Gears of War 2
79 Achievements
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox Series
Veteran Gear
Became an ultimate Gearhead at level 100
How to unlock the Veteran Gear achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide
Note: While I'm flattered by those who come to me for help, I can't continually drop what I'm playing/doing to do so. So please do not message me asking me to set up a boosting session with you. If you have a question about the method itself, feel free to leave a comment.
Note 2: The experience multiplier is now permanently 4x. The math was awful to begin with due to my timing-fails, so I won't try and update that. Just know that it is now 4x instead of 2x. Things should go twice as fast now.
With the recent addition of Social Matches this is now much easier.
First, get 2 groups of 5 together in 2 different parties. They can be 5 real people, or you can have some guests logged in. Either works just fine.
Have both teams matchmake into Social King Of The Hill. Be sure to make everyone on both teams a preferred player, that way you have a higher chance of being matched up.
Most already running matches don't have 5 slots open on one team, so it will most likely start you in a new match with your team and 5 bots. Then the other team, looking for 5 open slots, will have a high chance of getting in. If not, then just leave and try again.
Just keep matchmaking and quitting until you get all 10 people together in a match. Then do the following.
Have team 1 and team 2 meet at the hill. Neither go in until both are there. Then team 1 will step in, capture the hill, and as soon as the 200 capture points are awarded to the players in the hill, all the members from team 2 will step into the hill, breaking the capture, getting 50 points each, and allowing the hill to be captured again. Do this over and over.
When team 1 gets to 119 points stop. Swap team 2 into the hill, repeat the entire process. When both teams have 119 end the round by letting one win. Then the next round, repeat the same process, except the team that lost the first round should now be the winner. Doing this allows for 3 rounds per match.
You must get 120 capture points to win the rounds.
200 points per capture x 120 capture points to win the round = 24000.
50 points per "break" x 119 "breaks" = 5950
5950 + 24000 = Nearly 30,000 points per round (rounded from 29,950). And thats if you don't kill someone, which happens from time to time.
30,000 x 3 = 90,000
King of the Hill gives 50% EXP back of what your score is.
EX: You score 1000 points, you get 500EXP.
So if you score 90,000 you get 45,000 EXP back.
Thats right. 45,000 exp PER MATCH.
Each match takes about 40 minutes. Social just does endless matches with no further matchmaking. Going through each map alphabetically.
The total EXP required to reach LvL 100 is 6,825,825.
If anyone has questions, or I wasn't clear on something, just shoot me a message. Here or on XboxLive.
I have used this method only once, and for a short while. After nearly every match I leveled up (I was 50 to start, got to 53).
Fixed mistakes
Boosted more during the 6X XP week, I went from 57 to 85 in 2 days.
Got my Wings during the 20x XP event. If you still need this achievement I would recommend you do it now.
Again, people seem to think that I have the time and ability to help everyone. Please stop messaging me via live for help in setting up a boosting session. There are plenty of people to join up with. Use TA to create a session if you need to. Whatever works. Just don't get your hopes up if you decide to ask me to boost with you.
Note 2: The experience multiplier is now permanently 4x. The math was awful to begin with due to my timing-fails, so I won't try and update that. Just know that it is now 4x instead of 2x. Things should go twice as fast now.
With the recent addition of Social Matches this is now much easier.
First, get 2 groups of 5 together in 2 different parties. They can be 5 real people, or you can have some guests logged in. Either works just fine.
Have both teams matchmake into Social King Of The Hill. Be sure to make everyone on both teams a preferred player, that way you have a higher chance of being matched up.
Most already running matches don't have 5 slots open on one team, so it will most likely start you in a new match with your team and 5 bots. Then the other team, looking for 5 open slots, will have a high chance of getting in. If not, then just leave and try again.
Just keep matchmaking and quitting until you get all 10 people together in a match. Then do the following.
Have team 1 and team 2 meet at the hill. Neither go in until both are there. Then team 1 will step in, capture the hill, and as soon as the 200 capture points are awarded to the players in the hill, all the members from team 2 will step into the hill, breaking the capture, getting 50 points each, and allowing the hill to be captured again. Do this over and over.
When team 1 gets to 119 points stop. Swap team 2 into the hill, repeat the entire process. When both teams have 119 end the round by letting one win. Then the next round, repeat the same process, except the team that lost the first round should now be the winner. Doing this allows for 3 rounds per match.
You must get 120 capture points to win the rounds.
200 points per capture x 120 capture points to win the round = 24000.
50 points per "break" x 119 "breaks" = 5950
5950 + 24000 = Nearly 30,000 points per round (rounded from 29,950). And thats if you don't kill someone, which happens from time to time.
30,000 x 3 = 90,000
King of the Hill gives 50% EXP back of what your score is.
EX: You score 1000 points, you get 500EXP.
So if you score 90,000 you get 45,000 EXP back.
Thats right. 45,000 exp PER MATCH.
Each match takes about 40 minutes. Social just does endless matches with no further matchmaking. Going through each map alphabetically.
The total EXP required to reach LvL 100 is 6,825,825.
If anyone has questions, or I wasn't clear on something, just shoot me a message. Here or on XboxLive.
I have used this method only once, and for a short while. After nearly every match I leveled up (I was 50 to start, got to 53).
Fixed mistakes
Boosted more during the 6X XP week, I went from 57 to 85 in 2 days.
Got my Wings during the 20x XP event. If you still need this achievement I would recommend you do it now.
Again, people seem to think that I have the time and ability to help everyone. Please stop messaging me via live for help in setting up a boosting session. There are plenty of people to join up with. Use TA to create a session if you need to. Whatever works. Just don't get your hopes up if you decide to ask me to boost with you.
it's a very good and rather fast technique. But I think there's a faster way to go faster to lvl 100, however I'm not 100% sure of it, and besides lots of guides are available, so I don't make a new one.
It's pretty similar to your solution, but in Wingman.
Wingman is a non respawning game mode and that seems not to make it a good mode for boosting.
But I'm pretty sure that you can down or be downed endless (such as the leader in guardian, whereas in execution you can only be downed twice before dying directly).
So you have to find five teams of two players in your friends (in fact 5 guys are only needed because each one can have a guest) and make them play together. That's the hardest part of the guide.
Then when you're all together :
The five players and their guests have to do a pentagon like this :
and then A downs B', B downs C', C downs D', D downs E', E downs A', and each player (A, B, C, D, E) "heal" his own teammate.
So you can make 100 in approximately 5-6 seconds, so you can make 5000-6000 pts in a round of 5 minutes. Given that wingman's rate of conversion is 2,4 (1,000 pts in wingman give you 2,400 exp) you can do at least 12,000 exp each five minutes, thats 144,000 exp an hour minimum.
It's pretty similar to your solution, but in Wingman.
Wingman is a non respawning game mode and that seems not to make it a good mode for boosting.
But I'm pretty sure that you can down or be downed endless (such as the leader in guardian, whereas in execution you can only be downed twice before dying directly).
So you have to find five teams of two players in your friends (in fact 5 guys are only needed because each one can have a guest) and make them play together. That's the hardest part of the guide.
Then when you're all together :
The five players and their guests have to do a pentagon like this :
and then A downs B', B downs C', C downs D', D downs E', E downs A', and each player (A, B, C, D, E) "heal" his own teammate.
So you can make 100 in approximately 5-6 seconds, so you can make 5000-6000 pts in a round of 5 minutes. Given that wingman's rate of conversion is 2,4 (1,000 pts in wingman give you 2,400 exp) you can do at least 12,000 exp each five minutes, thats 144,000 exp an hour minimum.
By javouquejerry on 08 Jun 2010 17:05
Your tactic is right (and it works) but your math is wrong. Each 3 round match of King of the Hill with teams scoring 119/120 points takes roughly 40-45 minutes. So your calculation of 45.9 hours to get to level 100 is actually more than double that as you are getting roughly 60,000 xp in an hour. Other than the mathematical mistakes, this is a sound and effective way to level up albeit very boring.
By madmankevin on 09 Jun 2010 22:29
Edit: I'll leave this solution around as reference, but Sora's KoTH boosting method is definitely superior to this. Using it I did levels 81 through 100 in a couple of days during the 6x XP event.
Original solution to follow:
As an addition to the various solutions given, the one I've tended to go with is doing wave 1 of Security horde on insane over and over.
The basic idea is that you play the first wave, and after you beat it, you then have everyone jump into the lasers to immediately fail, and the host then picks "restart from beginning". Rinse & repeat (and repeat, and repeat, and repeat........)
On insane it's now 500 XP per wave. If you have a group of 5 who follow the tips below you can easily average well under 1 minute per wave, so with load times say about 1-1.5 mins, which is 40-60 matches an hour, which is 20000-30000 XP an hour. Not bad.
The depressing stat is that's anywhere from 220 to 350 hours to go from rank 0 to 100. Though of course if you do this during bonus XP events you can decrease those hour counts dramatically.
Now the trick (and this really only works if you have 5 people, though technically it can work with as few as 3) is to learn the 5 enemy spawn points on the map: where both grenades spawn (I'll call these points A and B), the rooms opposite the grenades (I'll call these C and D), and inside the tunnel where the lasers hiding the flamethrower are (I'll call this point E),
The key trick is to take advantage of the fact that if there is a human player on a spawn point, an enemy will not spawn there. So the strategy is as soon as the wave starts:
- have 1 player run to point E and stand there the entire match (or at least while there are more than 5 enemies remaining). THIS IS CRITICAL, this person should not leave until there are only 5 enemies remaining as otherwise enemies will start spawning in the tunnels.
- have 1 player run to point A and pick up the grenades. Similarly have another run to point B and pick up the grenades. These two players then immediately get ready to toss the grenades at points C and D, which (because of where everyone is standing) will be the only two points where enemies spawn. Again, like the player at point E, these two people should not leave their spot until there are 5 enemies remaining as otherwise they risk having enemies spawn where the grenades are.
- If you have extra players it can help to have them stand at the sandbags and play support for the players with the grenades.
- As soon as enemies appear, toss the grenades. If you time it right, the grenades will blow up all (or very nearly all) the enemies in one quick go. Then just mop up the rest.
I can't stress enough the importance of not leaving the spawn points. One of the most common issues I see is that people will run to a grenade spawn, won't see enemies spawn across from them so they leave their spot and now suddenly have enemies spawn behind them. It usually doesn't result in a fail, but it definitely does add time to the wave. Once there are 5 enemies left all enemies will be on the map and you don't have to worry about enemies spawning.
At any rate, following this I've seen waves done in as little as 23 seconds. Given that enemies first appear on the map at the 15 second mark, that means that all enemies were defeated in only 8 seconds.
If you can't get a group of 5, it is certainly possible to do wave 1 on insane by yourself, though obviously it will take much longer (I average probably about 2 to 2.5 minutes playing by myself). Strategies can vary, but usually people just camp a grenade spawn. Depending on where enemies spawn you might have a quick wave (under 1:30) or a really long wave (over 4 minutes). It really does vary considerably.
One last thing: don't underestimate public horde matches. They're only 300 XP per wave, but it's much easier to get a group of 5, and it's not nearly as boring as Security grinding. Personally I find doing an hour security grinding to be about my limit before I go nutty from the monotony, but I can play public horde for hours on end. Lately I've been doing a bit of Security grinding, then switching to public for a bit, then back to grinding, and it seems to be working pretty well for me.
Edit after TU6: with the addition of "social" matches, the former "public" mode is relatively dead, as hardly anybody is playing it anymore, instead opting for social horde. Unfortunately social horde is *VERY* poor XP as A) you either start in a match on round 1 on casual by yourself, or B) join a match on a relatively high wave on who knows what difficulty (it varies).
Original solution to follow:
As an addition to the various solutions given, the one I've tended to go with is doing wave 1 of Security horde on insane over and over.
The basic idea is that you play the first wave, and after you beat it, you then have everyone jump into the lasers to immediately fail, and the host then picks "restart from beginning". Rinse & repeat (and repeat, and repeat, and repeat........)
On insane it's now 500 XP per wave. If you have a group of 5 who follow the tips below you can easily average well under 1 minute per wave, so with load times say about 1-1.5 mins, which is 40-60 matches an hour, which is 20000-30000 XP an hour. Not bad.
The depressing stat is that's anywhere from 220 to 350 hours to go from rank 0 to 100. Though of course if you do this during bonus XP events you can decrease those hour counts dramatically.
Now the trick (and this really only works if you have 5 people, though technically it can work with as few as 3) is to learn the 5 enemy spawn points on the map: where both grenades spawn (I'll call these points A and B), the rooms opposite the grenades (I'll call these C and D), and inside the tunnel where the lasers hiding the flamethrower are (I'll call this point E),
The key trick is to take advantage of the fact that if there is a human player on a spawn point, an enemy will not spawn there. So the strategy is as soon as the wave starts:
- have 1 player run to point E and stand there the entire match (or at least while there are more than 5 enemies remaining). THIS IS CRITICAL, this person should not leave until there are only 5 enemies remaining as otherwise enemies will start spawning in the tunnels.
- have 1 player run to point A and pick up the grenades. Similarly have another run to point B and pick up the grenades. These two players then immediately get ready to toss the grenades at points C and D, which (because of where everyone is standing) will be the only two points where enemies spawn. Again, like the player at point E, these two people should not leave their spot until there are 5 enemies remaining as otherwise they risk having enemies spawn where the grenades are.
- If you have extra players it can help to have them stand at the sandbags and play support for the players with the grenades.
- As soon as enemies appear, toss the grenades. If you time it right, the grenades will blow up all (or very nearly all) the enemies in one quick go. Then just mop up the rest.
I can't stress enough the importance of not leaving the spawn points. One of the most common issues I see is that people will run to a grenade spawn, won't see enemies spawn across from them so they leave their spot and now suddenly have enemies spawn behind them. It usually doesn't result in a fail, but it definitely does add time to the wave. Once there are 5 enemies left all enemies will be on the map and you don't have to worry about enemies spawning.
At any rate, following this I've seen waves done in as little as 23 seconds. Given that enemies first appear on the map at the 15 second mark, that means that all enemies were defeated in only 8 seconds.
If you can't get a group of 5, it is certainly possible to do wave 1 on insane by yourself, though obviously it will take much longer (I average probably about 2 to 2.5 minutes playing by myself). Strategies can vary, but usually people just camp a grenade spawn. Depending on where enemies spawn you might have a quick wave (under 1:30) or a really long wave (over 4 minutes). It really does vary considerably.
One last thing: don't underestimate public horde matches. They're only 300 XP per wave, but it's much easier to get a group of 5, and it's not nearly as boring as Security grinding. Personally I find doing an hour security grinding to be about my limit before I go nutty from the monotony, but I can play public horde for hours on end. Lately I've been doing a bit of Security grinding, then switching to public for a bit, then back to grinding, and it seems to be working pretty well for me.
Edit after TU6: with the addition of "social" matches, the former "public" mode is relatively dead, as hardly anybody is playing it anymore, instead opting for social horde. Unfortunately social horde is *VERY* poor XP as A) you either start in a match on round 1 on casual by yourself, or B) join a match on a relatively high wave on who knows what difficulty (it varies).
Good but from lvl 1 to lvl 100 you have to complete 13,652 waves in Insane which makes your method quite boring. But it's rather faster than other methodes.
By javouquejerry on 09 May 2010 10:52
Yes, it is. Very boring.
By Pedle Zelnip on 10 May 2010 20:19
The fastest way to get it WITHOUT glitching or cheating is to do wingman and avoid games like annex and submission. This is because wingman gives you 109% of your points as exp while annex gives you around 27% of your points. For example, if you get 2000 points in wingman, it will give you around 2150 exp while if you where playing annex it would only give you 600 exp. see the difference.
The best games to play are ==
Wingman- 109%
Warzone- 100%
Execution- 98%
The points where made to even out in all game modes but games like annex might take 30 minutes while wingman might take half the time for the same amount of points.
( but remember, dont play something you dont like to play,or youll get bored.)
The best games to play are ==
Wingman- 109%
Warzone- 100%
Execution- 98%
The points where made to even out in all game modes but games like annex might take 30 minutes while wingman might take half the time for the same amount of points.
( but remember, dont play something you dont like to play,or youll get bored.)
I prefer Guardian as well - best bang for your buck and your time - but that depends on your skill level. The really good players will probably get more from Wingman or Warzone/Execution. For those of us that are "average" players - Guardian is the way to go.
Annex can get you some good point totals (even with the low percentage) - but the amount of time Annex takes negates this.
Annex can get you some good point totals (even with the low percentage) - but the amount of time Annex takes negates this.
It's worth noting that (once you are level 100) you do not have to win a match on each of the maps in public games as stated in the achievement description.
I just unlocked the achievement playing local matches against a second controller signed in as guest, which was an unexpected bonus in my attempt to unlock "The Weather Outside is Lethal".
I just unlocked the achievement playing local matches against a second controller signed in as guest, which was an unexpected bonus in my attempt to unlock "The Weather Outside is Lethal".
This is a very valuable tip... set it so you only need one kill and you'll be done inside of ten minutes. Nice one!
By Meatballs21 on 31 Oct 2010 17:28
what? just one on one? Haven't had any XP earning show up (or is that down to split screen?
By Mazrael on 31 Oct 2010 18:32
By far the easiest solution is to KOTH boost.
I'm not going to bore everyone as the solution has been posted before but to sum up.
Getting 10 people together who want to boost in social is a pain. try to get it with randoms on epic event where the xp is doubled etc.
Trying to match make is a nightmare is far easier to get a game going with all bots and waiting for people to join. Shout BOOST BOOST BOOST when you join and 90% will want to. Add everyone to your friends list and create a party. In 2 days I've added 20 people to my friends list whilst the 20xp event has been on.
I had no intention of going for it even after the 8xp event, just played horde on insane on my own for the rank 50 achievement.
Then the 20xp event started and again I just played horde to mop up some achievements getting 5000xp per round, then I played a social match and every one was boosting, got 363000 in one match using the KOTH boosting method.
All of a sudden I thought 'why not' and went for it using the KOTH boosting method.
Took about 2 days off and on and after a 0200 finish followed by a 0600 start I got in about 10-12 hours of boosting.
The next event is already planed to be more than 20xp so wait, boost and get it.
The standard boosting signal is to swing your grenades when approaching the hill, this tells everyone in the circle you are looking to boost. Even if you are left with a bot you can still kill the bot let is bleed out and keep going.
**there is a current backlash on line with non boosting 100 guys/gals whom seem to try and wreck any boosting session** so try not to let your party drop, if you need to do something stay on and stay still to stop the joining.
I'm not going to bore everyone as the solution has been posted before but to sum up.
Getting 10 people together who want to boost in social is a pain. try to get it with randoms on epic event where the xp is doubled etc.
Trying to match make is a nightmare is far easier to get a game going with all bots and waiting for people to join. Shout BOOST BOOST BOOST when you join and 90% will want to. Add everyone to your friends list and create a party. In 2 days I've added 20 people to my friends list whilst the 20xp event has been on.
I had no intention of going for it even after the 8xp event, just played horde on insane on my own for the rank 50 achievement.
Then the 20xp event started and again I just played horde to mop up some achievements getting 5000xp per round, then I played a social match and every one was boosting, got 363000 in one match using the KOTH boosting method.
All of a sudden I thought 'why not' and went for it using the KOTH boosting method.
Took about 2 days off and on and after a 0200 finish followed by a 0600 start I got in about 10-12 hours of boosting.
The next event is already planed to be more than 20xp so wait, boost and get it.
The standard boosting signal is to swing your grenades when approaching the hill, this tells everyone in the circle you are looking to boost. Even if you are left with a bot you can still kill the bot let is bleed out and keep going.
**there is a current backlash on line with non boosting 100 guys/gals whom seem to try and wreck any boosting session** so try not to let your party drop, if you need to do something stay on and stay still to stop the joining.
To reach level 100 in Gears of war 2 is going to take a long time, whether you boost it or not. Here's 3 different boosting methods:
1. KOTH Boosting (Social only)
Create a session on this site for atleast 6 gamers (use guests to fill up team) for X amount of hours. When in session decide which team goes first, the idea is that one team goes in to the circle and the other team breaks it. Let's say the Locust team wins round 1 so COG wins round 2 and so on. This way you're looking at 150k exp per match. On Exp events this is the best method to gain levels IMO.
2. Guardian Boosting (Social only)
Same method of getting started as mentioned in KOTH section.
Once in game the leader kills the enemy team except their leader.
Take turns and gain a lot of exp.
3. Horde on Insane (Custom only)
Get a team of 5 and start playing horde on Insane difficult on the Security map. After the first wave has been completed and the second round starts, jump into the lasers and start again from first wave. This method is really slow and can get boring fast. Use this method when there's a crazy exp weekend or event and you cannot get enough players for KOTH or Guardian boosting. This method can be done with 3 players with less it's too slow.
In KOTH and Guardian, in the beginning you have divide your players into to seperate teams. The first team searches for a bot match and once they are playing in it, then the second team starts search and eventually you will find each other.
1. KOTH Boosting (Social only)
Create a session on this site for atleast 6 gamers (use guests to fill up team) for X amount of hours. When in session decide which team goes first, the idea is that one team goes in to the circle and the other team breaks it. Let's say the Locust team wins round 1 so COG wins round 2 and so on. This way you're looking at 150k exp per match. On Exp events this is the best method to gain levels IMO.
2. Guardian Boosting (Social only)
Same method of getting started as mentioned in KOTH section.
Once in game the leader kills the enemy team except their leader.
Take turns and gain a lot of exp.
3. Horde on Insane (Custom only)
Get a team of 5 and start playing horde on Insane difficult on the Security map. After the first wave has been completed and the second round starts, jump into the lasers and start again from first wave. This method is really slow and can get boring fast. Use this method when there's a crazy exp weekend or event and you cannot get enough players for KOTH or Guardian boosting. This method can be done with 3 players with less it's too slow.
In KOTH and Guardian, in the beginning you have divide your players into to seperate teams. The first team searches for a bot match and once they are playing in it, then the second team starts search and eventually you will find each other.
Social Enhanced Guardian Boost
(Before you can do this you have to know original guardian boost well.)
After TU6 we got social match. The benefit of social match is you can get 10 accounts play in the same session over and over without re-match. Although there is 15 minutes limitation of each round but it doesn't matter.
Social Guardian Boost (full day)
The Social Guardian Boost is like original guardian boost, you need at least 6 players and 10 accounts. Try to host your social guardian match, and the other players try to search and join the session. After at least one account in each side, you can directly join friend's session and get 10 account together. Once it's done, the hardest part is done.
The difference is, since the session can keep running over and over, if you make a perfect schedule, everyone just play and kill when he has time to play, and keep his xbox360 running and idle to let other players kill him when he has other things to do or sleeps. 24 hours a day. Everyone waste no time idling.
e.g. If you are 6 players team, each one can play and kill at most 16 hours a day if nobody give up their time.
Enhanced Guardian Boost
In original guardian boost, 4 players(2 at each side, 2-2)kill at the same time. Each one in average get 6 kills a minute. That's 1050 points(not exp).
In Social Guardian Boost, you may meet several different combination, 2-1/1-1/2-0/1-0. The fastest one, is 1-1. Let 2 players both be the leader, and run between 2 re-spawn point. If the enemies re-spawn near you, you get 4 kills, and if they re-spawn in the other, you have to spend 1 re-spawn time (15 seconds) to run, and get 4 kills. If you skip big maps and only boost in small maps, in average you get 12 kills a minute. That's 2100 points. That's what I call Enhanced Guardian Boost. The maps which you can do this is "Avalanche(after avalanche)", "Security", "Under Hill", "Memorial" and "Sanctuary".
I really do this method and get lv 100 in a week while triple exp event. It 100% works. My xbox360 keeps running 5 days and I play and kill totally 50+ hours.
Edit 1. You can use GUEST as 2nd player to join social match. But I don't know you can host a game with a guest or not.
Edit 2. GoW2 E3 event will start at June 14th GTM 2:00PM, Using Enhanced guardian boost, you get about 120,000 points per hour. It's about 500,000 exp per hour(6 times exp in E3 event). Take this chance and you get your wings under 14 hours!
(Before you can do this you have to know original guardian boost well.)
After TU6 we got social match. The benefit of social match is you can get 10 accounts play in the same session over and over without re-match. Although there is 15 minutes limitation of each round but it doesn't matter.
Social Guardian Boost (full day)
The Social Guardian Boost is like original guardian boost, you need at least 6 players and 10 accounts. Try to host your social guardian match, and the other players try to search and join the session. After at least one account in each side, you can directly join friend's session and get 10 account together. Once it's done, the hardest part is done.
The difference is, since the session can keep running over and over, if you make a perfect schedule, everyone just play and kill when he has time to play, and keep his xbox360 running and idle to let other players kill him when he has other things to do or sleeps. 24 hours a day. Everyone waste no time idling.
e.g. If you are 6 players team, each one can play and kill at most 16 hours a day if nobody give up their time.
Enhanced Guardian Boost
In original guardian boost, 4 players(2 at each side, 2-2)kill at the same time. Each one in average get 6 kills a minute. That's 1050 points(not exp).
In Social Guardian Boost, you may meet several different combination, 2-1/1-1/2-0/1-0. The fastest one, is 1-1. Let 2 players both be the leader, and run between 2 re-spawn point. If the enemies re-spawn near you, you get 4 kills, and if they re-spawn in the other, you have to spend 1 re-spawn time (15 seconds) to run, and get 4 kills. If you skip big maps and only boost in small maps, in average you get 12 kills a minute. That's 2100 points. That's what I call Enhanced Guardian Boost. The maps which you can do this is "Avalanche(after avalanche)", "Security", "Under Hill", "Memorial" and "Sanctuary".
I really do this method and get lv 100 in a week while triple exp event. It 100% works. My xbox360 keeps running 5 days and I play and kill totally 50+ hours.
Edit 1. You can use GUEST as 2nd player to join social match. But I don't know you can host a game with a guest or not.
Edit 2. GoW2 E3 event will start at June 14th GTM 2:00PM, Using Enhanced guardian boost, you get about 120,000 points per hour. It's about 500,000 exp per hour(6 times exp in E3 event). Take this chance and you get your wings under 14 hours!
EDIT: Iam918 posted some additional info about the issue where the last ticker allways got stuck and didn't explode at all, as well as posting some pictures of how to position yourself.
EDIT2: Pics added!
EDIT3: Pics Removed, no longer available. Also, this achievement can't be obtained with this method anymore. Unless they would do another "all ticker" event. Wich is likely not to happen since there's 3-4 sequels to this game. But you never know ;)
First off, what you do here is all ALONE. Just start a LOCAL horde game and pick the 'Security' Map during the 'Ticker by the boatload' and the multiplier event to celebrate the launch of gears of war 3. Pick the insane difficulty since they won't reach you thanks to the lasers.
At wave 1, make your way through all the (few) tickers that walk around, and unlock the lasers that keep you from getting to that mortar or mauler machine gun... Make your way back ASAP and get in between the lasers, let the doors close too...
Since the tickers can't reach you they will go for the button to open the door... Once they arrive they just explode upon touching the button they will go *Boom*. Simply look at the pictures below for the positioning you need so that the last ticker won't explode. For a full text description of how to position, take a look at Iam918's comment!
After 30 minutes of watching what was happening i went from LvL 13 to 31. Pretty quick with that 25x multiplier alive! :D
If you don't have the urge to play on your xbox, just let it run (even while you sleep you can do that!
50 waves will net you somewhere in between 78125xp - 89285xp per hour! For not being behind your X360, that's also pretty awesome isn't it?
****************************[Special Thanks]******************************
Special thanks fly out to Iam918 for adding some great info about this method to boost your way up. Also for adding the pictures a big thanks!
EDIT2: Pics added!
EDIT3: Pics Removed, no longer available. Also, this achievement can't be obtained with this method anymore. Unless they would do another "all ticker" event. Wich is likely not to happen since there's 3-4 sequels to this game. But you never know ;)
First off, what you do here is all ALONE. Just start a LOCAL horde game and pick the 'Security' Map during the 'Ticker by the boatload' and the multiplier event to celebrate the launch of gears of war 3. Pick the insane difficulty since they won't reach you thanks to the lasers.
At wave 1, make your way through all the (few) tickers that walk around, and unlock the lasers that keep you from getting to that mortar or mauler machine gun... Make your way back ASAP and get in between the lasers, let the doors close too...
Since the tickers can't reach you they will go for the button to open the door... Once they arrive they just explode upon touching the button they will go *Boom*. Simply look at the pictures below for the positioning you need so that the last ticker won't explode. For a full text description of how to position, take a look at Iam918's comment!
After 30 minutes of watching what was happening i went from LvL 13 to 31. Pretty quick with that 25x multiplier alive! :D
If you don't have the urge to play on your xbox, just let it run (even while you sleep you can do that!
50 waves will net you somewhere in between 78125xp - 89285xp per hour! For not being behind your X360, that's also pretty awesome isn't it?
****************************[Special Thanks]******************************
Special thanks fly out to Iam918 for adding some great info about this method to boost your way up. Also for adding the pictures a big thanks!
EDIT: EXP weekends events are over, as of Tuesday 9/20 the 25x and Tickers was still on however. If someone notices when they turn it off or if you want to confirm that its still on add a comment. I'll try to update as I can. but i wont be playing 2 again until I've played though 3 so again good luck to all!!
Use Sora401k's method. I'm just putting this up so you can know when ExP events are and how much they are worth
you can also use this handy calculator to keep track of where you are at and where you need to go
Weekend 1 - Tickers by the Boatload
- 8-19-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 8-22-2011 9:00 AM EST 5x
- Horde: 32 rounds of shotgun ammo
- 5 exp
Weekend 2
8-26-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 8-29-2011 9:00 AM EST
10x exp
Weekend 3
9-2-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-5-2011 9:00 AM EST
15x exp
Weekend 4
9-9-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-12-2011 9:00 AM EST
20x exp
Weekend 5
9-16-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-19-2011 9:00 AM EST
25x exp
25exp is going on all week starting the 12th or 13th
Also New way to "boost" your score (only will work this week with the "ticker Maddness" going on)
with the all tickers horde you can start up a custom Horde match on Security, this can be done with a team or by yourself. with a team its a little safer because on insane one ticker could take you out. when it starts open the laser gates and run to the sandbag area. you might have to fight off some tickers before it closes but once it does and you are in the closed area all the tickers will run over to the button and explode themselves, and before you know it the round is over. you wont get any kills but you will get the exp from the round and most of the time you don't have to touch anything! on insane by myself I got to round 15 while i was watching TV on another input. the only thing to note is every now and then the last few tickers get stuck somewhere and I had to bring the gate down and they come running for you. if its down to 2-3 you can kill them, get back in and have the gates come up again before the next wave starts coming. the first 5 waves or so complete in about 1:30 -3 min with the longer rounds lasting 4-6 min. so if you die and restart every 5 waves you can get more points but you have to be a little attentive.
just a recap with the 25x this week you get
2500exp - casual wave
3750exp - normal wave
5000exp - hardened
6250exp - insane
on insane and if you average 4-5 min a wave (2-3 min average if you restart every 4-5 waves)
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 2500*12 =30000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 2500*20=50000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 3750*12 =45000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 3750*20=75000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 5000*12 =60000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 5000*20=100000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 6250*12 =75000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 6250*20=125000 exp per hour
I know this is less then you can get in KoH but you can do it by yourself and for the most part you don't have to do anything for 10-20 min at a time. any points are good points in my book when you need 6.8 mil
this exp event is also a good time to do the 1-10 waves on snow and fire maps. I was able to handle myself pretty well on hardened but normal is really no problem to get though, plus you are going to get almost 500 kills t words seriously 2.0 as well
I've also heard rumors going around that this weekend will now be a 50x which would be hugely nice but i wouldn't bank on it all in all good luck and can't wait to see everyone in a week on Gears 3!!!
Use Sora401k's method. I'm just putting this up so you can know when ExP events are and how much they are worth
you can also use this handy calculator to keep track of where you are at and where you need to go
Weekend 1 - Tickers by the Boatload
- 8-19-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 8-22-2011 9:00 AM EST 5x
- Horde: 32 rounds of shotgun ammo
- 5 exp
Weekend 2
8-26-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 8-29-2011 9:00 AM EST
10x exp
Weekend 3
9-2-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-5-2011 9:00 AM EST
15x exp
Weekend 4
9-9-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-12-2011 9:00 AM EST
20x exp
Weekend 5
9-16-2011 9:00 AM EST Through 9-19-2011 9:00 AM EST
25x exp
25exp is going on all week starting the 12th or 13th
Also New way to "boost" your score (only will work this week with the "ticker Maddness" going on)
with the all tickers horde you can start up a custom Horde match on Security, this can be done with a team or by yourself. with a team its a little safer because on insane one ticker could take you out. when it starts open the laser gates and run to the sandbag area. you might have to fight off some tickers before it closes but once it does and you are in the closed area all the tickers will run over to the button and explode themselves, and before you know it the round is over. you wont get any kills but you will get the exp from the round and most of the time you don't have to touch anything! on insane by myself I got to round 15 while i was watching TV on another input. the only thing to note is every now and then the last few tickers get stuck somewhere and I had to bring the gate down and they come running for you. if its down to 2-3 you can kill them, get back in and have the gates come up again before the next wave starts coming. the first 5 waves or so complete in about 1:30 -3 min with the longer rounds lasting 4-6 min. so if you die and restart every 5 waves you can get more points but you have to be a little attentive.
just a recap with the 25x this week you get
2500exp - casual wave
3750exp - normal wave
5000exp - hardened
6250exp - insane
on insane and if you average 4-5 min a wave (2-3 min average if you restart every 4-5 waves)
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 2500*12 =30000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 2500*20=50000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 3750*12 =45000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 3750*20=75000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 5000*12 =60000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 5000*20=100000 exp per hour
60min/5min per wave=12 waves an hour = 6250*12 =75000 exp per hour
60min/3min per wave=20 waves an hour = 6250*20=125000 exp per hour
I know this is less then you can get in KoH but you can do it by yourself and for the most part you don't have to do anything for 10-20 min at a time. any points are good points in my book when you need 6.8 mil
this exp event is also a good time to do the 1-10 waves on snow and fire maps. I was able to handle myself pretty well on hardened but normal is really no problem to get though, plus you are going to get almost 500 kills t words seriously 2.0 as well
I've also heard rumors going around that this weekend will now be a 50x which would be hugely nice but i wouldn't bank on it all in all good luck and can't wait to see everyone in a week on Gears 3!!!
ring dance for 3hours will get up to 360.000xp, people showed me a better way and it is faster, just the same as the normal ring dance but 1 team wins the whole match when they are in the ring the other team breaks the ring by a team or just 1 or 2 team members then the other team does it, with this new method u can earn more then 100.000xp in under 1hour depending how quick the ring breakers are.
Credits due to the players who showed me this and myself for putting up this solution.
Credits due to the players who showed me this and myself for putting up this solution.
I am creating this to help people who are struggling with the multiplier at the moment and also finding a game.....
Join a boosting party on the t.a site and get at least 6 players to play, definatly easier with 10 but 2 people with have to sit out of the party until it is set up... Then you can split up how you please!
Most important
Have every single person play 1 wave on casual horde, any map.... WHY , simple, for some unexplainable reason the exp multiplire is messed up and fluctuates between x2 & x4, which can double your time....
So, that wave..... complete it and work out who in the party is recieving that x4 solo horde....
Casual gives 100 exp..
x2 = 200exp
x4 = 400exp
It helps if more than 1 get this...
If no1 recieves this, then every1 will have to system cache reset and try again....
PROVEN TO WORK but can take multiply times
Out of those who recieved that x4 exp bonus, you need to split these in to region, specifically AMERICANS, UK and wider EUROPE....
all these will search SOLO for a match on KOTH social match making.
hope the diferent regions will all start thier own match with bots
so you can have more than 1 game started at this point.....
Then every body with out the multiplier will all search SOLO again,,,
bare in mind that you will most likely find people from your region(as stated above)
As soon as a second player has joined 1 of these games (x4 exp), then every 1 else can stop searching.
You decide who will be on each team and the 2 players who conected (should be on opposite teams) will send out invite to half the party each.... Until every1 has joined and its 5 v 5....
Wait til the end of the round and all bots will be kicked.....
this is by far the fastest method for conecting these days with the servers being so poor and with so few people online...
Im not going to blab on much about this as some great guides above will show you exactly how to do this.
But basicly the first team will sit in the ring(COG) a minimum of 4 required to make the rind a 2 sec capture....
Then the Locust will break the ring as soon as the capture is successful...only 1 member required for this bit....
This gives the impression of a dance where the dame KOTH Ring Dance comes from.....
The locust will break until the COG have 119 capture points and both teams will swap and do the same routine but with Locust recieving the Capture points.. Locust will win this round and start in the ring the next round with the COG breaking first....
This gives an even distribution of points and garentees the game will go for all 3 rounds....
It is better to let a team win the round by not breaking at all if you are running out of time but this should take 12-13 min....
Like others have explained, Exp round up ::::
Each round ::
Breaking - 6000 exp 6 - 7 min
Capturing - 24000 exp 6 - 7 min
1 round - 30000exp 12 - 13 min
1 game - 90000exp 40 min average
The exact amount of exp needed from1 - 100 is 6,825,825 exp
this should take about 55 hours of good clean boosting
i currently do not have this achievement at time of writing this as i am boosting this now and should have this within my next 3 session/days.....
i have pulled a clip from you tube off SAMDAMON118 (thx sam) to help show you if you dont already know how.....
Join a boosting party on the t.a site and get at least 6 players to play, definatly easier with 10 but 2 people with have to sit out of the party until it is set up... Then you can split up how you please!
Most important
Have every single person play 1 wave on casual horde, any map.... WHY , simple, for some unexplainable reason the exp multiplire is messed up and fluctuates between x2 & x4, which can double your time....
So, that wave..... complete it and work out who in the party is recieving that x4 solo horde....
Casual gives 100 exp..
x2 = 200exp
x4 = 400exp
It helps if more than 1 get this...
If no1 recieves this, then every1 will have to system cache reset and try again....
PROVEN TO WORK but can take multiply times
Out of those who recieved that x4 exp bonus, you need to split these in to region, specifically AMERICANS, UK and wider EUROPE....
all these will search SOLO for a match on KOTH social match making.
hope the diferent regions will all start thier own match with bots
so you can have more than 1 game started at this point.....
Then every body with out the multiplier will all search SOLO again,,,
bare in mind that you will most likely find people from your region(as stated above)
As soon as a second player has joined 1 of these games (x4 exp), then every 1 else can stop searching.
You decide who will be on each team and the 2 players who conected (should be on opposite teams) will send out invite to half the party each.... Until every1 has joined and its 5 v 5....
Wait til the end of the round and all bots will be kicked.....
this is by far the fastest method for conecting these days with the servers being so poor and with so few people online...
Im not going to blab on much about this as some great guides above will show you exactly how to do this.
But basicly the first team will sit in the ring(COG) a minimum of 4 required to make the rind a 2 sec capture....
Then the Locust will break the ring as soon as the capture is successful...only 1 member required for this bit....
This gives the impression of a dance where the dame KOTH Ring Dance comes from.....
The locust will break until the COG have 119 capture points and both teams will swap and do the same routine but with Locust recieving the Capture points.. Locust will win this round and start in the ring the next round with the COG breaking first....
This gives an even distribution of points and garentees the game will go for all 3 rounds....
It is better to let a team win the round by not breaking at all if you are running out of time but this should take 12-13 min....
Like others have explained, Exp round up ::::
Each round ::
Breaking - 6000 exp 6 - 7 min
Capturing - 24000 exp 6 - 7 min
1 round - 30000exp 12 - 13 min
1 game - 90000exp 40 min average
The exact amount of exp needed from1 - 100 is 6,825,825 exp
this should take about 55 hours of good clean boosting
i currently do not have this achievement at time of writing this as i am boosting this now and should have this within my next 3 session/days.....
i have pulled a clip from you tube off SAMDAMON118 (thx sam) to help show you if you dont already know how.....
Required 4 maps: Courtyard, Fuel Depot, Grindyard and Underhill.
If you have more than a single console, boot both of them up to search for Social Wingman game. Bots are quite easy to kill, you should be able to get 5-6k xp per game. Key to success is always take cover and If enemy close enough use your shotgun. Also make sure both accounts are on separate team.
Reason you need a second player is game will reward you xp as intended. Otherwise you'll be rewarded abyssmal 250xp per game. This is an alternative method all above, don't expect to be faster than ring boosting. Semi "legit" way to earn some XP, nothing major.
If you have more than a single console, boot both of them up to search for Social Wingman game. Bots are quite easy to kill, you should be able to get 5-6k xp per game. Key to success is always take cover and If enemy close enough use your shotgun. Also make sure both accounts are on separate team.
Reason you need a second player is game will reward you xp as intended. Otherwise you'll be rewarded abyssmal 250xp per game. This is an alternative method all above, don't expect to be faster than ring boosting. Semi "legit" way to earn some XP, nothing major.
Fuel Station Social Guardian Elevator Lift Boosting Guide
Requirements - 6 accounts plus 4 guest accounts/controllers
6 xboxes minimum so 3 required for one 3 for the other or it can divided to 4 xboxes and 2, as long as it adds up to 6
Optional but recommended- one turbo controller for each person on the team
First off, i understand very few of you will actually read this guide as it is very rare to have all the requirements to make this happen. But this is for the few who have everything needed to make this happen. Plus theres no official guides for this method so i figured I’d fill that void. Now to the steps.
Step 1: each booster hosts a lobby on a separate teams and invites their other accounts/guests to their lobby
Step 2: one of the hosts search for the map Fuel Station. This could take a little bit of time depending on luck. Since the map rotation after a game ends is alphabetical order, if you don’t find Fuel Station, look for Day One, Flood, or Fuel Depot.
Step 3: have the other team join that game by searching Social Guardian once the first host finds one of those maps
Step 4: once you get Fuel Station the setup you want is for any account that is NOT your main to be the leader. If in round 1 your main is leader, have whichever account you want to be the leader next round run to your opponents side and kill everyone on their except the account your booster buddy wants to be their leader
Step 5: the booster on the other team that the one i mentioned in step 4 goes to the other team and kills everyone too. MAKE SURE EACH PERSON KILLS THE LEADER FIRST so no one respawns after. This creates a sudden death which speeds up the 15 min round down to 1 minute.
Step 6: next round once each booster has a side account as a leader, each side account goes to the bottom of the elevator
Step 7: each main account looking for the xp goes to the top of the fuel station (one on each side of the gate)
Step 8: once the main accounts are ready to click x once the side accounts are at the top on the elevator , one of the side accounts click X on the green button to make the elevator go up.
Step 9: once the elevator hits the top, the gate on each side will drop for 10 seconds. This is your window to move your side accounts directly on the line where the gate drops.
Step 10: once ur side accounts are in line with where the gate drops, 10 seconds later the gate will close back up. Make sure your main account is looking waist high at the side accounts (leader) and is mashing the xp as fast as possible. Each main will mash X for however long the round lasts
Step 11: it may take a few founds to get the rhythm of reviving but once you do this, the strat involves the revive/xp round, then the sudden death round by each booster killing 4/5 people on the other team (leader first). This extends the game because the round ends in stalemate
XP reward rate- if the revives start happening at 13 mins, you should get 40kish xp per revive round. With each round lasting 15 mins, thats possibly 160k per hour or 60k per round/15 mins once everything is set up. PLUS guardian has a xp multiplier of 1.5 so you’d get 240k per hour
Overall this method should take only around 25-35 hours to get the 6.8 million you need
Bonus tips and tricks- getting a turbo controller to turbo down the X button makes this method a breeze
-to be safe i wouldn’t let a game go past 300k xp cuz since its a 360 game things can go wrong but the higher you go up the bigger the bonus so maybe live life on the edge once or twice?!?!
Guide for how the elevator glitch works below
Credit to ^^^^^^
Requirements - 6 accounts plus 4 guest accounts/controllers
6 xboxes minimum so 3 required for one 3 for the other or it can divided to 4 xboxes and 2, as long as it adds up to 6
Optional but recommended- one turbo controller for each person on the team
First off, i understand very few of you will actually read this guide as it is very rare to have all the requirements to make this happen. But this is for the few who have everything needed to make this happen. Plus theres no official guides for this method so i figured I’d fill that void. Now to the steps.
Step 1: each booster hosts a lobby on a separate teams and invites their other accounts/guests to their lobby
Step 2: one of the hosts search for the map Fuel Station. This could take a little bit of time depending on luck. Since the map rotation after a game ends is alphabetical order, if you don’t find Fuel Station, look for Day One, Flood, or Fuel Depot.
Step 3: have the other team join that game by searching Social Guardian once the first host finds one of those maps
Step 4: once you get Fuel Station the setup you want is for any account that is NOT your main to be the leader. If in round 1 your main is leader, have whichever account you want to be the leader next round run to your opponents side and kill everyone on their except the account your booster buddy wants to be their leader
Step 5: the booster on the other team that the one i mentioned in step 4 goes to the other team and kills everyone too. MAKE SURE EACH PERSON KILLS THE LEADER FIRST so no one respawns after. This creates a sudden death which speeds up the 15 min round down to 1 minute.
Step 6: next round once each booster has a side account as a leader, each side account goes to the bottom of the elevator
Step 7: each main account looking for the xp goes to the top of the fuel station (one on each side of the gate)
Step 8: once the main accounts are ready to click x once the side accounts are at the top on the elevator , one of the side accounts click X on the green button to make the elevator go up.
Step 9: once the elevator hits the top, the gate on each side will drop for 10 seconds. This is your window to move your side accounts directly on the line where the gate drops.
Step 10: once ur side accounts are in line with where the gate drops, 10 seconds later the gate will close back up. Make sure your main account is looking waist high at the side accounts (leader) and is mashing the xp as fast as possible. Each main will mash X for however long the round lasts
Step 11: it may take a few founds to get the rhythm of reviving but once you do this, the strat involves the revive/xp round, then the sudden death round by each booster killing 4/5 people on the other team (leader first). This extends the game because the round ends in stalemate
XP reward rate- if the revives start happening at 13 mins, you should get 40kish xp per revive round. With each round lasting 15 mins, thats possibly 160k per hour or 60k per round/15 mins once everything is set up. PLUS guardian has a xp multiplier of 1.5 so you’d get 240k per hour
Overall this method should take only around 25-35 hours to get the 6.8 million you need
Bonus tips and tricks- getting a turbo controller to turbo down the X button makes this method a breeze
-to be safe i wouldn’t let a game go past 300k xp cuz since its a 360 game things can go wrong but the higher you go up the bigger the bonus so maybe live life on the edge once or twice?!?!
Guide for how the elevator glitch works below
Credit to ^^^^^^
A new quicker method for gaining experience has been created by Sphinxy 69 and which i followed.
(KOTR) King Of The Ring Boosting.
5 people needed only.
Three people need to be Double Boxers - Two of which need to be able to have guest attached.
someone with more xbox's, resulting in needing less boxers.
for example, I was a triple boxer, so only needed another one more double boxer.
The guest account is just that, when on the main menu of gears 2, switch on another controller and press 'Y' to sign in the second controller and select the guest. DO NOT select another named account as this is what causes the Gears 2 account glitch which will freeze your account out of the game and you will not be able to play again.
How it works
The 5 players will have their Main accounts on one side (5 people - Team 1)
The 3 double box accounts on the other side, two having guests accounts, (5 people - Team 2)
Main accounts (Team 1) will be in the ring 100% of the time, while other team breaks the ring.
(Only need one person breaking the ring, could take turns so its not as bad)
no switching sides or anything, simply capture the ring twice for a game win, since time is experience, we want to get onto the next game as quick as possible, no wasting our time breaking rings for small amounts of xp.
(I saw that the ring captures gave you 211 points instead of 200 points)
211 points per ring capture x 120 captures = 25320.
25320 points x 2 resulting in a 2-0 game win = 50640 points.
50640 points = 25320 xp.
One game = 15 mins = 25,000 XP.
4 games = 1 hour = 100K XP
3 hours = 300K exp
At this rate, getting level 100 at 6.8m exp will be about 69 hours.
This equates to about 69 - 1 hour sessions, 35 - 2 hour sessions, or 23 - 3 hour sessions.
If doing 2 sessions over a weekend (3 hour sessions)(1 on saturday, 1 on sunday), this equates to about 11 weekends.
hope this helps people
good luck everyone.
(KOTR) King Of The Ring Boosting.
5 people needed only.
Three people need to be Double Boxers - Two of which need to be able to have guest attached.
someone with more xbox's, resulting in needing less boxers.
for example, I was a triple boxer, so only needed another one more double boxer.
The guest account is just that, when on the main menu of gears 2, switch on another controller and press 'Y' to sign in the second controller and select the guest. DO NOT select another named account as this is what causes the Gears 2 account glitch which will freeze your account out of the game and you will not be able to play again.
How it works
The 5 players will have their Main accounts on one side (5 people - Team 1)
The 3 double box accounts on the other side, two having guests accounts, (5 people - Team 2)
Main accounts (Team 1) will be in the ring 100% of the time, while other team breaks the ring.
(Only need one person breaking the ring, could take turns so its not as bad)
no switching sides or anything, simply capture the ring twice for a game win, since time is experience, we want to get onto the next game as quick as possible, no wasting our time breaking rings for small amounts of xp.
(I saw that the ring captures gave you 211 points instead of 200 points)
211 points per ring capture x 120 captures = 25320.
25320 points x 2 resulting in a 2-0 game win = 50640 points.
50640 points = 25320 xp.
One game = 15 mins = 25,000 XP.
4 games = 1 hour = 100K XP
3 hours = 300K exp
At this rate, getting level 100 at 6.8m exp will be about 69 hours.
This equates to about 69 - 1 hour sessions, 35 - 2 hour sessions, or 23 - 3 hour sessions.
If doing 2 sessions over a weekend (3 hour sessions)(1 on saturday, 1 on sunday), this equates to about 11 weekends.
hope this helps people
good luck everyone.