Metro: Last Light Redux

Metro: Last Light Redux

49 Achievements


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Save D6.


How to unlock the Redemption achievement in Metro: Last Light Redux - Definitive Guide

Spoilers ahead

This is the Redemption trophy, unlocked by acquiring the less conspicuous ending which is to save D6.

There are a variety of interactions and choices to make throughout Last Light that earn you morality points. If enough points are earned by the end of the game, you will unlock an alternate ending. Many of these morality points are simple however, many can be overlooked if you rush through the game. A flash of light will indicate the earning of a morality point when a requirement is met.

Some tips when approaching this trophy are to
- Play the instruments you find throughout the game such as the guitar and ukulele.
- Spare lives including those of Pavel, Lesnitsky and the Bear. This also includes avoiding killing soldiers, although you are still allowed to stun them.
- Listen to all conversations whether they be between enemy soldiers or between a few soldiers standing off to the side of your actual destination. I would advise to use subtitles seeing as most conversations that award a morality point seem to have subtitles appear on the screen while conversations that do not award any morality points usually do not.
- Exploration is another key element. There are hidden areas throughout the Metro that when explored, earns you a morality point. Additionally, some of these hidden areas will contain an ammo cache or something similar that when opened will award the point rather than just exploring the area.
- Another set of morality points is awarded by simply staying close to certain allies at certain points in the game such as staying near Pavel when he has the torch.

I would recommend to bundle this trophy with other miscellaneous ones such as reuniting the child with his lost teddy bear and saving the bear in the forest seeing as these acts do in fact earn you morality points. Also, move slowly and stealthily, avoiding killing during most of this playthrough If the morality requirement is met, this trophy will unlock when a certain someone prevents Artyom from destroying D6.

Good luck and happy hunting.

02 Sep 2014 19:06


This achievement is obtained for saving the D6 facility at the end of the Campaign. If you managed to earn enough Moral Points during the course of your playthrough, then after Artyom awakens from Korbut's ambush attack - and Miller motions Artyom to prime the detonator - the Little Dark One will appear, hold Arytom's hand, all while saying, " need for that now." From here, the hibernated Dark Ones will appear and take care of the Korbut and the Reds.

As for Moral Points, they are a hidden system within the game that don't do much other than affect the ability save D6 at the end of the game. Without enough Moral Points, you simply cannot obtain this achievement because the Little Dark One will not appear, and Artyom will destroy D6. Generally, each time you gain a point, your screen will flash white for a few seconds. There are several opportunities to gain Moral Points throughout the game, so you shouldn't have any issue achieving this ending.

Because this is one of the highly missable achievements - given its sensitive requirements - simply follow the suggestions detailed below.

  • Listen to as many NPC conversations as possible
  • Listen to as many enemy conversations as possible
  • Free the prisoners in "Pavel"
  • Walk past the surrendering enemies in "Separation," "Facility," and "Revolution" (DO NOT KILL THEM OR KNOCK THEM OUT)
  • Save all of the woman and children in "Bandits"
  • Return the teddy bear to the crying child in "Venice"
  • Spare Lesnitsky and Pavel
  • Do not kill any non-hostile creatures while with the Little Dark One
  • View all seven visions in "Dead City"

If you follow the suggestions detailed above, you will have done enough good deeds and obtained enough moral points throughout the game in order to obtain this achievement.

If you desire even more information that will help ensure the obtainment of this achievement, don’t hesitate in using THIS LINK. Finally, it must be stressed that this achievement should be paired with the Survival Mode playthrough. This is because many of the factors that lead to this achievement involve vast exploration, performing good deeds that coincide with other stealth-related achievements, and the general avoidance of combat throughout the entirety of the game. The achievement will unlock as soon the the concluding cutscene begins to play.



This achievement is obtained for saving the D6 facility at the end of the Campaign. If you managed to earn enough Moral Points during the course of your playthrough, then after Artyom awakens from Korbut's ambush attack - and Miller motions Artyom to prime the detonator - the Little Dark One will appear, hold Arytom's hand, all while saying, " need for that now." From here, the hibernated Dark Ones will appear and take care of the Korbut and the Reds.

As for Moral Points, they are a hidden system within the game that don't do much other than affect the ability save D6 at the end of the game. Without enough Moral Points, you simply cannot obtain this achievement because the Little Dark One will not appear, and Artyom will destroy D6. Generally, each time you gain a point, your screen will flash white for a few seconds. There are several opportunities to gain Moral Points throughout the game, so you shouldn't have any issue achieving this ending.

Because this is one of the highly missable achievements - given its sensitive requirements - simply follow the suggestions detailed below.

  • Listen to as many NPC conversations as possible
  • Listen to as many enemy conversations as possible
  • Free the prisoners in "Pavel"
  • Walk past the surrendering enemies in "Separation," "Facility," and "Revolution" (DO NOT KILL THEM OR KNOCK THEM OUT)
  • Save all of the woman and children in "Bandits"
  • Return the teddy bear to the crying child in "Venice"
  • Spare Lesnitsky and Pavel
  • Do not kill any non-hostile creatures while with the Little Dark One
  • View all seven visions in "Dead City"

If you follow the suggestions detailed above, you will have done enough good deeds and obtained enough moral points throughout the game in order to obtain this achievement.

If you desire even more information that will help ensure the obtainment of this achievement, don’t hesitate in using THIS LINK. Finally, it must be stressed that this achievement should be paired with the Survival Mode playthrough. This is because many of the factors that lead to this achievement involve vast exploration, performing good deeds that coincide with other stealth-related achievements, and the general avoidance of combat throughout the entirety of the game. The achievement will unlock as soon the the concluding cutscene begins to play.


As long as you help people out when you can, this ending shouldn't be too hard to get. You can also kill regular enemies. However, if it looks like you're going to execute an enemy or be evil in any way, give it a try. If the screen grows dark for a second and an ominous tone plays, you've lost a moral point. Restarting the checkpoint and completing the event differently should fix this. Also try to explore every area you can as they give you moral points. When you gain moral points, the screen softly flashes white for a second and you hear whispers. You do not need all moral points to get the ending but rather the majority.

Here is a handy Guide to moral points by the Metro Wiki: Moral Points - Metro Wiki - Locations, Mutants, Characters, Metro System, Achievements, and more!

To increase your chances of getting a good ending in Metro Last Light you need to: 1. Do not kill surrendering soldiers, strangle guards and attackers, only shoot at mutants for the purpose of extreme self-defense. Don't shoot at Black.

2. Rescue women and children in trouble.

3. Play musical instruments that come across as you go along

4. Give alms to the poor (bullets-money)5. Complete all side quests

6.Complete the SEPARATION level without killing people

7. Complete the FACILITY level without killing people

8. Complete the Revolution level without killing people

9. Complete the Bridge level without killing people

10. Be sure to save children and women at the BANDIT level

11. Return the Teddy bear to the child at the Venice level

29 Aug 2014 08:10

Detailed getting a good ending.

1. Sparta
When you first wake up and gain control, play the guitar located in the room. Then I seemed to listen to two soldiers talking, one of whom was sitting in a wheelchair, then I walked up to the slightly open door on the other side. There was a flash.

2. Pavel
When you find yourself at the top of the prison (go through a large, tall room with cages) and clear the corridor, there is a lever on the control panel to the right that opens the cages with hostages. Pull the lever - there's a flash. You will also receive the “Freedom” achievement. Don't kill any soldiers during the chapter. You can stun them as much as you like, but don't kill them!

3. Camp
When you find yourself in the corridor, where there are lockers on the left, and at the turn you can find two soldiers talking, then listen to their conversation. One of them talks about a hiding place. Wait until the conversation ends and follow this soldier back. Wait for him to open a locker with a good weapon, then stun him and take the weapon. You will see a flash.
As soon as you overcome this large room with soldiers, you will see an enemy who surrenders while inside the freezer. Just don't touch it, but pass by!
Don't kill any soldiers during the chapter. Stun as much as you like, but don't kill!

4. Big
When you find yourself at the Krasnykh station, there will be a beggar sitting on the ground on the right. Give him a bullet, then listen to his long speech and give him the second bullet.
Just listen to the conversation of two men sitting at a kitchen table, not far from the beggar.
Go further and listen to the conversation between two men and a woman. They tell her that her husband has died. Listen to the end of the conversation until there is an outburst. You may have to listen to her cry for a while.
A little further on, a man shows shadows to the children. Watch the entire performance until the end until the man says that he needs a break. Flash.
And opposite there is a juggler. To his right, two girls are sitting on the bench - listen to their conversation.
Go further, there will be a fork near the theater. There are two people standing on the right - one smokes and offers the second to buy a joint. Wait for the conversation to end, then the man in the cap (the merchant) will go back to the juggler. Follow him and approach him when he stands near the juggler. He will say again that he is ready to make a discount. There will be an outbreak.
From a front-row seat, experience a theatrical performance from start to finish.
Before you sit down and have a drink with Pavel, you will see two girls behind the glass. Listen to their full conversation.

5. Korbut
As you move through the ventilation hole, listen to the entire conversation between Moskvin and Korbut until Korbut leaves the room.

Next mission after Korbut:
Go to the right of the metal detector, stun two soldiers. Follow the third soldier down and wait for him to answer the message that group eight has left the facility. There will be a flash. Now you can stun him.
When you go through the valve, go down and listen to the conversation between two soldiers. One of them asks where the cargo was placed. At the end there will be a flash.
Further, when you overcome this room, you will find yourself in a tunnel with two soldiers. One of them is sitting behind a machine gun. Listen to their entire conversation.

6. Regina
As you begin to move on Regina, enter the second door on the left. There will be a cave in which spiders have completely settled. Go to the far room, which is lit with a red light, and turn on the power.
At the first fork, hit the arrow and go right. Ram the wooden fence and a flash will occur.
At the second fork, go to the left branch of the tunnel, where the cars are. Go inside and go to the very end to find a body.
When you push the carriage while driving Regina, you will see a room with beds on the left. Go to the end of this room and you will see ghosts. Go to the end of the room and back to the rails.
Enter the room filled with green liquid, where the note will lie. This room will be the next one on the right side. When you find the body near which the note lies, a flash will occur.

7. Bandits
When you first arrive at the camp, listen to the conversation between the woman and her daughter, who are sitting to the right of the man selling ammunition.
As you follow the tunnel further, you will hear a woman screaming in the room on the right. Take the first door on the right and enter the carriage. Move to the right and quickly take out the two bandits before they kill the woman.
When you find the rooms with the bandits, enter the last door located behind the dead man tied to a chair. Once you enter, quickly deal with the enemies, which will allow you to save the woman and child.
In the tunnel, located on the other side of the tunnel with the bandits' base, there is a carriage. There are bodies inside - go there and look at them. Flash.
While completing the chapter, do not kill any enemies. You can silence them.

8. Venice
When you arrive in Venice, know that there will be moneymakers who need to be given ammunition. One of them is in the right area, a narrow alley next to the fishmongers. Another beggar is on the left side of the water, right in front of the guitarist.
On the left side of the market there is a shooting range. Go straight away from it in the opposite direction, to the left. There will be a mother and a child there. The child will say that he lost his teddy bear when he ran away from the shooting range. Go to the shooting range by going up the steps and win three rounds. You will receive ammo and a teddy bear as a reward. Take it and give it to the child.

9. Infection
When you first enter the ventilation shaft, you will see two soldiers who want to shoot people near the wall. Hurry through the ventilation to the right and quickly stun the two guards before they kill a living person. There will be a flash when you prevent his death, and a second flash when you listen to the survivor's speech.
At the end of the chapter, Lesnitsky will tell you that you must take off your mask to save Anna. Do this before he starts counting down the time. There will be a flash.
During the passage of the chapter, do not kill a single enemy.

10. Epidemic
The only moral action I found in this chapter was searching for all the hiding places located outside the quarantine zone. All you need to do is walk along the walls and press the trophy key when the “ammo” icon appears. There are 5 caches in total. The first hiding place is behind a metal door, through which you will go right after the crowd. The rest are in the windows.

11. Khan
When you travel along the river of fate with Khan, you will hear a phone call. Pick up the phone and hear your mother's voice. Flash.

12. Depot
When you move to the outer territory, immediately go to the building on the left side. Go to the far end and go through the door to get inside the building from the crashed truck. There is a trap on the door - be careful.
When you find yourself in a large room with many enemies and wagons, then jump down under the floor and move under the floor, exploring this ditch.
When you encounter Lesnitsky at the end of the chapter, simply stun him, but do not kill him!
During the passage of the chapter, do not kill a single soldier!

13. Red Square
When you go through the first part of the chapter, Black will say that the Guardian will not attack you if you just walk past and do not touch him. Follow this advice. Later there will be another Guardian who will not attack you unless you walk near him. Do so.
Don't kill any soldiers during the chapter. You will be ambushed when you hear Paul's voice. Snipers will shoot at you. But you still don’t kill them, but wait for them to come down to you. Stun them. Not all the snipers will come down, but eventually Pavel will say that it’s enough and will open the door ahead, through which other guards will appear. Stun them too. Shoot Pavel until you catch him at the top. After he is grabbed by the dead, run up to him to save him. DON'T SLOW!!! Otherwise he will die.

14. Garden
When you follow the red flags to get through the first part of the garden, there will be a large building directly in front of you. Go to the building and use the wooden planks (logs) to get through the water. Enter the flooded store. Go into the back room and see a flash.
When you cross about half of the garden, you will meet a large creature called the Ursa. Defeat him in the first round. When the Bear goes to the right, shoot the mutants on her back to save her. He will hide in the forest.
By Hassock1993 on 29 Sep 2014 15:23
As you progress, when doing good deeds there will be flashes of light. If you do something bad, they are gray.
That's a pretty detailed guide.
By Romis on 10 Sep 2014 22:59
When you knock out the Cheers!/Third! (you will need to drink three times at the bar in Venice), return to the bartender and pay him one hundred rounds for the damage caused.
By misakin on 07 Sep 2014 23:50
The first time I passed through, I cut everyone up like a psychopathic butcher - I still got a good ending. So in general, it’s not at all necessary to stun everyone or complete levels without killing. It is enough to stealth, do good deeds and listen to the dialogues of non-dogs. I also came across an opinion on the Internet that said that in the game everything is even simpler and for a good ending it is enough to make two key choices: not to kill Lesnitsky and Pavel. But I haven’t checked this information yet.
By Naggez on 24 Mar 2018 00:52
At the Red Square level in an ambush, do not be afraid to kill enemies, karma will not be affected, otherwise it will not be possible to complete the chapter. Paul, of course, must be left alive.
By slavku on 28 Dec 2014 22:37
You can kill people, 20 good actions are enough for a good ending
By colgate2013 on 13 Sep 2016 07:36
At the "Epidemic" level, as soon as you meet the khan on the left at the post, the grandfather will ask you to let him in for insulin. Wait until they refuse him and stand next to him for a while. He will ask for cartridges for medicine. Give him ammo and a plus drips into your karma
By Hakimaru on 17 Jul 2017 17:09
Complete walkthrough of Metro: Last Light with a good ending (playlist, chapter by chapter)
By Nekish on 03 Apr 2015 23:07
If you get a good ending, and you want to get the “Revenge” achievement in one playthrough and not ruin your karma. Then you can do the following: In the chapter "Red Square", we let Pavel die and immediately after the achievement is given we reload the autosave. As a result, you will again need to catch up with Pavel and you will be able to save him.
By Zelgedis on 28 Mar 2016 00:32
Here someone wrote that “I heard that for a good ending it is enough to make two key choices: not to kill Lesnitsky and Pavel.” But I didn't check it myself. So - I checked - not enough))
I went through the entire game SPECIFICALLY doing evil (I killed everyone left and right, didn’t listen to NPCs, didn’t play on anything, didn’t serve, didn’t save, although I climbed all the hiding places), but I didn’t kill Lesnitsky and saved Pavel - in the end - it’s all the same bad ending.
By pilot94 on 05 Feb 2024 17:53
A detailed guide to getting a good ending in Russian.

Try to go through without killing, even if you go through the game on survival, it will not be difficult. And if you are caught, just knock everyone out. Killing is not prohibited, just for completing chapters without killing, you will be given a “good action”, of which you need to do about 20-30 pieces. If you do everything as in the guide, you are guaranteed a good ending.
By Vyacheslav96 on 29 Mar 2015 20:21
I completed the game without stealth, not hoping for a good ending, but eventually I got it.

What I did:

  • I only completed the Bridge and Reich levels in stealth.
  • He did as many good things as possible. (Gave patrons to the beggars/listened to all the dialogues/saved everyone except Pavel) PS: In general, I performed actions depending on the requirements for achievements.
  • Stunned for about 0-40 games, then cut. (It seems that it has no effect)
  • Took off the gas mask, saved the bear (for trophies)
In short, you can get the good ending without stealth by only doing good deeds.
By Bedlam on 19 Jul 2015 22:35
The level of karma can be determined by the number of hands in the tunnel in front of the mausoleum; the fewer hands, the purer the karma. Black's last words at the end of the "Polis" chapter should be "I'll ask my people for help." There's also a better chance of getting a good ending in survival mode.

For platinum I had the last trophy “Survivalist 2034” left, so I went through the game quickly without bothering, with shootouts (if it didn’t work out quietly), with killing people and monsters, I didn’t specially collect light flashes, they appeared as the game progressed, for fun I tried to go through without gray ones flashes, and to my surprise there were no hands at all in the tunnel in front of the mausoleum, and then I saved the bear and the game ended positively.

I didn’t listen to dialogues, I didn’t sit in the theater, I didn’t serve to homeless people, I saved women and children, I didn’t complete quests, I didn’t kill those who surrendered, I didn’t kill plot opponents, I saved a bear.
By slavku on 13 Jan 2015 22:20
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I compiled a few tips.
A very boring achievement. Got it on the second playthrough.
The main thing is that we reduce the killing of everything and everyone to zero. We do not remove the filters from stunned enemies wearing gas masks; it is counted as if they had died.
We listen to all the chatter of NPCs and enemies.

Good guide -

The decision about the good ending "Black" informs you already on the train, when it arrives at station D6.
If he has decided on the “Good ending”, he will say something like: “I will ask my people to help you...” and leaves, and if the decision has been made on the normal ending, then the words will be: “I must save my people.”

30 May 2015 21:51

By igor2789 on 12 Sep 2016 19:38
I went through the Survival level, stunned everyone (if possible), but took off everything that could be removed from them, including gas masks - this does not count for killing (I know for sure, because I received an achievement for killing 100 people already while defending D6, so I watched the progress of filling it the entire game). Well, do good deeds: give a cartridge to a beggar, spare Pavel, return the bear to the child, rummage around everywhere, looking for corpses, in general, do everything to generate “good” events (the screen briefly brightens) and avoid “bad” ones (the screen briefly darkens)
By SveRussian on 14 Apr 2019 23:55