats say I have stopped 53 raider attacks. :( has this glitched for anyone else or hints on how to fix?
By HannersWho on 23 Feb 2017 05:16
Decided to take it up to 74 pop count, had a few Deathclaw attacks just to confirm random events weren't broken on that vault save. Got sick of waiting so took it back down to 57 dwellers. Been playing for hours afk, sending a few off on quests etc, still nothing.

*Edit: Just done a 6hr afk session, returned to game and no progress on raider attacks, wtf.
By AG Bucky Barnes on 23 Feb 2017 09:46
My caps is maxed out at 1,000,000 and it has been for a very long time. Raider attacks seem to just be random. I've had 2 within 5 minutes of each other, while I've also had none within 2 hours. It's completely random, you can idle it on your computer while you do something else or play something else. Just make sure when you hear the siren to go back to the game and make sure you heal anyone that's near death. It's not too bad. I'm at 975G now and only at 27/50 Raider attacks so I have a long ways to go.
By VRETENAR 906 on 25 Feb 2017 02:09
Stuck at 86% and had 51 total raider attacks. maybe I need to cut back on the number of dwellers in the first room the raiders come into - the raiders seem to die too quickly
By Robster80 on 27 Feb 2017 03:25
This achievement sounds likes it acting glitchy for a few of us from reading the comments - I've got 50 raiders attacks now and my progress is still stuck at 48% :(
By GHOST INS1DE on 04 Mar 2017 15:33
Anyone got a solid afk method? Does the amount of power/food/water matter? How should I have my vault built etcetcetc.

Typing this I just got a raider attack with 10% happiness, power and water were in the red. Got a couple of well equipped guys in the door.
By InkyPaws on 10 Mar 2017 11:39
I went to work for 8 and a half hours, came back and still nothing, not a single raider attack all day, annoying as shit to be honest
By TheWelshHunt on 10 Mar 2017 16:54
Also, going on what inkypaws said, does anyone think that the amount of resources matter? for instance when its ful, do they tend to attack more because theres something to attack? rather than having nothing so its pointless for them to attack, or am i over thinking this? Lol
By TheWelshHunt on 10 Mar 2017 17:10
After similar experiences of leaving the game idling whist at work with zero raider attacks as opposed to being at home and playing Far Cry 4 on the xbox and Fallout Shelter on my W10 laptop next to me and clicking on resources to collect THAT this game requires a certain amount of activity ( mouse /button clicks per x minutes) to stay 'active'
By GHOST INS1DE on 11 Mar 2017 05:31
Might be worth setting up a macro to collect resources. Shall look into this later..
By InkyPaws on 11 Mar 2017 10:01
I have a solution but I'm not sure I can post it. Resources do matter. PM me if you want it.
By InkyPaws on 11 Mar 2017 18:00
I couldn't add pictures, BUT I did take a screenshot of an actual raider attack with 100 dwellers. So it 'is' possible. It just is mostly unlikely for it to happen.

We'll see. I've got plenty to do in the game as time goes by so it may come eventually. :p
By MrNoLuckFox on 01 Apr 2017 05:36
I've around 120 dwellers (lunchboxes kept giving me useless dwellers). Raiders are appearing something like once every two to three days. I get Feral Ghouls and Deathclaws quite regularly.
By neeker75 on 18 Apr 2017 05:06
I think 40 dwellers is the sweet spot, since I'm getting attacked by four raiders regularly. But on 41 dwellers I only get attacked by ghouls.

After evicting one guy I'm back to only being attacked by raiders, which is preferable over ghouls in the early game cause they drop loot.
By Lockie on 03 May 2017 01:38
You should add that the "Objective completion bonus" dog (Dogmeat?) adds to the tracker too. I have got one of them on my vault guard and every raider attack is increasing my completion by about 5% every time I finish the raid event.
By count023 on 03 May 2017 05:10
Do you know if this stacks with a new vault? As in cumulative over more than one vault? Because being the numbskull I was decided to go for high pop and rooms first before taking another look at this achievement :/
By Mr ExitOnly on 21 Jul 2017 17:08
I can also confirm that having a animal with a X# Completion increases your attacks stopped. I popped this today with the stats only showing 26 attacks stopped.
By SoulSurvivor43 on 05 Aug 2017 16:12
I haven't played since my comment two weeks ago, and suddenly it popped this morning.
Weirdest thing ever. But now I can finally uninstall this grindfest of a game. Good luck to you all :)
By Brushwagg42 on 14 Aug 2017 05:42
How do you get dogmeat?
By C3LLDW3LLER on 17 Aug 2017 09:26
gotta get lucky and either get him in a the lunchboxes or the pet crates personally I didn't get dogmeat I got a pet called milo that gave me x2 objective completion as its bonus and it still worked
By Bk LuCKY ChaRMS on 27 Aug 2017 05:33
Need help: Do I Need to play with survival mode activated for this achievement? If yes are there other achievements which requires survival mode? I just played with survival mode turned off
Edit: Found out that you don't have to Play in survival mode. Just got attacked from Raiders
By Giincee on 18 Sep 2017 14:34
It took me 40+ hours to get this, with 38 dwellers. Once I got this, I went up to 43 dwellers and then got 7 raider attacks (mixed in with a bunch of feral ghouls) in an hour and a half.
By RonniesPorch on 16 Mar 2018 09:53
If this is the last achievement needed am I right in thinking (based on comments above) that the best approach is to evict dwellers until you've reduced the number of dwellers to the mid 30s and continually press in and out of menus?
By KingyOwl on 02 Jul 2018 17:28
I’ve been on 49/50 for the past 5 hours. Nothing. This game man.
By Lavindathar on 09 Aug 2018 15:25
Just unlocked this, I believe you need to be active on the game. Idled for hours multiple times different days and got none. But today decided to sell stuff and grab power/water/food myself instead of auto. Got attacked maybe 5 min in if that. I had 117 dwellers, 42 rooms and 640000 caps. About 75 dwellers are maxed stats as well. So to me seems like you can't idle this one, at least on my game.
By PulsingSauce on 14 Oct 2018 22:18
I have 131 dwellers and a ton of rooms. Got attacked in an hour. I mostly leave idle but i come back and do a few things in the game every few mins like collect and level up, etc.
By BrutalPandaX on 18 Feb 2019 18:52
I'm at 56 defended attacks with the tracker stuck at 66%. Will update on here if it unlocks. Didn't have issues with achievement tracking until I switch my vault over to my PC.

Edit: Obtained this achievement after deleting all my vaults and starting new. Also did it on a different PC that I never played on before. Progress continued once I hit 34 attacks, which is one more then 66% of 50 (33).
By afrek on 22 Jan 2020 14:13
You used a "greater than" symbol, pretty sure you mean "less than" 40. Just fyi, to avoid confusion for others.
By SquidCzy on 28 Apr 2020 09:13
If you have pets with x2 or x3 objective completion and assign them to the front door guards, they multiply the number of raids completed. i.e. I have a front door guard with a x3 ob. completion pet and when they defeat the raid, the counter goes up by 3 instead of 1. On windows 10 version.
By Electrofreak0 on 01 Dec 2021 19:28
My progression is bugged out. Already at 37 raiders stopped. At least 10 of those are with 2x objective completion. Yet my progression bar stuck at 66%(33 raiders stopped).
By iguanadude626 on 06 Sep 2023 04:16
got attacked by deathclaws at 29 dwellers :(
EDIT: It probably had to do with not getting rid of enough room since I was still in the proccess of doing it but I swear even with changing the clock this achievement is going to be even more annoying than the 20 legendary dwellers
By DubstepEdgelord on 26 Sep 2023 03:23
Just letting people know, at 111 Dwellers, Raiders and Feral Ghouls were attacking the Vault again (DeathClaws only, between 60-110 Dwellers). Hopefully, this helps some peeps
By Rico Replays on 02 Dec 2023 13:15
I'm getting attacked by Ghouls instead of Raiders since my vault's headcount reached 50 :/
By Skrypek on 12 Feb 2017 15:40
I believe that under 60 rules out deathclaws, not 100% certain but that's what a wiki page suggests. But you can still get deathclaws if you have a radio station on. However, the radio station also increases raider attack chances, so there's a possible trade off there.

"Deathclaws will begin to attack when the vault has 60+ dweller"
By Seitzz on 13 Feb 2017 01:05
Ever since I've hit max stats on a lot of dwellers for strength (for power), I haven't been attacked by anything. Was sitting at 59 pop count for days.

All I get is Bottle & Cappy coming. I don't even get random attacks inside the vault anymore. Wondering if my game has glitched :S

I created a second vault save and I think it maybe a tutorial piece, but a raider attack occurred there; got that to 24 dwellers, radio room + overseer's office but nothing.

So annoying because I'm at 39 attacks stopped on my main save! facepalm
By AG Bucky Barnes on 21 Feb 2017 17:09
I'm on my second attempt at getting this, last achievement to go and I have 21. It's worth noting that there seems to be an increased chance of attacks/events when you are doing menu related things. I may be wrong, but opening lunchboxes, looking at your collected weapons/pets/dwellers etc, sending people into the wasteland or on quests, seems to increase the chance of an attack when you quit out of the menu. I have just narrowed my vault back to 29 dwellers and a few rooms, hoping that this doesn't take an age so I can stop playing this game!

Also, just tried this out, and noticed that if there are dead raiders in the vault, it doesn't seem to let another attack take place, so make sure to clear them out!
By MrEDMeaner on 03 Jun 2017 04:09
I'm just missing this one achievement, so have been kinda hell-bent trying to get it, no matter how stupid it is :)

However, my counter just froze at 28 repelled attacks. I understand that it is almost impossible to unfreeze the counter, so I'm wondering what to do. Is the easiest method to delete my vaults and try from scratch? Any knowledge of things that provoke this situation, so I may avoid in my next attempt (maybe playing both pc and xbone is the problem?).
By Brushwagg42 on 01 Aug 2017 15:59
Just unlocked it, in my experience 29 dwellers is the best to go with only events I was getting was raiders, radroachs, fires and the bottle and cappy one. I had unlocked all the other achievements so I booted people until I was at 29. Also a tip I haven't seen here is there seems to be a way to force random events by time skipping, set the day forward 1 and back 5 minutes and there will be a random event within those 5 minutes. It won't always be raiders but for me it was better than waiting for them to come naturally. Beware though there is a chance for your game to get out of sync by time skipping too much, if it's out of sync then attacks will never come and vault basically become useless
By Corymonster1 on 20 Apr 2021 18:40
- Best way to get this is to put 2 strong guards at your front door, 1 with a pet that gives 3x Objectives Completion (Dogmeat or Blue Parrot), and the other with healing.
- Having multiple pets of this type does NOT increase the completion rate.
- If you have more pets of that type, put them in the next rooms behind your vault door in case your door defenders die while AFK'ing. You get 6% completion per Raider Attack with a 3x Objective pet involved in defense.
- Put a Mr Handy on the same floor to help fight
- Stack your top floor rooms with great fighters to ensure every attack ends quickly
- Ensure you have good defenders everywhere else in your vault to limit time spent on fires, molerats, etc. Feel free to reduce your vault rooms and dwellers to limit those events (under 40 is optimal to only get raiders)
- If you can use a save editor to get 999 pet cages, you can get a few 3x objective comp pets quickly. They will NOT drop from the Starter Packs.
- Try to interact with the game every once in a while to keep it from sitting while you AFK.

I encountered a common issue of not getting credit for playing after using the "alter the system date forward/backwards" trick. This can make your save corrupt for achievement purposes. If your progress gets stuck and your save is in limbo for achievements on PC, try this:
1. Take a backup of your save files: C:\Users\***USER***\AppData\Local\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.FalloutShelter***\SystemAppData\wgs\**RandomNumbers**\**RandomNumbers**
Your files will be 1 larger file of 100+ KB and some smaller ones. There will be 1 file called "Container.###". You don't need to replace or copy it, but if you see that you know you're in the right folder.
2. Copy all those files to another location and save for later
3. Uninstall the Fallout game from Xbox app, then re-install it
4. Start the game and create a new vault. Play it for a couple minutes to create some characters and rooms.
5. Save that vault.
6. Go back to the save location above and COPY your old save into that folder. (Maintain the original elsewhere as backup!!!)
7. Take the name of your NEW vault (should be very small KB size) and copy it.
8. Delete the NEW vault
9. RENAME your OLD vault to what the new one was (remove the .txt extension too)
10. Load the game and you should be able to pick up your old Vault where it was. This should reset the vault save and allow you to continue working towards achievements from this point forward. It fixed my save and allowed me to finish a bunch after losing 3 days of play time.

Hope that helps!
By DutchRudder2007 on 22 Feb 2024 19:24
I've been getting a good amount of raider attacks at exactly 40 dwellers. Only a few more and I should be done with the achievement. I've not been saving up caps or anything and my vault size is pretty big - I have 4 maxed out power generators with at least 3 workers each and it's often only powering the vault just above the minimum needed. All I'm doing is training up the existing dwellers I have. I've also held off leveling my dwellers when I can - I read that the attacks get more difficult based on the average level of your dwellers so keeping them lower may help generate raiders.
By VegaDark541 on 14 Feb 2017 18:21
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While going forward and increasing population in your vault is, generally speaking, good idea, there is one milestone where you should stop for few days. This is 35 dwellers. Why? There are three very good reasons for this.

1) It is perfect opportunity to train your dwellers. Their abilities will be probably quite low so you should steadily make them stronger. Your consumption will be the same (if you keep the same number of rooms), so if 6 level 5 P guys were able to supply your vault with water, you will know how much P you want to produce to stay at the same level. Moreover, 3 guys with maxed Perception will produce the same amount of water, as 6 guys with 5 P. However, you will free three of your dwellers for other tasks.

2) You will be attacked only by raiders. Of course it is similar with lower numbers, but getting 35 dwellers unlocks fitness room for your vault. This helps you to:

3) Optimize your future dwellers. From all SPECIAL stats there is one, which is crucial for every low level dweller. This is of course your E - Endurance. It increases number of HP your dwellers get from each level up. Let's look at the equation. HP per level = 2.5 + (E * 0.5). You can get 17 points of Endurance, you need to max your E stat and equip Heavy wasteland gear. If you don't have it, you should equip your best Endurance outfit. Let's say you got Wasteland gear, which is popular common item. While equipping it for your 10 Endurance level 1 dweller you will get 9 hp per each level up (2,5+6,5). Multiply it by 50 levels and it means that person with this set will get 450 HP, while regular 1 E character will get only 150 HP. The difference is huge and that's why you want to max Endurance for every character in your vault as fast as possible. This will take of course some time, so you might as well stop some raiders along the way.

How should you get your wonderkids? When you get 30 dwellers, make 5 more babies. When they grow up, they should be sent to fitness room. Remember, your dwellers do not gain any XP while they train, you can leave them in training room and they won't accidently level up.

Who should defend your entrance? Your newly 'produced' wonderkids should be armed and have their Strenth and Agility maxed. Why? Strength will increase their damage (10 Strength means that they will always hit with top damage of their gun) and Agility will make them shoot faster. Two rooms of such monsters will prevent anyone from getting too far inside your vault. Moreover, they will make perfect base for your next 'super people'.

14 Feb 2017 23:19

This isn't true, at 35 population you still get mole rats, fires, and radroaches
By Seitzz on 15 Feb 2017 05:31
Yes, but they are different types of 'problems' than raiders. In general, you get incidents, which are mole rats, fires and radroaches which may happen at lower and higher population levels and you get attacks, which are groups of three coming from Wasteland to your door. At 35 dwellers the only type of attackers is raider. At 40 ghouls start to attack. At 60 deathclaws.
By Mikasz on 15 Feb 2017 09:01
But by what you're saying the 30-40 population range is best. Mole rat attacks begin at 30+ population, ghouls at 40+, radscorpions at 50+, deathclaws at 60+. So the population that makes the least of the events is actually 29. Alternatively you could have 39 population and mole rat proof your whole vault. A mole rat attack can only occur if any part of a room touches dirt. So you can enclose your whole vault in elevators.


rat proofing
By Seitzz on 15 Feb 2017 19:50
Ah ok, I see what you're saying. If that's the case then you may as well make some combination with what I'm saying. The more info people have at their disposal, the better. May as well throw in the elevator trick if people want to use it as it will just remove one more event from possibly happening. Just makes raider attacks more likely, since one other event is removed.
By Seitzz on 15 Feb 2017 20:48
So if I let a load of dwellers die and remove as opposed to revive, will that revert me back down to raider attacks?
By InkyPaws on 02 Mar 2017 10:23
Inkypaws.. Yes.. I hardly been on 35 dwellers for some time.. but as I'm still doing the lunchbox trick my que outside gets full with 10.. I take them in, send them off to the wasteland with no gear or weapons and they usually die pretty quick.. I've had 1 ghoul attack at 40 plus and nothing but raider attacks at 35.. this a great solution BTW!
By TheWelshHunt on 02 Mar 2017 11:58
You can also get to 35 to unlock the fitness room then evict 6 to get back to 29 which should turn off mole rats. I never found mole rats to be all that horrible if you didn't upgrade a room beyond the capabilities of the dwellers in it. But, I recently started a new vault because the building 50 rooms achievement won't unlock on my 1st one and I might try doing this - i.e. getting to 35 then dropping back to 29 so I can get some max E dwellers going before I grow again.
By Reron on 03 Mar 2017 14:31
I just got 4-5 raider attacks during a quick one hour session, even with a population of over 90. At 29 I'm still far from 50, but maybe there is still hope.
By Christian Doe on 08 Mar 2017 16:03
Seems to help to actually be active in the game to get more events. I went 5 hours with only 1 or 2 events, then I set up an autohotkey script to click in a square, and now I'm getting at least 1 raider attack per hour.
By Failure Online on 16 Jul 2017 19:06
At 62 raider attacks and no achievement. Switched over to Xbox and it says 32%???
By Failure Online on 18 Jul 2017 04:14
Did you make few vaults? It has to be done in one.
By Mikasz on 18 Jul 2017 10:54
Sorry for all the comments, but here's an update. I played my other vault for a little bit, got the percentage up to 50% and stopped playing the game. Turned on my computer later, and the achievement randomly popped finally. Was not in the game at the time.
By Failure Online on 22 Jul 2017 04:02
You are mistunderstanding whole conception. It's not 29 or 33 or 39 which is the special number, it's 35 because it unlocks Fitness room, used for training Endurance. This is the only skill you want to train before level up. During each level up dwellers without maxed Endurance lose possibility to increase their HP by 0.5 times Endurance. In other words, the difference between 1 End and 10 End is 5 HP per each level up. This is not retroactive, so you want to max End as fast as possible for all your dwellers. It becomes irrelevant at level 50. While getting Endurance till 10 takes a while, one may as well train other skills for all dwellers and rotate them after first bunch of trainees get their End maxed. During that time you would encounter raiders attacks and the are the only party which may attack from the Wasteland. Moreover, you would save a lot of caps for future investments.

As a refference, I rushed to 35 dwellers and started their training. Right now I have 56431 caps, average dweller level 15,37 (with 7 level 1s), average Endurance 7,17, Strength 4,47, Perception 3,16 and Agility 4,11. I stopped 21 Raiders attacks. I still have a lot to do (I want to max Strength, Agility and Endurance for my dwellers, Luck is left for future) so I hope I'll finish maxing those stats at the same time I'll get 50 raider attacks stopped.

Benefits? Highly trained staff which would ensure my vault is prepared for expansion, a lot of trained firepower at vault entrance, few dwellers with high stats for breeding and increased chances for wonderkids.
By Mikasz on 15 Feb 2017 20:31
I did have 3 different vaults, but I had the 62 stopped attacks in one vault. I noticed the percentage matched the number of stopped attacks in my original, slot 1, vault, so I started playing that again, and the achievement progress went up after one attack.
By Failure Online on 20 Jul 2017 23:06
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This was the last achievement I had to get in this game, it took me around 50 hours of AFK gameplay to get it.

I did this with a max of 200 Vault Dweller's which meant roughly 1 Raider attack Per Hour.
I have heard by doing this with around 25 Dwellers is most efficient, as you expect to receive up to 3 Raider attacks per hour due to not being attacked by Deathclaws, Ghouls etc..

My method for AFKing this was to Put my 2 Best Dwellers in the Vault Door Security room, and equip them with the Highest DPS weapon, and Highest Endurance Armor. It is highly beneficial to equip these two vault dwellers with a HP Recovery Pet, as this essentially makes them completely unkillable. I would leave the game on overnight and come back to both of them being full HP.

A small tip would be to not upgrade your Vault Door, since you cannot kill the enemies while they are breaking into your vault, you want them to get in as quick as possible.

16 Feb 2017 14:29

This trophy is one of the more difficult ones to get, because once you get above 29 Vault Dwellers, it opens up a greater variety of "incidents" that can show up, be it Mole Rats or Deathclaws. I ended up getting every other trophy first, then exiling various Dwellers to get under the 29 threshold.

One tip to note, however, is if you have a pet that gives "3x (or 5x) objectives", you can equip it to a Dweller in the Vault Entrance, and as long as the Raiders don't get past that room, you get the multiplier. I had given it a shot, and the number that shows up on the stats page still only increases by 1 each time, but the trophy unlocked for me at 37 Raider attacks.

11 Apr 2019 20:23


…rather, this is a useful tip I found while hunting for any information on how to speed up this RNG achievement. If you were lucky enough to receive Dogmeat as a pet from a lunchbox, his bonus gives a “3x objective completion” to any dweller he is equipped to. If the same dweller that Dogmeat is assigned to then actively participates in defending against the raiders, it counts a single raider attack as three. So instead of the achievement tracker going up 2% it will go up by 6% for each successful raider attack stopped. Essentially, this achievement can be unlocked before you actually defend against 50 attacks, and can be unlocked after just 17 if you play your cards right.

19 Jun 2023 22:11

After trying all sorts of solutions (and by that, I don't mean to rebuild the Vault), I've found a possible solution on Steam that may or may not have helped me.


I've read that the chance of triggering a Raider attack is probably higher if you have three pregnant dwellers. Whether that's true or not, but here, as in my other guide to Fallout Shelter, I've at least had the luck that I attacked more.

Furthermore, after a successful Raiders attack, I closed the game and came back 1-2 hours later. Unfortunately, I don't know if that may have contributed to this. My Vault door is also at the maximum level.
Below I have pinned you pictures of my Vault to show you my structures.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or critic, the best way to tell me is the comment-section :)

cn_B This solution in German:

05 Nov 2020 00:23

Incidents will happen at random in your Vault and one of these incidents is Raider attacks but other incidents are:

- Fires
- Radroach, Mole Rat or Radscorpion infestations
- Feral Ghoul or Deathclaw attacks

There is no way to control them but here are a few tips to maximize your chances of getting Raider attacks.

1: You should reduce the population of your Vault. Mole Rats and Feral Ghouls will only appear if you have 30 or more Dwellers. Radscorpions will only appear if you have 50 or more Dwellers, Deathclaws will only appear if you have 60 or more Dwellers. This doesn't mean that Raiders can't attack you if you have more than 60 Dwellers but they will be way more rare.
If you keep your population at 29, you will still have incidents but only fires, Radroaches or Raiders.

2: Keep your power/food/water resources full, if one of them is in the red, incidents will no longer happen. What you should do when reducing the population of your Vault, is destroy every pointless room and only keep a Power Generator, Water Treatment, Diner and a Science lab. Assign the Dwellers to the correct rooms to maximize the production and assign a Mr. Handy in every floor so they can collect the resources.

3: The Power Generator should be placed in the right of the Vault Doo, and you should assign your strongest Dwellers in that room, with your best weapons. This is the first room that Raiders will attack and they won't survive long if you have all your strong characters in that room.

4: If you've followed all the previous advice, the Vault should basically run by itself. You can just let the game idle and wait until you get the trophy, but you should check every now and then to see if everyone is still alive etc.

If you don't want to wait and are wiling to use the time skip, one of the fastest way to get incidents is to skip 1 day minus 5 minutes, then an incident will happen within 5 minutes. Deal with this incident then repeat the operation.

Note that having the rare Parrot with 3x objective bonus equipped to one of your dwellers working on the first power room will save a lot of time, as 1 raider attack will count for 3.

Having just did this, I can confirm everything that beanuppercut has said is correct.

However, I would like to add some additional tips after having just gotten the platinum and doing a days worth of testing on different methods.

- Having the radio station on broadcast to wasteland does not make any difference in attracting Raiders only deathclaws.

- Survival mode definitely increases the amount of incidents you get and will let you achieve this quicker but you have to deal with permadeath. After trying both modes playing on the normal difficulty and just being patient is definitely easier.

-sending your followers in and out of the vault into the wasteland definitely increases the chance of an incident happening. I would even go as far as to say that having a single follower in the wasteland causes more incidents.

-if you’re skipping time make sure you’re not glitched. You can tell you’re glitched when you skip a day and you get no normal daily reward pop. Being glitched will stop incidences happening.

-difficulty of the incident is based off the average level of your shelter. You could check the average level of your shelter in the statistics page.

-personally I just left my console on and let it run in the background while I went to work and did other tasks. Sometimes I’d get 8 raider attacks in a row and other times I’d get nothing for an hour or two. It seems to be totally RNG dependent. All you can do is lessen the time between incidences and eliminate some of the wrong types of incidents with a smaller population cap.

31 Jul 2023 05:34

This is a copy of my solution on TA. I put it also here because I really think that this method also works on the PC.

cn_Y In English:

After trying all sorts of solutions (and by that, I don't mean to rebuild the Vault), I've found a possible solution on Steam that may or may not have helped me.


I've read that the chance of triggering a Raider attack is probably higher if you have three pregnant dwellers. Whether that's true or not, but here, as in my other guide to Fallout Shelter, I've at least had the luck that I attacked more.

Furthermore, after a successful Raiders attack, I closed the game and came back 1-2 hours later. Unfortunately, I don't know if that may have contributed to this. My Vault door is also at the maximum level.
Below I have pinned you pictures of my Vault to show you my structures.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or critic, the best way to tell me is the comment-section :)


cn_Y In German:

Nachdem ich alle möglichen Lösungen probiert habe (und damit meine ich nicht die Vault zurückzubauen), habe ich einen möglichen Lösungsansatz auf Steam gefunden der mir vielleicht oder vielleicht auch nicht geholfen hat.


Herausgelesen habe ich hier, das die Chance einen Raider Angriff zu triggern wohl höher ist, wenn man drei Schwangere Bewohnerinnen hat. Ob das nun stimmt oder nicht sei dahin gestellt, aber auch hier habe ich wie in meinem anderen Guide zu Fallout Shelter zumindest mal das Glück gehabt, das ich mehr angriffe, bekam.

Des Weiteren habe ich nach einem erfolgreichen Raider Angriff das Spiel geschlossen und bin 1-2 Stunden später wiedergekommen. Ob das vielleicht einen Teil zum Erfolg beigetragen hat, weiß ich leider auch nicht. Meine Vault Tür ist ebenfalls auf der maximalen Stufe.
Unten habe ich euch noch Bilder von meiner Vault angeheftet, um euch meinen Aufbau zu zeigen:

Bei Fragen, Anregungen oder Kritik am besten einfach kommentieren :)

05 Nov 2020 00:00

This achievement is probably the most time consuming because the only way to get this achievement is to do stuff in the vault or wait until a raider party decides to show up. What makes this achievement annoying is that it shares the same negative random event slot as feral ghouls and death claws so the odds of actually getting a raider party to show up are fairly small, especially if your vault is pretty high leveled. After you have had 50 raider parties dumb enough to enter your vault and get destroyed, you will receive this achievement.

You can also install a radio studio; in addition to residents, it has a chance of attracting raiders, ghouls and deathclaws.

18 Jun 2018 16:18

The most tedious trophy that you can’t get through anyhow, but you have to deliberately leave the game running.

29 residents are helping. but a huge random... then 1 attack in 6 hours, then 3 in an hour... in general, it took about 20 hours to fill 25 raiders. POSSIBLY more attacks when 1-2 villagers are traveling through the wasteland... that's what happened to me.

I had two upgraded radio rooms, there were also 4 assistants who kept the shelter afloat, all 29 residents had weapons 17-22+, levels 40+ and even so, it was necessary to resurrect from time to time (apparently fires).. preferably stock up on 120+ stimpaks so that you can then remove residents from the first aid station and transfer them to resources.
By DIABOLICI on 06 Sep 2018 12:57
Either I don’t understand something, or the trophy is severely buggy. When I started boosting it, I had already repulsed 24 attacks, I placed a parrot with a multiplier of X2 at the door and, logically, the trophy should have dropped after 37 attacks, but it fell out after 42.
Perhaps the fact is that at first there was only one resident at my door and the raiders broke through further. Maybe it is necessary for them to die exactly where the parrot is standing. Take this into account when boosting.
By alexey310398 on 19 Feb 2019 10:09
Finally got it... The most effective thing is to leave the console online, rewinding is difficult. Well, there are bugs here too, if you wasted time before this. As we wrote above, you need to fast forward a year or two, or rather, to the time that will block all your rewinds before that. The bug for random events is checked, if the lid comes and dances, but it is not possible to take coins from it, we restart it, otherwise there will be no events.
PS I did the same with 29 people in a shelter and I advise you not to put two people at the entrance, they will die overnight. It’s better to have 4-6 people in the next room, it’s more durable. They count normally.
By NPhil89 on 22 May 2020 08:14
The point is that it is difficult to accomplish in terms of development, since in terms of development you will most likely go ahead of 30+ people and the raiders will be replaced by other squads of assholes.
First!!!, there is no point in wasting time, if only when events go wrong, you can understand this if nothing happens at all that could harm the shelter.
Second!!! does not in any way affect the arrival of raiders from the radio center, what is and what is not the same, sending people into the wasteland also did not give the desired effect.
Third!!! as described above, there are 3 stages of events that increase in difficulty level, you need to have no more than 30 people, if more than 30+ and you have rats, then you know there is a greater chance of ghouls attacking than raiders. By the way, they cycle randomly, it happens extremely rarely, in my case 1 time when the raiders followed the raiders, mostly more often there was a fire sometimes 2 times and cockroaches, but if these events happened, then the next event was the raiders!
The final!!! The simplest and most tedious option is to just wait, collect energy, water and food. they will come in different ways, maybe after 5 minutes of the final cycle, maybe after half an hour or an hour, but they will come. Alas, there are no other options, I checked all the methods described above, or something happened by coincidence, but then it didn’t happen at all, or whatever.
The trophy is designed for the fact that you will play for a long time and that you will donate, but this will not be enough.
By GOOSESOUL on 29 Sep 2021 18:35
As I understand, attacks do not add up between shelters, I had 17 attacks on one, and 33 on another shelter - they didn’t give me a trophy
By Arnory on 05 Sep 2018 23:43
How I did it, I don’t know why it worked for me, maybe it’s just guesswork, but it worked out that way for me, it took about two hours to achieve it.
Radio station + Quest - bottle cap, no more than 29 inhabitants in the shelter.
We simulate work activity in the game as much as possible (watch the video), it does not guarantee that there will be an attack by raiders. We are waiting for a raider attack or a random event, rewind by one day and repeat the actions, a random action occurs, rewind by one day. The raiders stopped coming - we rewind for a year, the game freezes, we close the game and start rewinding one day at a time.

Video on the topic
By sanek602 on 23 Aug 2018 04:20
The radio station is not only possible, but 100% necessary to install because... it has several very useful functions - for example, it increases the level of happiness in the shelter and periodically brings new inhabitants from the wasteland, and a side effect of its work is more frequent raider attacks. Therefore, in the context of this trophy, to get it as quickly as possible, we act like this: build a radio station, upgrade it to the third level, fill it with residents with the maximum charisma indicator (C) and... play.
By DmButuz on 03 Jul 2018 16:30
An easier and simpler way to accomplish this achievement. 1) Don’t even think about raising the level of the shelter door; if you raise it to level 3, you won’t get raiders at all, there will always be death claws and believe me, they will cause more trouble. 2) do not increase the population more than 25. Build a catering unit, a station, water and radio, and the necessary warehouse and hostel. And just sit and wait, raiders will come very often. This was the case in my experience. The first time I passed and somehow I quickly grew to 80 people, I improved everything and I was constantly raided by death claws, I had to start again according to my scheme.
By Regmon on 13 Jan 2022 11:08
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Keep the number of inhabitants in the shelter to no more than 39, then raiders will always attack.

17 Jun 2018 13:39

Knocked out all the trophies, only the raiders remained. I did everything as written above, leaving 29 residents. I began to wait and after 5-10 minutes use rewind for the day. But there were still no raiders. I left the game overnight. Not a single random event during the night! Rewinding time 2 years at a time helped solve the problem, after which random events returned to the game. The bug is rare, but suddenly someone will encounter it too.
By shaman7207 on 22 Jun 2018 09:10
It seems like a pet with the perk “task x2/x3” placed at the door works (counts as 1 in statistics) - I got it earlier than 50
By harryhaller23 on 24 Jun 2018 16:51
I found information on the Internet that the better the door to the shelter is upgraded, the less frequent the raids
By duherix on 19 Jun 2018 03:25
I confirm harryhaller23's tip, the parrot with a multiplier for completing the task works, I was lucky to get x3! and he also helps with legendary things and weapons because... I received a trophy, but the statistics showed a number less than 20
By X_AvaTaR_X on 07 Jul 2018 14:04
So, this is the dumbest trophy in this game, and the problem is that the raiders, this is one of the incidents that can happen to us in the shelter, so it can take at least 30 minutes of real time to receive an attack. To begin with, as in the hint above, you need to do it in a shelter where there are no more than 40 inhabitants (I advise you to do it for 29 inhabitants, because in this period, the only incidents that will happen are radcockroaches, fire, and raiders. Mole rats appear on residents from 30 + ). You can safely kick out all your residents and bring the counter to 29, all other incidents will disappear and the raiders will be a lot lighter.

In order for the trophy to be obtained without any problems, we must complete a line of quests from Yader-Mir, namely, get the Cap and the Bottle so that they can come to our shelter and give happiness to the residents. (When the doors to the shelter open, there is a chance that raiders and other creatures will attack us at that moment)

After you have no more than 29 inhabitants in your shelter and have completed the quest for the Cap and the Bottle from Yader-Mir, we begin the following fraud: Place the shelter doors on defense, the 2 MOST powerful inhabitants, who should have weapons with damage in their hands at least 20 units.

Next, go to “date and time” in the console itself (if you press the PS button 2 times, you will be returned to the last tab you opened, so it takes 3 seconds to rewind time) and move forward one day! We return to the shelter and wait for the invasion of the raiders, if after 5-10 minutes they are not there, we go back to the date and time and move it forward one day and so on until the victorious “Tsing”.

Unfortunately, there is no other way if you start this trophy at the very end. Of course, it is advisable to look for this trophy at the very beginning of knocking out this game and do it right away, this way you will save a lot of time and nerves!
By XEP-KOTA on 18 Jun 2018 02:17
It is not necessary to make a new shelter; the method is not the fastest, but it requires almost no attention.

You knock out all the other trophies, while you complete 100 tasks, a couple of dozen times the raiders will most likely attack.

As soon as only this trophy remains, the action plan is as follows:
1) We save the save to the cloud or a flash drive, do we still need our shelter? If not, you can skip it.
2) We leave the 29 most pumped up characters in the shelter, and kick out all the rest. With 29 inhabitants, three incidents are possible - radroaches, fire and attack by raiders; they occur randomly once every few minutes.
3) We build three rows under the door - extraction of energy, water and food. We leave one living room. In any order. If there is, we launch robots into these ranks.
4) We distribute the residents between them, sending a couple to guard the door. We don’t leave residents alone; they may not be able to cope with the fire.
5) We destroy the remaining rooms. We don’t have to destroy everything, the main thing is that there is enough energy and at least one empty row separates our top four rows from the rest - fires will not spread.
6) Leave the game running overnight. In eight hours I had 15 raider attacks, this is with the maximum improved door, but a lot depends on luck.
7) After receiving the trophy, load the save back

It’s not fast, but it takes 15 minutes of preparation and is great for achieving the rest of your progress.
By Kassaden on 09 Jul 2018 14:31
To get this trophy I made a new shelter... 29 people...
1st floor: door, elevator, living room (3 pieces), warehouse (2 pieces).
2nd floor (Mr. Assistant): power station (3 pieces), elevator, dining room (3 pieces), water production (2 pieces)
3rd floor: production of stimulants and antiradin.
I managed to get everyone to level 50, "S"."A"."P" - to 10. Using time rewind, I sent several people into the wasteland for weapons and armor. Completed the quest for Mr. Helper. I didn’t improve the door, I didn’t build the radio station.
I started the game and about once every 1.5-3 hours I came in to check if everyone was alive, sent a new resident to explore the wasteland (what if opening the door actually affects the raiders) and made a new day changing the time.
You need to fight off 50 attacks on one shelter.. I really hoped that the trophy was cumulative, but no.. At the first shelter, where I received all the other achievements, there were only 28 raider attacks. By the time I got to this achievement, only death claws attacked me .
By Zdets on 26 Jun 2018 15:27
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