111 Achievements


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Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

Finish Hoxton Breakout on OVERKILL, everyone using the Golden AK, C-Typewriter SMG, no skills/armor.


How to unlock the Tabula Rasa achievement in PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - Definitive Guide

With a group this isn't difficult at all if you communicate and know what to do.

Prep: So as the description says, do Hoxton Breakout on Overkill with no skills (EDIT 6/26/15: that means no Doctor Bag, Ammo Bag, ECM, Trip Mine or First Aid Kit; those each take 1 skill point and will invalidate the achievement), no armor, and use the two guns they tell you to. What they don't say is that you CAN equip a perk deck, and you can mod the AK and Typewriter as well. For the perk deck, I recommend Rogue, as a maxed out Rogue deck gives you a 30% chance to dodge every bullet shot at you and the Walk-In Closet perk increases ammo pickups to 135%. The AK should be modded for max damage to obliterate all Bulldozers, but other than that you can mod the guns as you see fit.

Day 1: So here's the biggest hurdle. Once you get Hoxtilicious in the truck you need to move it 3 blocks to the parking garage and the route is semi-randomized, with up to three obstacles after the initial cop car blocking the road. There can be (1) a cop car that you have to interact with to move just like the first car, (2) two spike strips on the road that need to be interacted with to remove, (3) road barriers that are lowered by hacking a nearby circuit box, (4) a giant pothole you need to bridge with metal that is in a corner nearby the hole, or (5) an armored SWAT van that needs a 60 second drill before you can move it. The first four take no time at all, the SWAT van can mean death if you get caught with your pants down and the drill is broken, and it usually jams 2-3 times as well, so be prepared to fix it. The pickup truck also needs to be signaled after every obstacle to move again, and will stop halfway down each block even if there isn't an obstacle in the way. I recommend moving ahead of the truck down the route to the garage, as enemies spawn in a radius around the truck, not you. So you can fight them off from one or two directions instead of three or four. On the last stretch one sniper spawns. If your path to walk is past the two ATMs toward the park-ish area, he'll drop in onto the balcony in front of you, otherwise he spawns on top of a SWAT van (not an obstacle van, the ones that act as level barriers to block you off).

First things first, blow away every regular cop you see, since they can spawn with .44 Broncos which will absolutely end you. If you see a regular police cruiser, there are two regualr cops on the map as well. Crouching along the sidewalks is your best bet. Once the truck reaches the garage, grab the parking ticket and rush inside, split up and have each person lockpick a door. Pay attention to the objective indicator as you pick, as it changes right when you pick open the correct door. There is a black Bulldozer with an IZHMA shotgun sitting in there. Light him up with the AK because he actually can't attack you until he completes his animation of getting up from the chair. Start the 30 second hack, guard it and then lower the bollards when it's done. Have one person hide in the room and the other three draw aggro and kite the cops somewhere else if you can. Sprint downstairs and signal the truck again, this time use it for cover as it moves to the ticket machine. One person can hug the front of the car for dear life when it reaches the machine, and take off all 3 sets of armor plating looking through the grill of the truck. Pop the ticket in and you are done.

Ideally you'd be playing with a full crew, and this guide is assuming that, so move in groups of two on the street. Number one tip: never stop moving, there's the ever present if you stop some aimbot cop with a shotgun will drop you right there. If somebody goes down on the street, don't worry too much since there are like 2-4 civilians in the parking garage. Conserve ammo as you go and you should be fine. Day 1 can be the most difficult, but it's pretty simple too.

Day 2: You need to do three things on Day 2, get Hoxton to the server room, help him get the info he needs, and take the server and leave the way you came. While Hoxton is getting his info, you'll alternate between defending the control room and a random objective three times. Each defense wave is 100 seconds if you can protect the power box each time. If the power goes down, there's about a 30 second delay for Hoxton to get up and running again after you turn the power back on. Every door that needs drilling will take 60 seconds.

There are three keycards that randomly spawn that you WILL need for the objectives. They spawn on desks, chairs benches, behind the security kiosks on the first floor, or in the white tray by the entrance metal detectors. One always spawns in the control room, the other two can spawn in any valid location on the first or second floor. The keycards get you into the objective rooms when they activate, the armory (which has what's basically four or so ammo bags and 9 grenades on a table), the infirmiary (which has multiple first aid kits on the wall), and the stairwell to get to the third floor (only reason to go up here is to go close range on the third floor snipers, so it's useless more or less here).

So from level start, there are two guards by the metal detectors, and usually ten in the main lobby area (two behind the counter, four upstairs, four downstairs) although they can move around a bit. The female FBI agents are all carrying .44 Broncos, so watch out. There can be a few civilians here as well, take all of them hostage to delay the assault wave as long as possible (there are also a few in the control room, and one or two by the desks by the forensics lab). Get Hox up to the control room and he'll start doing his thing, use the remaining lull to find all the keycards. You'll probably need to open the armory since your guns eat ammo like it's crack-laced candy. Try to save one card for the final escape run as well. The power box spawns randomly in the control room: that box is home base. Guard it or you'll hate your existence. Once Hoxton hacks the first monitor in the room, you'll get one of five random objectives.

(1) Director Approval: You need to hack the FBI director's computer and then approve 3-4 clearance requests from Hox that come every 10-20 seconds. You simply need to return to the control room after. Send 2 people to this one and leave 2 in the control room as B-Team. You'll cause the cops to divide their attention and make the objective easier. The director's office is on the second floor above the lobby, and you have nearby perfect cover just sitting behind the desk.

(2) DNA Evidence: You need to scan DNA samples in the forensics lab to find the traitor's DNA sample. The lab is just around corner from the control room, on the right side of the building (facing lobby desk as point of reference, same side of building as director's office). You need to drill the door to the evidence room or use a keycard (there's a keycard door in the lab to the evidence room that's more covered if you use a card), and lockpick the lab door. I'd recommend drilling here to save the keycard, as if you sprint as fast as possible there when the objective kicks in, you have at least 20 seconds of free time while they relocate, especially if your team draws aggro somewhere else. There are 6 blue boxes in the bookshelves in evidence marked "CLOWN CASE." You need to scan these, one at a time in the lab, and each scan takes 30 seconds. Once you get a match, just return to Hoxton in the control room.

(3) Encryption Keys: You need to open the door to the security office (either use a keycard or drill) which spawns in a corner of either the lobby or the balconies above the lobby. I'd recommend a card here since there's NO cover at all in any of the spawn locations for the office. Start a 90 second hack on the computer and guard it. There's a power box for the security office in the office itself that also needs to be guarded, and there's a chance they'll flood the office with gas for one minute. Once the hack finished, grab the marked hard drive and then deliver it to Hoxton to complete the objective.

(4) Missing Server: There's a server Hoxton needs that's in the IT department. IT can spawn upstairs next to the director's office or behind the lobby kiosk on the ground floor. There are four offices the server could be in. Shoot the windows out (they can't be melee'd) and you'll see the server on or under the desk in one of the offices. Use a keycard here and get the server to Hoxton and connect it, you'll need the extra time the keycard gives you since the server slows you to a crawl. The three not carrying the server need to escort the carrier back to the control room. After you connect the server in the control room the objectives completes.

(5) Witness Testimonies: Hoxton needs some hard copy files in the archives. The archives are in the basement of the building, blocked by a lockpick door and a drill/keycard door. The drill door is easily defended, so you can drill here if you want, although it's not a bad idea to gain some valuable time searching with the keycard. There are 12 double-sided bookcases in the basement, for 24 search locations total. 1/2 people need to guard the 2/3 people searching the bookcases. Once you have the files you need to deliver them to Hoxton in the control room to complete the objective.

Escape: One person needs to carry the server from the control room to the escape vehicle in the basement accessed next to the metal detectors at the entrance. It's a drill/keycard door. Unless you had to open the infirimiary or couldn't drill a door earlier, you should have a keycard left for this door. Walk across the second floor balcony (like you're going to second floor IT or the director's office), NOT DOWNSTAIRS right away. You can use the pillars as cover and then throw the server over the railing closer to the entryway to avoid walking it all the way downstairs. Wait till it's at least temporarily clear, jump down, pick it up, drop it in the SUV downstairs and enjoy your fresh 90GS!

So the order goes:
1. Defend Control Room
2. Objective 1
3. Defend
4. Objective 2
5. Defend
6. Objective 3
7. Defend
8. Grab server and escape

So, including the escape there are four objectives that can use a keycard (not including the Director's office objective), and you have the armory and infirmiary as optional keycard uses too. 6 doors, 3 cards. Make your choices ahead of time to avoid confusion or argument on the team, because things get hectic and you'll want to have a plan.

General Tips:
-(Day 2 only) Snipers spawn in the lobby area on the third floor balconies and in the entryway after you clear it initially, and outside on the roof across from the windowed hallway on the second floor. They'll drop you in one shot 80% of the time, all the time. Be careful.

-Shields spawn either in pairs or with a taser, if you see one expect at least one more special, if not a second pair moving with them.

-Dozers believe in the non-agression principle between assault waves. If you run into one between waves, DO NOT SHOOT IT AT ALL. It's retreating out of the map and it might despawn if you let it leave, as it WILL fuck you up if you fire at him. Green Dozers have pump action shotguns and Black Dozers have IZHMA shotguns. They have decently long reload animations that leave them vulnerable as well.

Author's Note: I'm American. First floor=ground floor, second floor=your first floor

If there's anything you think I missed, let me know. If you're desperate for a video I can try and run through it again for a guide, although Day 1 is mostly running and hiding, and Day 2 is mostly running and hiding, with some hacking thrown in there too.

EDIT 6/26/15: An Overkill developer confirmed that you don't need a full crew to unlock the achievement, so if anyone drops then you will be fine. You can do it solo if you really want to.

25 Jun 2015 01:37

So you can spend 1 point on a class basically and that's it....also what about melee weapons?
By on 26 Jun 2015 01:39
OK yup, thx.
By on 26 Jun 2015 12:04

Just like on Steam, the Host can get screwed out of this achievement even if the rest of the team pops it post-game. I was playing with Jacko and Heavenly and they both acquired it even though all four of us (including AI) made it out alive with Hux. Gonna have to attempt it again as a non-host.. Augh..
By Xenodolf on 29 Jun 2015 06:19
Did this with relatively little difficulty. Day 1 took a couple shots, but got Day 2 on first try. No achievement though. :(
By GatorFist on 21 Jul 2015 04:49
If you were host, that might be the problem. Otherwise, I got nothing.
By Priority Drelb on 21 Jul 2015 16:20
People dropping in and out is the problem. Redid it today, another guy and myself, worked first go for both of us.
By GatorFist on 23 Jul 2015 03:51
Literally just did this with 2 people, yet a dumbass tried to join, kicked him before he joined the game, but apparently that still negated the achievment for me....

If 2 people out there wouldn't mind helping, I would greatly appreciate it.

Need to do some Death Wish, too. Friends with one of the best players in the game (Charity Diary) too, so he'll be helping.
By Moo Moo Dairy on 07 Aug 2015 22:55
If anyone would like to do this achievement or do some deathwish message me in xbox because I need a good experienced group of players to play with.
By Gewehr Mags on 12 Aug 2015 23:54
I'm not sure if this voids the achievement...

When you see a key card. Have the whole group pick it up and at the exact same time. This will dupe the cards for you and make it easier to close all the doors while waiting for Horton to do his thing with the server.
By BiGPaPaRu on 23 Aug 2015 20:19
Thanks for the Solo tip.

Would just like to add/confirm you CAN do it with bots on, which makes this really easy, only went down once to a bulldozer as i was pelting him in the head :)
By DoonDoons on 22 Dec 2015 13:49
You mentioned only 3 key cards. I have had some instances where I found 4 key cards. I don't believe this is every time, but my successful try through, we had 4 key cards.
By AverageZombie90 on 18 Mar 2016 04:12
Apologies if this has already been discussed, but can you do this by simply choosing one of the blank "secondary" skill trees and setting it as active, or do you have to remove ALL your points anyway?
By CPCrookedMan on 23 Sep 2016 22:41
Great Solution. Can confirm it can be done with bots. I had very limited items because I'm a low level and still completed it. Tip would be not to spread your bots out. Lost one early on Day 2 and made it 100 times harder.
By CuddIe Bunny on 06 Mar 2021 22:07
Can confirm that you can in fact use equipment as well as crew abilities and crew boosts. They make this achievement a cake walk
By F4cile on 16 Aug 2021 18:45
I just completed this. First time I tired achievement did not pop and I was using Crew Abilities and Boosts. Second time I did this but took off the Crew Abilities and Boosts off and it popped at the end. So if anyone still playing this and having issues. Try without crew bonuses.
By MrFunkoPop996 on 06 Jan 2023 18:55
Finished this Solo, w/ Bots. It did pop for me personally when using Crew Abilities & Boosts. Took only 1 attempt. All equipped w/ a Golden AK of course.
By Silverizer on 13 Feb 2024 05:23
No you can't spend any skill points AT ALL, the only reason the achievement is worded the way it is is because the Walk-In Closet perk unlocks the armor bag which auto-equips if and when you have no other equipment because that's how the game is coded. You have a Golden AK, a C-Typewriter, a melee weapon of your choice, a perk deck and that's it. If you spend any skill points at all (unlocking each class is actually a skill). Using the armor bag equips your armor so you can't use it anyway.
By Priority Drelb on 26 Jun 2015 05:17
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Just watch this Video everything is explained :D


30 Jun 2015 08:09

1 Comment
Thanks for reminding me I forgot to upload my own video with the guide! I always include text because a lot of people, myself included, look stuff up on a phone and personally I read fast, so I can read my guide in less time than it takes to watch a video guide. Everyone's got preferences, right?
By Priority Drelb on 02 Jul 2015 23:47
with new ai update
all ai with golden ak
day 1 with 3 ai no problem
day 2 just hold the power
then you will get this achievementtoast

22 May 2019 09:13

1 Comment
Just popped the Tebula Rosa achievement solo with AI.

Logged on to the game to get familiar with everything again and saw this guide saying it could be done with AI so thought I'd give it a try.

Mistakes I made however as it took me 4 attempts shockingly:

1. Somehow didn't equip the correct SMG

2. Didn't equip my team with gold AKs via the crew management menu.

3. Didn't reset my skill tree. There doesn't seem to be a way to select a skill tree yet to be invested in so I had no choice but to completely reset ALL TREES.

4th attempt all was good. Skill tree set to complete 0. AI seem to be much improved since I last played the game. They were just headshotting enemies for fun.

I didn't have to do much at all. Barely killed enemies unless they were in my way. Anytime I went down, the AI would pick me up without any trouble. Very easy to unlock 😁👍
By Dat Boi Treezy on 29 Jan 2021 02:53
This achievement can be done SOLO or in MULTIPLAYER.

Before attempting this achievement ensure that you have the following;
> At least $2,480,000 available to spend in your Offshore Account funds.
> You have purchased the Golden AK.762 Rifle and Chicago Typewriter Submachine Gun.
> You are at least level 33 to unlock the contract on Overkill difficulty.

A lot of set up is needed for this so make sure you follow the guide to not invalidate your run.

Player Set Up: From the Main Menu select your Inventory and follow the steps.
> Character selected can be any.
> Mask selected can be any.
> Armor selected must be Two Piece Suit.
> Equipment selected must be None, shows plus on Inventory screen.
> Primary Weapon selected must be Golden AK.762 Rifle. Any modifications are allowed.
> Secondary Weapon selected must be Chicago Typewriter Submachine Gun. Any modifications are allowed.
> Throwable Weapon selected can be any. Choose one that matches your play style.
> Melee Weapon selected can be any.
> Skills must all be redacted, should all show zero on Inventory screen.
> Perk Deck selected can be any. Consider choosing maxed out Muscle as this will regenerate your health over time.

Crew Management: If you are playing with the AI then you need to manage your crew's loadout. Follow these steps for all AI players. If you are playing four-player co-op then you can skip this step.
> Mask selected can be any.
> Primary Weapon selected must be Golden AK.762 Rifle.
> Crew Abilities selected must be set to None.
> Crew Boosts selected must be set to None.
> Teammate Character Priority selected can be any.

Buying the Contract: Once you have completed the set up above you are ready to buy the contract. This can be done by selecting CONTRACT_BROKER in the left taskbar on either Crime.Net or Crime.Net Offline.
> Press cn_RB to select Days, then cn_RT to select 2 Days.
> Scroll down to find The Dentist: Hoxton Breakout.
> Team AI can be left on if you have completed the Crew Management step above.
> Difficulty must be set to Overkill, although you can also select a higher difficulty if you wish.
> One Down is not recommended for this achievement.
> Buy Contract. This will cost $2,480,000 from your Offshore Account funds.

That's the set-up complete and you are now ready to actually playout the contract. A visual guide of the set-up is below for those who prefer and a highlight reel of me completing the contract.

Day One:
> Potentially the more difficult of the two days.
> Part one of this will have you escorting the truck to the car park. Make use of cover here from buildings and the truck itself when available. Allow the AI to do a lot of the shooting as they are a lot better at absorbing bullets. Beware of turrets and Bulldozers as they can down you quite quickly with no armour.
> Part two has you inside the car park. Keep to the edges to try and find the control room. Be ready to back away once the Bulldozer is found in the correct room. Take cover when possible with the pillars and avoid spawns.

Day Two:
> Tasks needed to be done here are randomised but you will be familiar with them if you've played this contract a few times.
> Focus on trying to find key cards as these can help a lot. Probably more beneficial to use this in the main defend room as other areas are mostly very easy to defend.
> Take your time and be sure to take out Captain Winters if he arrives as this will make your escape difficult. Dynamite is overpowered for this if you go to the floor above and throw to the centre of the group.

Overall a not very difficult achievement. Shouldn't take more than a couple attempts. Good luck!

04 Aug 2021 21:23

This can be done either solo or with a full group. I recommend doing it with a group, for more safety. People have been reporting it's easier to solo since you only have to think about yourself while the A.I just does its own thing. However I had no luck doing it this way. Tips on how it can be done can be found here: LINK

This requires you to have no skills at all, which means a talent tree with nothing spent on it. If you are playing with friends the same goes for them. Nobody in your lobby can wear anything but the weapons, otherwise the trophy will not be unlocked. If they leave mid-game, the trophy will still unlock for you at the end. You cannot use any abilities or skills. Only thing you can use is a skill deck. I'd recommend using the Rogue Skill Deck fully maxed out. The only items you can use are the Golden AK 762 and the Chicago Typewriter SMG. No skills, no medkits, no ammo bags, no armor suit. The Typewriter SMG is unlocked at Reputation Level 17 and the Golden AK at Reputation Level 17 as well. However I do not recommend trying to do it below Reputation Level 100 else it will be harder to do. You can use attachment on the weapons so make sure to boost the damage of the weapon as much as possible. 

The biggest help for this is to use cover, a lot. During Day 1 use the cars and sneak around them to avoid being shot to pieces. Run from cover to cover. If playing with the AI let them do most of the work for you. Be on the lookout for snipers as they can take your shield away + take half of your health with a single bullet. When you are in the parking garage and need to find the computer to hack, be very careful. The room with computer to hack the bollards will have a Bulldozer in it. Bulldozers are armored police enforcers that can kill you if you are not fast enough. They can look like this or all black with a skull on their mask:

He will either hurt you badly or 1 shot you depending on your health so as soon as the door opens up, either unload into his head or run out and lure him around whilst still being careful of all the other Enforcers running around. Bulldozers are very slow at moving around so they are easy to run around with, while they are chasing you.

Day 2 is where the difficult part comes in. While Hoxton is getting his info, you will need to alternate between defending the control room and a random objective three times. Each computer is 100 seconds if you can protect the power box each time. If the power goes out, there will be about around a 30 second delay for Hoxton to get up and running again after you turn the power back on. Every door that needs drilling will take 60 seconds. I recommend finding 2 keycards and use one on the Medical Facility and the other on the Ammo Depot. The heist has 3 cards total, and they randomly spawn. They can be on desks, chairs, benches, kiosks or in white trays. Again, if playing with the A.I, all you need to do is think about yourself. Crouch and cover behind everything possible. Be careful of peeking around corners in case there are Cloakers around or Bulldozers. The heist can spawn quite a lot of both and Cloakers is a 1 hit down and Bulldozers can down you in 1 or 2 hits as well. While protecting Hoxton hacking you need to cover the Power boxes so it doesn’t take longer than it needs to be. Enforcers can also jump down from the balcony so pay attention all around you at all times. If your health gets low you can run to the Medical Facility and heal up. 

The 4 objectives Hoxton will randomly give you are:

1. Approval of the Director:

You need to hack the FBI director's computer and then approve 3-4 requests from Hoxton that come every 10-20 seconds. The office got plenty of cover to hide behind while you use the computer. You simply need to return to the control room after. 

2. DNA Evidence:

You need to find and scan DNA samples in the lab to find the traitor's DNA. The lab is just around corner from the control room, on the left side of the building when looking out from the Control room. You need to drill the door to the evidence room or use a keycard. I do not recommend wasting a keycard on it. You also need to lock-pick the lab door there are blue boxes in the bookshelves in evidence room marked "CLOWN CASE” on them. You need to pick one and scan in it the room next door till you find the correct DNA. The Enforcers can come rushing through the door or jump down from the balcony so be careful above you but there's plenty of cover here so you can sneak around while killing them if you get overrun. Otherwise, just let the A.I deal with them.

3. Encryption Key:

You need to open the door to the security office which can spawn in a corner of either the lobby or the balconies above the lobby. There is almost no cover here so I recommend starting the drill and finding a place to hide. Once the drilling is done you need to hack a computer inside a small room. There is sometimes a Bulldozer inside this room so be very careful. You need to protect the computer. There is a Power box inside the room which the Enforcers can cut. If that happens you need to get the power back on and continue the hack. There's also a very slim chance of the room being filled with gas for 1 minute. As soon as the hacking is done, pick up the hard drive and head back to Hoxton.

4. The missing Server:

There is a server Hoxton needs that is in the IT department. There are four offices the server could be in. Shoot the windows out and you will see the server on or under one of the desk in one of the offices. Again, I do not recommend using a keycard here. 

5. Witness Testimony:

Hoxton need some files in the archives. The archives are in the basement of the building, blocked by a lock-pick door and followed by a drilling door. The door can be defended without much issue. Once inside just search for the correct files. 

After Hoxton is done with all the hacking and making you run around it is time to pick up the Server when he opens the door and escape. The server is very heavy so you move extremely slowly. While doing this bit, you need to really be careful of your surroundings. You escape the same way you arrived so you need to head down into the lobby and to towards the area you started in. The Lobby is dangerous as enemies can be everywhere and you can be sniped from all sides on the balcony so move from cover to cover. You will need to drill the door unless you have the 3rd keycard. It can be difficult to defend in this area as the enemies can spawn right behind you near the door. As soon as the door is open its home-free. 


Hoxton Breakout is a two day heist involving the brazen escape of old Hoxton from a 're-trial.' Day one involves breaking Hoxton out and escorting a slow moving truck through city streets until you make it to a parking garage. This will be the more difficult of the two days, but taking it slow and ensuring you move the truck when it needs to be moved will eliminate some of the potential to get swarmed. 

Like the description states, you will need to use the Golden AK, C-Typewriter SMG and no skills or armor for the entirety of the heist. You can do this solo, or with a full party, but each human player needs to have the listed items and lack of any skills and armor for it to count. The key is to work very slowly when clearing streets. Also, making sure to duplicate key cards on day two will make things infintely easier as you can close the doors to the hold out room, open objectives faster, open the armory or infirmary, and finish the mission faster. The best perk deck for this specific achievement is the muscle deck because of the huge amount of health bonus it gives, although armorer is a good second followed by rogue or hitman. 

As stated in the description - overkill difficulty, no armor or skills, only Golden AK.762 and ChicagoTypewriter weapons. Those. zero points must be invested in branches. You can use Perk Decks and I recommend Rogue, as it increases your evasion and gives you a chance to penetrate armor.

Don’t choose a pro job, stick together, focus your fire on the bulldozers and save Kalash cartridges for them.

The first day as a whole depends on luck - it is advisable that the SWAT truck does not get caught on the way and the room is quickly found by computer in the parking lot.

On the second day, look for door cards. Ideally, more than three should be found - open the armory with ammo for one, it appears randomly in two places, the second first aid station is at the end of the corridor on the second floor, save the third for the end to open the exit door. The first aid station can be neglected if team members fell less than three times.

09 Jul 2015 01:58

Here is my visual video guide .

In it you will see where to run and what to do.
By rus199410 on 26 Jul 2015 03:36
I made the trophy solo, I suffered because I turned off the bots and tried to go through alone, but the trophy also drops with bots, so a little luck, on the second day three cards for opening the first aid station, the armory and the door (when we leave with the server) and take care of the bots, they save covering yourself from bullets and treating)))))))))))) I hope it helped.
PS "I suffered more with the silent robbery of a large bank"
By ASGart83 on 05 Sep 2015 05:37
You can and even need to use grenades, since sometimes there are a lot of enemies. I also recommend giving bots a Thanatos sniper. They shoot without missing a beat, and due to the wild damage they kill everyone except the dozers with one shot. On the first day, try to dive into small cavities in buildings. At one point there will 100% be a truck with a turret, the main thing here is to save the bots, because they help a lot when searching for the computer. On the second day, when Hoxton breaks in, sit at the electrical panel. When he tells you to go somewhere, the enemy doesn't turn off the electricity. At this time, it is best to apply key cards to different rooms.
By Domalish on 03 Dec 2019 08:50
Personal advice for doing it right the first time.

PS If you play stupidly for the sake of a die, then this trophy should be your last.

  • Spend Continental on bot skills.
  • Give 1 bot a sniper, others can use an assault rifle with the highest damage. It is possible without modules.
  • Get the "Shuller" perk, it will allow you to heal by collecting ammo from enemies
  • Take a large first aid kit with you. She helps reset the last knockout counter. When you see your screen has turned gray, run to the first aid kit and use it. As a result, the next time you get knocked out, you won't go to jail
  • The most important tip is that Allied bots can be blocked in place, thereby controlling the territory in a confined space and preventing enemies from approaching you. To do this, you need to aim at an allied bot and hold R1. To remove from the block, simply press R1.

By Vuplit on 30 May 2021 23:43
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It’s much easier to do it alone with bots or together with bots than with four people, there are significantly fewer mobs, we passed it the first time.

24 Sep 2015 11:08