54 Achievements
Reach Prestige III
How to unlock the III achievement in Phasmophobia - Definitive Guide
I'm going to start by prefacing this guide saying that this strategy is one I found worked best for me, as I was able to just get as many runs in as possible in a short time, by doing 1 hunt and either getting or guessing a ghost, rather than doing multiple hunts to narrow down the ghost. Even then, there are other variations plenty of streamers on this game use, so if you want to try for example the 12.97x strategy on Camp Woodwind, go for it as both work great.
Now this will be split into 2 parts, the first being the actual set-up and strategy, the second being a comprehensive way to identify each ghost and a personal list of those I went for in 1 hunt as they were the easiest to test for.
The set-up:
Starting Sanity: 0
Sanity Pill Restoration (%): 0
Sanity Drain Speed (%): 200
Sprinting: Off
Player Speed (%): 75
Flashlights: Off
Lose Items and Consumables: On
Ghost Speed (%): 100
Roaming Frequency: High
Changing Favourite Room: High
Activity Level: Low
Event Frequency: Low
Friendly Ghost: Off
Grace Period (s): 0
Hunt Duration (s): High
Evidence Given: 0
Setup Time (s): 0
Weather: Fog
Doors Starting Open: High
Number of Hiding Places: Very High
Sanity Monitor: Off
Activity Monitor: Off
Fuse Box at Start of Contract: Broken
Cursed Possessions Quantity: 0
This will result in a 13.07x multiplier. Now for the map and method, the map of choice for me was Tanglewood for this. At the start, grab an EMF Reader, Salt (do not bring tier 3 as we don't want to slow the ghost) and Incense + a Lighter.
Enter the house and hide in the first closet on the right in the hallway, turning on the EMF Reader then throwing it on the floor in here, and placing some salt on the floor outside the closet. Spend the early part of the hunt listening to the ghost speed, as it is a key indicator for a number of ghosts. What I would do if it wasn't one of the speed based ghosts, I would then leave the closet, use the global radio with to bring the ghost to me (or not if it's a Yokai) and watch it as it came towards me to rule out a number of other ghosts. The only other thing to listen out for is objects being thrown, as multiple in a short space of time could mean its a Poltergeist.
Now to cover the ghosts and how to identify them. The list of ones that I wouldn't personally try or be able to get off of one hunt were as follows:
Spirit, Mare, Demon, Banshee, Yurei, Onryo, Jinn, Shade, Goryo & The Mimic. The rest on the list all had easy enough traits to identify them during a single hunt which was my main goal to just get in and out and do a high number of runs, but others can be identified from above through multiple hunts if you want to stick around instead and get more consistent results.
I will also add, for anyone struggling to figure out a ghost based on its speed, there is a handy tool on this Github that was created as an all around tool/extension to use for PC players. One of those tools is a ghost speed tracker. On a PC or laptop, you can tap the F key in time with the footsteps of the ghost and it will highlight the possible ghosts based on its speed:
Now for each ghost and how to indentify them, some of which you won't be able to with these settings:
Spirit - The main way to identify a Spirit with 0 evidence is with Incense. During a hunt you want to use Incense on the ghost and start a timer the moment you do. The Spirit will not be able to hunt for a minimum of 3 minutes after being smudged, compared to the average ghost that can after 90 seconds.
Wraith - This is exactly what the salt is for. If the ghost steps in the salt you can safely rule out a Wraith, so try to make sure it walks over the salt during the hunt to test for this ghost.
Phantom - There are a couple ways you can identify a Phantom during hunts. The safest way is by watching it while it comes towards you. Phantoms will be barely visible during hunts meaning its blinks last longer and so you wont be able to see it very often. If you want to be risky, you can try to take a photo of the ghost, if the photo looks perfectly normal rather than distorted with no ghost present in the photo, then that also identifies it as a Phantom.
Poltergeist - The only way to identify this ghost is off of object throws during a hunt. Poltergeists can throw objects more often and further distances, so if it sounds like objects are being thrown back to back or you see some on the floor a good distance from their original place, then it is likely you have a Poltergeist.
Banshee - This one is quite hard to identify solo in all honesty, as without a partner in the game. One thing that can help a little though. On the EMF reader when the Banshee roams towards you in the closet whilst not hunting it can leave an EMF 2 reading (which the Wraith and Phantom can also do). So if you are getting a lot of EMF 2 readings and it seems to be interacting by the cloest you're in a lot, try to rule out the Wraith and Phantom first, if you have then there is a chance you have a Banshee.
Jinn - So with these settings, you will not be able to identify this ghost. However if playing with the breaker not broken, the Jinn can be identified whilst hunting. If the breaker is on and the Jinn has line of sight of you + is more than 3 metres away, it will speed up a lot until it is within 3 metres, then go back to normal speed and gradually speed up like most ghosts with line of sight.
Mare - This is another one that can't be identified reliably with these settings. The main ways a Mare can be identified is with the breaker on. If you turn on a light by a Mare, there is a chance it can turn it back off instantly, it will also never turn lights on like other ghosts as it prefers the dark. It also has a higher tendency to do light breaking ghost events.
Revenant - This is one of many ghosts that can be identified through its speed. When hiding in the cloest, the ghost will be VERY slow, if it then knows where you are either by seeing you, or through an electronic you have on (such as using your radio button), it will instantly speed up to a very fast speed until it no longer knows where you are.
Shade - This is another that isn't easy to do with these settings. The typical way to identify a Shade is after finding its room. It will rarely do anything when people are in the room (it can with 1 person in there) and cannot hunt either under the same circumstances. So if a ghost is far more active when you're not in its favourite room, then that could indicate you have a Shade.
Demon - Since we start with 0 Sanity, its hard to identifty a Demon purely by it hunting quickly after you enter the house. The next reliable way is by timing it with Incense again. While average ghosts can hunt 90 seconds after being smudged, Demons can hunt after 60 seconds (if if not smudged, average can hunt after 25, Demon can after 20), so this can be a good way to try and find a Demon.
Yurei - With these settings, I found it extremely difficult to indentify a Yurei as most of its abilities involve your sanity being above 0 or having evidence to find it with ease. However, Yurei's have a higher tendency of touching doors and have a couple of unique interactions with them. Yurei's can do a double door touch, which is 2 touches back to back, they are also the only ghost that can interact with the front door outside of an event or hunt. They are also the only ghost that can fully close a door (again outside of an event/hunt).
Oni - There are 2 ways to spot an Oni, one is watching it while it hunts. If it is visible the majority of the time and its blinks are very quick, this is the big giveaway for an Oni. The other thing is that the Oni is the only ghost that can't do an airball event. So if you hear a hiss from a ghost event not accompanied by any footsteps meaning it has done an airball, you can rule out an Oni straight away.
Yokai - This is where using your radio comes in very handy with the strategy mentioned above. A Yokai can only detect you when speaking in the game or using electronics from a very short distance (2.5 or 3m, I can't remember which). So if the ghost can't see you and is in range to disrupt your radio and doesn't instantly start coming towards you, then it's likely you have a Yokai.
Hantu - So the Hantu can be quite varied with these settings. First of all, its speed is based on the temperature of the room it's in and it doesn't speed up with line of sight, the colder the temperature, the faster it is, meaning if you hear its speed changing between rooms then you have a Hantu. Another way to identify a Hantu, when watching it during a hunt and the breaker is off, if you can see the ghosts breath then you know it's a Hantu.
Goryo - Without evidence, the Goryo is extremely hard to identify. The only real way to identify it, is to listen where the ghost is hunting from every time. Goryo is one of the only ghosts that cannot change favourite rooms, and it also will not roam far from its room either. If it is hunting from near enough the same place every time, then there's a chance it could be a Goryo.
Myling - This one is harder to test in Tanglewood and without a flashlight. The main thing to note for a myling, is it is much quieter when hunting than other ghosts, so if its footsteps are extremely quiet, or when going down to the basement in Tanglewood, barely to not even audible, that could be a sign of a Myling. If you have flashlights on, place one on the floor, and you should only be able to hear a Myling after it is in range to disrupt electronics.
Onryo - The Onyro can be unreliable to test for with 0 sanity as a starting point. The main test for one is by using Firelights. Light 3 up and place them down, if it's an Onyro it should blow all 3 out in a fairly short space of time, and after blowing out the 3rd hunt very soon after. The reason this is unreliable, is that it is hard to tell at 0 sanity, if that was an Onyro hunt, or a ghost hunting coincidentally after blowing out 3 firelights.
The Twins - The Twins can at times be tricky to identify. The main factor is their speed, depending on which twin hunts, it will either be 10% faster or 10% slower than a normal speed ghost, but that is a difference that can be hard to listen for until you have spent some time listening to ghost speeds. The other things The Twins can do, is interact in multiple locations either at the same time, or within close succession to each other, as one has a short range and is basically confined to the favourite room, while the other has a range of around 15m so can interact much further away from its room.
Raiju - This one is very easy to test for and is the exact reason the EMF Reader is brought into the house. The Raiju will speed up around active electronics, so whilst in range of the EMF, it should get a big boost in speed, then go back to a normal speed when either out of range, or that electronic is picked up and turned off.
Obake - The main giveaway to lookout for with an Obake on these settings is by watching it hunt. The Obake will shapeshift on occasion while it's hunting, changing its ghost model making it easy to identify.
The Mimic - Everything written for every ghost on this list? Throw it all out of the window. The Mimic can act as any other ghost in the game and has a chance to change which one it imitates every 30 seconds - 2 minutes. The main way to identify one, is if its behaviour clearly indicates one ghost, then on the next hunt clearly indicates a completely different one. Or if you want, bring a video camera in, as even with 0 evidence it can still give you ghost orbs.
Moroi - The Moroi is another ghost identified through its speed. Since we have 0 sanity with these settings, the Moroi will be very fast, in this case the 2nd or 3rd fastest (behind a Thaye and possibly Hantu based on temperature). Since the other 2 ghosts close to the speed of this one can't speed up with line of sight, that can be one way to test if you aren't certain which of the 3 it could be. After a while though, you can start to easily tell the difference between the speed of the faster ghosts to immediately identify them.
Another way to spot a Moroi is when smudging them, count how long they’re affected by it. Other ghosts will be affected for 5 seconds, while a Moroi will be affected for 7.5 seconds.
Deogen - This ghost is another very easy one to identify. The Deogen always knows where you are, so it’s best to have your Incense ready as it will come to the closet since you can't hide from it. When the Deogen is far away, it is extremely fast and will come straight to you, then become EXTREMELY slow (slower than a Revenant when it doesn't know where you are), making it easy to loop around an open space as well as identify it.
Thaye - Finally we come to the Thaye. This ghost is very easy to identify again thanks to its speed. On the first hunt, since a Thaye will not have had a chance to age yet since you won't have spent any time in its favourite room, it will be the fastest base speed ghost that you can encounter (this is not including Moroi once it has sped up with line of sight, which is the fastest ghost at that point, or a Revenant when its aware of your position).
I hope all of this has helped. Depending on if you complete any of the additional objectives, you can get anywhere from around 2-4.8k when correctly getting the ghost.
If there is any missing or incorrect information, please let me know so I can add it in.
Now this will be split into 2 parts, the first being the actual set-up and strategy, the second being a comprehensive way to identify each ghost and a personal list of those I went for in 1 hunt as they were the easiest to test for.
The set-up:
Starting Sanity: 0
Sanity Pill Restoration (%): 0
Sanity Drain Speed (%): 200
Sprinting: Off
Player Speed (%): 75
Flashlights: Off
Lose Items and Consumables: On
Ghost Speed (%): 100
Roaming Frequency: High
Changing Favourite Room: High
Activity Level: Low
Event Frequency: Low
Friendly Ghost: Off
Grace Period (s): 0
Hunt Duration (s): High
Evidence Given: 0
Setup Time (s): 0
Weather: Fog
Doors Starting Open: High
Number of Hiding Places: Very High
Sanity Monitor: Off
Activity Monitor: Off
Fuse Box at Start of Contract: Broken
Cursed Possessions Quantity: 0
This will result in a 13.07x multiplier. Now for the map and method, the map of choice for me was Tanglewood for this. At the start, grab an EMF Reader, Salt (do not bring tier 3 as we don't want to slow the ghost) and Incense + a Lighter.
Enter the house and hide in the first closet on the right in the hallway, turning on the EMF Reader then throwing it on the floor in here, and placing some salt on the floor outside the closet. Spend the early part of the hunt listening to the ghost speed, as it is a key indicator for a number of ghosts. What I would do if it wasn't one of the speed based ghosts, I would then leave the closet, use the global radio with to bring the ghost to me (or not if it's a Yokai) and watch it as it came towards me to rule out a number of other ghosts. The only other thing to listen out for is objects being thrown, as multiple in a short space of time could mean its a Poltergeist.
Now to cover the ghosts and how to identify them. The list of ones that I wouldn't personally try or be able to get off of one hunt were as follows:
Spirit, Mare, Demon, Banshee, Yurei, Onryo, Jinn, Shade, Goryo & The Mimic. The rest on the list all had easy enough traits to identify them during a single hunt which was my main goal to just get in and out and do a high number of runs, but others can be identified from above through multiple hunts if you want to stick around instead and get more consistent results.
I will also add, for anyone struggling to figure out a ghost based on its speed, there is a handy tool on this Github that was created as an all around tool/extension to use for PC players. One of those tools is a ghost speed tracker. On a PC or laptop, you can tap the F key in time with the footsteps of the ghost and it will highlight the possible ghosts based on its speed:
Now for each ghost and how to indentify them, some of which you won't be able to with these settings:
Spirit - The main way to identify a Spirit with 0 evidence is with Incense. During a hunt you want to use Incense on the ghost and start a timer the moment you do. The Spirit will not be able to hunt for a minimum of 3 minutes after being smudged, compared to the average ghost that can after 90 seconds.
Wraith - This is exactly what the salt is for. If the ghost steps in the salt you can safely rule out a Wraith, so try to make sure it walks over the salt during the hunt to test for this ghost.
Phantom - There are a couple ways you can identify a Phantom during hunts. The safest way is by watching it while it comes towards you. Phantoms will be barely visible during hunts meaning its blinks last longer and so you wont be able to see it very often. If you want to be risky, you can try to take a photo of the ghost, if the photo looks perfectly normal rather than distorted with no ghost present in the photo, then that also identifies it as a Phantom.
Poltergeist - The only way to identify this ghost is off of object throws during a hunt. Poltergeists can throw objects more often and further distances, so if it sounds like objects are being thrown back to back or you see some on the floor a good distance from their original place, then it is likely you have a Poltergeist.
Banshee - This one is quite hard to identify solo in all honesty, as without a partner in the game. One thing that can help a little though. On the EMF reader when the Banshee roams towards you in the closet whilst not hunting it can leave an EMF 2 reading (which the Wraith and Phantom can also do). So if you are getting a lot of EMF 2 readings and it seems to be interacting by the cloest you're in a lot, try to rule out the Wraith and Phantom first, if you have then there is a chance you have a Banshee.
Jinn - So with these settings, you will not be able to identify this ghost. However if playing with the breaker not broken, the Jinn can be identified whilst hunting. If the breaker is on and the Jinn has line of sight of you + is more than 3 metres away, it will speed up a lot until it is within 3 metres, then go back to normal speed and gradually speed up like most ghosts with line of sight.
Mare - This is another one that can't be identified reliably with these settings. The main ways a Mare can be identified is with the breaker on. If you turn on a light by a Mare, there is a chance it can turn it back off instantly, it will also never turn lights on like other ghosts as it prefers the dark. It also has a higher tendency to do light breaking ghost events.
Revenant - This is one of many ghosts that can be identified through its speed. When hiding in the cloest, the ghost will be VERY slow, if it then knows where you are either by seeing you, or through an electronic you have on (such as using your radio button), it will instantly speed up to a very fast speed until it no longer knows where you are.
Shade - This is another that isn't easy to do with these settings. The typical way to identify a Shade is after finding its room. It will rarely do anything when people are in the room (it can with 1 person in there) and cannot hunt either under the same circumstances. So if a ghost is far more active when you're not in its favourite room, then that could indicate you have a Shade.
Demon - Since we start with 0 Sanity, its hard to identifty a Demon purely by it hunting quickly after you enter the house. The next reliable way is by timing it with Incense again. While average ghosts can hunt 90 seconds after being smudged, Demons can hunt after 60 seconds (if if not smudged, average can hunt after 25, Demon can after 20), so this can be a good way to try and find a Demon.
Yurei - With these settings, I found it extremely difficult to indentify a Yurei as most of its abilities involve your sanity being above 0 or having evidence to find it with ease. However, Yurei's have a higher tendency of touching doors and have a couple of unique interactions with them. Yurei's can do a double door touch, which is 2 touches back to back, they are also the only ghost that can interact with the front door outside of an event or hunt. They are also the only ghost that can fully close a door (again outside of an event/hunt).
Oni - There are 2 ways to spot an Oni, one is watching it while it hunts. If it is visible the majority of the time and its blinks are very quick, this is the big giveaway for an Oni. The other thing is that the Oni is the only ghost that can't do an airball event. So if you hear a hiss from a ghost event not accompanied by any footsteps meaning it has done an airball, you can rule out an Oni straight away.
Yokai - This is where using your radio comes in very handy with the strategy mentioned above. A Yokai can only detect you when speaking in the game or using electronics from a very short distance (2.5 or 3m, I can't remember which). So if the ghost can't see you and is in range to disrupt your radio and doesn't instantly start coming towards you, then it's likely you have a Yokai.
Hantu - So the Hantu can be quite varied with these settings. First of all, its speed is based on the temperature of the room it's in and it doesn't speed up with line of sight, the colder the temperature, the faster it is, meaning if you hear its speed changing between rooms then you have a Hantu. Another way to identify a Hantu, when watching it during a hunt and the breaker is off, if you can see the ghosts breath then you know it's a Hantu.
Goryo - Without evidence, the Goryo is extremely hard to identify. The only real way to identify it, is to listen where the ghost is hunting from every time. Goryo is one of the only ghosts that cannot change favourite rooms, and it also will not roam far from its room either. If it is hunting from near enough the same place every time, then there's a chance it could be a Goryo.
Myling - This one is harder to test in Tanglewood and without a flashlight. The main thing to note for a myling, is it is much quieter when hunting than other ghosts, so if its footsteps are extremely quiet, or when going down to the basement in Tanglewood, barely to not even audible, that could be a sign of a Myling. If you have flashlights on, place one on the floor, and you should only be able to hear a Myling after it is in range to disrupt electronics.
Onryo - The Onyro can be unreliable to test for with 0 sanity as a starting point. The main test for one is by using Firelights. Light 3 up and place them down, if it's an Onyro it should blow all 3 out in a fairly short space of time, and after blowing out the 3rd hunt very soon after. The reason this is unreliable, is that it is hard to tell at 0 sanity, if that was an Onyro hunt, or a ghost hunting coincidentally after blowing out 3 firelights.
The Twins - The Twins can at times be tricky to identify. The main factor is their speed, depending on which twin hunts, it will either be 10% faster or 10% slower than a normal speed ghost, but that is a difference that can be hard to listen for until you have spent some time listening to ghost speeds. The other things The Twins can do, is interact in multiple locations either at the same time, or within close succession to each other, as one has a short range and is basically confined to the favourite room, while the other has a range of around 15m so can interact much further away from its room.
Raiju - This one is very easy to test for and is the exact reason the EMF Reader is brought into the house. The Raiju will speed up around active electronics, so whilst in range of the EMF, it should get a big boost in speed, then go back to a normal speed when either out of range, or that electronic is picked up and turned off.
Obake - The main giveaway to lookout for with an Obake on these settings is by watching it hunt. The Obake will shapeshift on occasion while it's hunting, changing its ghost model making it easy to identify.
The Mimic - Everything written for every ghost on this list? Throw it all out of the window. The Mimic can act as any other ghost in the game and has a chance to change which one it imitates every 30 seconds - 2 minutes. The main way to identify one, is if its behaviour clearly indicates one ghost, then on the next hunt clearly indicates a completely different one. Or if you want, bring a video camera in, as even with 0 evidence it can still give you ghost orbs.
Moroi - The Moroi is another ghost identified through its speed. Since we have 0 sanity with these settings, the Moroi will be very fast, in this case the 2nd or 3rd fastest (behind a Thaye and possibly Hantu based on temperature). Since the other 2 ghosts close to the speed of this one can't speed up with line of sight, that can be one way to test if you aren't certain which of the 3 it could be. After a while though, you can start to easily tell the difference between the speed of the faster ghosts to immediately identify them.
Another way to spot a Moroi is when smudging them, count how long they’re affected by it. Other ghosts will be affected for 5 seconds, while a Moroi will be affected for 7.5 seconds.
Deogen - This ghost is another very easy one to identify. The Deogen always knows where you are, so it’s best to have your Incense ready as it will come to the closet since you can't hide from it. When the Deogen is far away, it is extremely fast and will come straight to you, then become EXTREMELY slow (slower than a Revenant when it doesn't know where you are), making it easy to loop around an open space as well as identify it.
Thaye - Finally we come to the Thaye. This ghost is very easy to identify again thanks to its speed. On the first hunt, since a Thaye will not have had a chance to age yet since you won't have spent any time in its favourite room, it will be the fastest base speed ghost that you can encounter (this is not including Moroi once it has sped up with line of sight, which is the fastest ghost at that point, or a Revenant when its aware of your position).
I hope all of this has helped. Depending on if you complete any of the additional objectives, you can get anywhere from around 2-4.8k when correctly getting the ghost.
If there is any missing or incorrect information, please let me know so I can add it in.
With the deo you just need to smudge when it’s getting close and I will typically run to the kitchen to loop it until the hunt ends. Since you can’t hide form it so if you stay in the closet you’ll die.
By Dang3R Gaming on 06 Dec 2024 22:24
Regarding the Demon, if two crucifixes go off in a short period time, then you've got him.
Setting hiding places to none, the breaker on, and hiding in the nursery behind the cot is good too.
Setting one crucifix in hallway, and one in front of you in the nursery. Turn lamp, and nursery light on. Choose jinn if the breaker stays on, or mare if light turns off straight away or breaks the lights
Setting hiding places to none, the breaker on, and hiding in the nursery behind the cot is good too.
Setting one crucifix in hallway, and one in front of you in the nursery. Turn lamp, and nursery light on. Choose jinn if the breaker stays on, or mare if light turns off straight away or breaks the lights
By Relentless879 on 01 Dec 2024 09:34