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One and Done

One and Done

Scored the winning point in a game of Keepaway against Legendary AIs.


How to unlock the One and Done achievement in Halo Wars - Definitive Guide

Note- This requires the Catch, Sugar Cookies, Pain Train, Bountiful Harvest, and Emperor Skulls

Take time to build up your forces until you have 2 scarabs and a fully upgraded Arbiter to protect the flag.

Map- Chasms
Players- 1v1 (Arbiter v Arbiter)
Gametype- Keepaway
Difficulty- Legendary

Immediately turn on the Catch, Sugar Cookies, Pain Train, Bountiful Harvest, and Emperor Skulls. Next build 4 warehouses and as soon as you have enough money to do so build a temple, then upgrade your base. Now use your money to upgrade your Arbiter and warehouses. After that you should use the last 2 openings in your base for a shield generator and a summit (Engineers and Banshees). Also, use temple upgrades such as turret strength and population capacity.

While you are doing this your opponent will be building up their base and may occasionally send their Arbiter and some infantry your way, but if you upgrade your Arbiter a bit, you'll be fine.

The first time the flag appears send the ghost you started with to grab it and run to the area ABOVE the middle. DO NOT go back to your base as the enemy will attack you. Don't work too hard trying to get this capture as it is just to buy more time before you start actually going for it. Don't be afraid to let your opponent capture the flag as its first to 3, however don't be afraid to go after them either.

Once you have fully upgraded all warehouses and the Arbiter and purchased a summit and a shield generator, begin to save up money to build a scarab. While this is happening buy 2 turrets. After your first scarab is complete, begin building a second one. Use money you get while this is happening to build 4 banshees and then to fully upgrade your turrets.

You should now have 2 scarabs, a fully upgraded Arbiter, at least 2 fully upgraded turrets, and 4 banshees. Now send your banshees over to the pit above the middle area. As soon as the flag spawns, send your banshee squad to capture it, then immediately fly behind your base (opposite the side facing the enemy base). Now when the enemy comes, simply pulverize them with your forces. Any money made at this time should be used to purchase engineers and more turrets, as well as to upgrade all units that you have. In between flag spawns you should move the banshees back over the pit and heal your units, scarabs are your first priority.

12 Jun 2010 15:04

Props! None of these other solutions worked for me. You took the time out to write down what you did, and it worked perfectly. All the other solutions I died trying to get my third flag, but I didn't even get attacked on the second and third flags using this method. It works perfectly!
By Bonkekook on 24 Aug 2010 04:16
thanks! glad I could help
By zagski13 on 24 Aug 2010 14:24
Worked good, though you should maybe put something in there about actually going and getting the second base.
By DragonFangDan on 11 Sep 2010 02:22
My method involved only using the base you start with, however if you wanted one of the outer bases I'm sure it's work fine
By zagski13 on 11 Sep 2010 13:05
I followed this guide exactly, but 5 minutes into the match I was attacked by about 15 hunters, arbiter, and I fended them off. Just to be attacked by a matching army 30 seconds later. Never even had the chance to get halfway to the scarab.
By LobsterParty on 12 Dec 2010 17:33
I'd say try a couple more times, if you still are having trouble I'll pop HW in next chance I get and will try and figure something out
By zagski13 on 15 Dec 2010 00:11
Worked first try:) Thanks & to all having trouble, this game code seems to be random in difficulty so just keep at until you get it.
By Legit Spam on 19 Jan 2011 17:54
idk why but i found it much easier to have the AI set to cutter. i tried arby vs arby several times and got dominated but got it first try against cutter. i used the same basic timeline however but built my temple earlier and focused on vampires and settled with one scarab and had no problems. overall tho good advice thnx!
By Sir Stratsavvy on 19 Jan 2011 23:43
I made a video based off this strategy. I didn't get anywhere near Scarabs because the game was being nice to me, but when they did start attacking, this setup was pretty effective.
By Mr Z53 on 05 Feb 2011 15:02
Didn't work for me, ended up rushing it with a solo Banshee and got all 3 flags lol
By SpeciallyTDerp on 29 Mar 2011 20:52
cheers was a bit hit and miss at the start following this when they brought 5 revenant tanks at me but managed once i had scarabs was very easy thumbs up
By Team Bisset on 24 Jun 2011 22:46
worked perfectly after i switched to cutter, after about an hour of failing against the arbiter, i saw someone said they got it with cutter, cutter is probably the stupidest ai, he kept attacking the flag with a squad of marines so i always took him out, won the game in about 7 minutes 3 to 0.
By CCCPvKRUSHCHEV on 30 Jul 2011 09:30
I can't get the Banshees to capture the flag...what's up with that?
By pyr0lyZer on 01 Aug 2011 15:11
Excellent solution - worked on the first try.
By Chimaera36 on 06 Oct 2011 03:18
Took me a dozen tries, and in the end I did it with just the arbiter and some very paranoid banshees. Thanks to SxRxE for suggesting that method.
By talkstogod on 06 Feb 2012 08:24
had to modify the strategy a bit to match my game play - 2 bases (one to avoid getting flanked on the left), only 1 scarab, but a mix force of banshees, wraiths, and engineers - will still give credit for the original strategy - thx.
By ReliantGung ho on 23 May 2013 17:06
First try ever and decimated them! Thanks!
By A Ghost 0f Onyx on 23 Dec 2015 23:43
Worked first time! Didn't even need the Scarab in the end. The Arbiter only attacked me once at my base.
By Chris1984uk on 24 Jun 2017 23:29
Followed the alternate Captain Cutter route and - after a couple of rough beginnings - was able to beat it with the rest of this setup without even being able to spawn the first Scarab.
By Thrawn526 on 19 Jun 2018 18:34
Didn't even get close to building a scarab. Only just started building the second base and I won 3-0
By iiAssassinXxii on 10 Sep 2021 09:41
Worked perfectly. Thanks!
By AMS07Aries on 13 Sep 2021 20:59
Didn’t work
By ToxicBlaze17 on 16 Jan 2022 01:55
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Conbination of the other strategies, basically play as forge against cutter. 1v1 on chasms (the flag spawns are better on this map)

Build two hogs to start, send one to the middle to wait for the flag and collect supplies and the other to collect them around the base. Also try to get the gunner as well as it helps with the first capture.

At the base build a reactor first and as many supply pads as you can when you can. Upgrade your reactor and build an airpad. Pump out hornets as fast as you can and dominate the middle.

Now it should be a cakewalk. What i liked to do was capture the flag and fly everyone to the top left of the screen as there is a massive chasm here and cutter very very rarely builds air units.

Hope this helps

21 Jun 2009 09:13

This worked the best for me!
By BegFourMercy on 03 Jul 2011 05:19
Worked first time but the AI built Vultures so I had to use them instead of the Hornets.
By RaivinPoe on 13 Aug 2011 21:07
This worked great. This is the easiest and, in my opinion, the best solution to use. I just wanted to add that skulls will make this even easier. I turned on all the buff skulls except for Boomstick.
By GuruThaGreat on 24 Aug 2011 06:29
Very good guide got it second time just to mention the AI is a dirty cheat it hit my air unit with mac cannon but there was NOT ONE freaking enemy in sight so I had to capture the third flag again, other than the AI being a hack great guide man.
By SilentRich69 on 28 Dec 2011 00:47
Fantastic! Thanks for the tip!
By Topical Decoy on 19 Feb 2012 00:44
Fantastic! Thanks for the tip!
By Topical Decoy on 19 Feb 2012 00:52
Yup, first time here for me, too. Way better than the top-rated solution.
By zoilus68 on 26 Jun 2012 22:02
By far the best of the solutions given.
By SpartanMC78 on 02 Oct 2012 01:33
Excellent solution, got it first try using this method! Thanks for posting, I appreciate it!
By Captain Redeye on 30 Jul 2013 19:05
1st time for me as well and i forgot to put the skulls on and did it only with warthogs!
By Sniper4488 on 11 Sep 2013 18:25
Easiest strat to use. Awesome guide!
By THE DEADLY DOG on 31 Dec 2018 22:08
This was by far the easiest for me compared to the others. Got it on the first try with your method.
By Ham Man 89 on 31 Dec 2018 22:33
Brilliant solution! Works for both versions too. I'd just add that if the AI begins producing air units, you are better off just restarting since vultures are near enough invincible. If the AI is creating infantry or (maybe) vehicles then you should be fine
By Ditto51 on 26 Apr 2020 22:17
This worked really well.
By IKSU on 01 Apr 2021 06:50
Can confirm this was the easiest method
By RiotEpidemic on 25 Sep 2021 16:46
This solution works much better. I found with the solution above that I couldn't even get a base started.

Also, in the event that Cutter does build Vultures, they really aren't that bad. I had all positive skulls on, but I mainly focused on just out-maneuvering the Vultures since they're much slower. They couldn't keep up. All I had to do was watch for Cutter trying to Mac blast my flag carrier. Outside of that, easy peasy.
By Sir Noncy Dorp on 20 Oct 2021 05:07
“Cutter rarely builds air units” I’ve done this 3 times now and he’s built air units every single time and destroyed my base. Bad solution
By ToxicBlaze17 on 09 Jan 2022 16:59
This is the best solution by far, literally got it on my second try with this method and don’t understand why there’s 7 dislikes.
By SYst3M0FAd0Wnzz on 18 Feb 2023 02:28
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If you follow this guide you will more than likely win if Cutter decides not to build any barracks or airpads.

1) Under Skirmish, Set up as 1v1 Chasms Map, Keepaway, Legendary AI, and Forge (you) vs Cutter

2)First thing you want to do is build a supply pad and then a reactor (in that order). Build 1 warthog and send your other one already built to the nearby supplies to gather. When the reactor is done being built, make sure to upgrade the turrets on your warhogs (this will help with the first flag capture). After you get enough supplies build a second supply pad.

3)By this time you should be looking for the first flag to spawn. I recommend sending the second warthog you built to the middle strip and gather supplies while you are waiting. When you get the first capture, go behind your base. Now build the 2 turrets on the front of your base (do not upgrade them yet). After the capture is complete build a 3 more warthogs. Then build your second reactor and last, your airpad. Start pumping out hornets and place the spawn point for the hornets out near the beginning of the middle strip. The second flag should be spawning about now.

4) Upgrade your turrets on the front of your base now. Send all your troops to the center of the strip and prepare for a battle. Keep pumping out hornets. By this time the third (and hopefully final) flag has spawned. Place a health re-generator over your troops if you have the supplies to do so. After you capture the third flag its game over and BING ACHIEVEMENT POPPED!

27 Feb 2011 16:23

This worked really well. I only got attacked once and all the computer did was roll up, destroy one turret, and leave.
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 07 Mar 2012 00:58
You just plagiarized the solution above yours. Never even got the cheevo. Weak.
By PhilTheStampede on 29 Apr 2014 18:06
If anyone is having trouble with this achievement and these solutions aren't helping try doing it the way I did:

Start a game of Keepaway on Chasms as Forge and the enemy as Cutter. Next just hog rush him but dont attack his base, go BEHIND it. Just attack the reactors and Air Pad (or whatever it is he has) while one of your warthogs just keeps on getting the flag. If done correctly, Cutter won't build any units (other than his first warthog) and you'll win in no time.

24 Jan 2010 23:16

Easiest way i found was to be the arbiter build up a base with temple and 4 warehouses then upgrade the base and put up a shield and summit (few engineers needed to heal the arbiter if he gets low on health) and just upgrade ur arbiter with whatever supplies u get and everytime the flag appears just be first to get to it and just run away. Best done on chasms flag always appears down that middle stretch

19 May 2009 18:14

On the same map mentioned above (Chasms) I used Banshees and Vultures to catch the flag and of course I used the Forerunner Supply Elevator to get resources faster. I needed many tries with different characters and maps until in the above mentioned 1vs1 map the Covenant opponent (Arbiter) started using mostly suicide grunts (why, I don't know). When the opponent was UNSC he used Spartans to catch my own Banshees and Vultures and it got too difficult for me.

22 May 2009 11:44

**This is the simplest strategy by far**

Players: 1v1
Map: 3v3 (any works, I did mine on Glacial Ravine)
Mode: Keep Away (Obviously)
Difficulty: Legendary (Obviously)

Your Leader = Forge
AI Leader = Anders

Skulls will make this easier, if you have the buffing skulls (catch, emperor, etc.), I suggest turning them on, though not necessary.

Strategy: Immediately have this build:
1) Supply Depot
2) Reactor
3 - 6) Supply Depot
7) Reactor

your main goal is to get the gunner ability as quickly as possible. After that, it's pretty much smooth sailing. I have supply depot first though so you at least get some supplies going. Put your warthog in the middle of the map, wait for the flag to spawn, grab, and take back to your base (hide in the back). The first one will be a breeze since the AI will not have the gunner ability at all. In the event the AI gets the flag first, just ram him and you will have the gunner ability up soon enough to finish him off. Then you will be free to grab the flag right after. For the second and third flag, simply mass warthogs and upgrade them, have turrets up (flame and rail is all you need). simply have 2-3 warthogs camping the middle of the map, and when the flag pops, grab and go back the base, rinse and repeat. I assume the legendary AI has too much to compute on a 3v3 map when it's only 1v1, so it makes this extremely easy. I had to take AI flag carrier down twice and still got this under 12 minutes.

Happy Hunting :)

21 Jul 2013 18:01

Choose chasms as the map and be any covenant leader. Make your opponent Forge. 1st, build your temple and warehouses. Then capture the supply pad on the left. Then get citadel and get a summit and shield genarator or another warehouse. Keep building banshees and the get the upgrade. Keep it up until you win.

30 Dec 2009 02:22

What I did is I was any human charater and I made hornets on blood gulch I got the flag and then just hid in the back trail behind your base and had turrets up and I got this achievement on my first try
This does NOT have to be a 1v1. You can cheap out and get it with a friend/2nd box real easy. You + Legendary AI vs friend/dummy + Legendary AI. The other "human" player does nothing, and you just make sure you get the last flag not your AI backup. Although, it might pop either way. Didn't test that part, since I managed to get the last point myself.
I tried all the other guides at least twice and none seemed to help me but every game is different. While following the guides above the A.I. always ended up with 10+ squads before i was able to get up and running so i decided to try my own method which worked the first try so i though i would share:

Skulls you need to activate: Sugar Cookies, Boom Stick, Pain Train and Bountiful Harvest.

Game Preparation:

Map: Chasms
Game Type: Keep Away(1v1)
Difficulty: Legendary
Your Character: Arbiter
A.I.'s Character: Captain Cutter

*Note 1: I did activate all the skulls mentioned in STZ513's guide but Catch and Emperor are not necessary as i found they are not needed.

Note 2: I am not sure how but i was lucky as Cutter captured the flag first and the unit was immediately destroyed. It was in the middle of the map so no rebel forces were around unless Cutter's warthog was damaged prior to capturing the flag and took damage in capturing it.

1.) As soon as the game starts activate your skulls then build your temple followed by 2 warehouses.

2.) Immediately send your ghost to the back of Cutter's base and attack his reactor. As soon as your Arbiter comes out send him to the back of Cutter's base to attack the reactor as well When you have the resources upgrade the Arbiters blades. As soon as the Arbiter reaches the reactor send your ghost to the middle strip and wait for the flag as it appears soon in the game.(Cutter will start panicking thinking he will lose his reactor and will begin making turrets and a barracks.) Cutter will pursue your flag carrier until your ghost starts firing on his warthog and when he realize's he can't shoot back he will run and will not attempt to assault your flag carrier again, so your free to gather resources with your ghost, upgrade to a Citadel and build more warehouses and upgrading them.

3.)The flag SHOULD be re-spawned by now and your ghost will not get there before Cutter unless you kept your ghost close to the middle(i didn't as i was collecting resources). Cutter will also have about 3 warthogs with the gunner upgrade, 5-6 infantry, 2-3 flamethrowers and 2 Spartans. Don't panic just start popping out suicide grunts. Make them head towards Cutter's flag carrier and commit suicide on anything in there path. (As tight as the infantry and flamethrowers walk together if the boom stick skull activates at this time you will make short work of them.) Do not worry about killing the flag carrier this time your main goal was just to weaken his army.

4.) As all this is happening build your 2 front turrets, give them plasma mortars and upgrade them if possible. Whatever your suicide grunts didn't take out will be heading to your base. While doing this frequently check on your Arbiter's progress. You will not destroy the reactor as the ghost and the Arbiters damage seems minuscule. Your goal was to get him to build turrets, a barracks, waste resources, have less units and force him to fight you with mainly infantry. When you get the reactor to about half life run your arbiter back to your base. ( Your arbiter might make it back to your base to help fend off the infantry also)You should also be able to get Age of Doubt at this point.

5.)When you have the resources build a Summit and your last spot build a shield generator. As soon as the Summit is completed build 2 banshees followed by 2 engineers. When your first banshee is available send it to the middle to wait for the flag. Keep your second at your base to help defend it. Build your back 2 turrets and upgrade your turrets to max. After that you can build any other units you want.

Note: Cutter's Spartans hijacked my first 2 banshees so i used Arbiters Rage on them (which was the only time i used his ability in the game) during this the flag appeared and they went for it so i made 3 more banshees and chased them. I attacked the weakest one first which happened to be the flag carrier. Since they were over a chasm the Spartans didn't survive. ( I shared this at the off chance it happens to you as well.)

Note: During these first few steps your Arbiter WILL die be prepared at anytime to make another Arbiter. (The last time i scouted Cutter's base before my Arbiter left he had 3 Turrets 4 Supply Pads, 1 Reactor and 1 Barracks.)

6.) As soon as the flag appears have your banshee grab it and head for the top right corner of the map above the forerunner supply point and just wait for the time to run out. When the flag spawns again use your other banshee that you kept at your base to grab the flag for a 3rd time and head to the same spot. Then you can bring your other banshee back down to help defend your base. As Cutter can't destroy your flag carrier since he has no air units he will rush your base mercilessly with all of his ground units each time you get the flag and will retreat when he sees he is losing as i know you all should have experience in playing this i will leave it up to you to prepare accordingly. You should be able to handle anything he sends at you at this point.

*After Note 1: DO NOT attempt to build a scarab the flag appears very quickly from the beginning of the game and continues to do so until the game is won/lost. I had 30 seconds left after my first scarab was done and really didn't see use for it. Use the resources to build other things you think you will need until time runs out.

*After Note 2: The only three times i got the Flag are as follows:

At the beginning with the ghost and the last 2 at the end with the Banshees. The only time Cutter scored is when he gets the flag right after the ghost. All the other times i was able to destroy the flag carrier before he scored.

After Game Note: I beat Cutter 3 to 1 and did not build a second base or take the forerunner supply point as i foresaw it was a waste of time when the flag was the main priority and it seemed i did not need them.

This is only the method i used. It does not mean you have to follow it to the T and it does not mean it will work for everyone. It is just the method i used.

03 May 2012 03:17

Set up a skirmish match with the following settings:

Players: 1v1
Map: Blood Gulch (1v1)
Mode: Keep Away
Difficulty: Legendary
You: Professor Anders
AI: Sergeant Forge

Firstly you'll want to build 1 reactor and 4 supply pads, together with 2 warthogs and 2 turrets at the front of the base with the initial money generated. This should give you enough time for the first flag to appear. Next you'll have to build 2 more warthogs and turrets, 1 airpad and 2 hornets to protect the flag carrier.

Sgt. Forge (in my game) only sent over warthogs to the Forerunner Teleporter behind the base, which the turrets/warthogs/hornets could easily kill off.

This not only unlocked the One and Done achievement, but also the Penny Pincher and Big Al's Scooter achievements.

08 May 2010 14:19

This is best done on the 1 vs 1 map Chasms. Use the Arbiter for this one. Set the AI to Legendary, of course, and have Captain Cutter be your opponent.

As soon as the game starts, build a temple and three supply pads. Scout with your Ghost for supplies, there are a lot near your base, and about 60 to 90 supplies in the center; collect those with your Ghost and move the Arbiter to the center of the map and wait. While you wait you can build a fourth supply pad, there is no need to upgrade to a Citadel.

By the time the Sentinel spawns (the flag), you can almost instantly grab it with Arby. Grab it and go camp at the back of your base, and wait. You will notice a timer running, that is how long it will actually take for capture the flag completely and have a point added to your score. You need three points to win.

Upgrade one of your supply pads every now and then, in case Arby needs to get into rage mode, but personally I never had to do this.

Now, when the timer has passed and you are rewarded a point, go back to the middle with Arby. Give him the upgrades ''Fiendish Return'' and '"Defiant Rage'' if needed, found at your Temple, and wait for the Sentinel and capture it, again camping at the back of your base. Repeat one more time.

Cutter will almost never send his units to you, he will be too busy building up his base. But if you really really want to be sure, listen to the AI about what kind of units Cutter makes, and build two turrets at the front to counter appropriately.

You will be rewarded the achievement after three Sentinel captures.