Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy

37 Achievements


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Pirate Killer

Pirate Killer

Kill 20 Pirate Lords


How to unlock the Pirate Killer achievement in Rebel Galaxy - Definitive Guide

Found my first Pirate Lord in Persephone. Look for a skull symbol on the stellar map. Be prepared to take down a reasonably large entourage, too. Find 19 more and you are done.

From what I can tell, the only artificial way to generate Pirate Lords is to resolve outstanding events on stations. Pirates Lords are events (a station will be labelled as 'Pirate Lord Sighted'). For example, resolve Militia Embargos by taking down Siege Craft. Take down Korian Invaders to resolve Korian Invasions. Both appear as sword icons on the stellar map. Crime Waves can be resolved by destroying key ships surrounding the station. There are usually 5 events active in a system at any one time. It can take some time for a new event to invoke and bring the total up to 5.

Or you can wait for events like Famine and War to be resolved naturally by Relief and Treaty ships.

Bounties do seem to accelerate the appearance of Pirate Lords. My guess is that the more bounties you complete, the less criminal elements there are in a particular system, thereby attracting a Pirate Lord who is looking to take over the action.

If you are going to mark down this solution then perhaps you could supply a comment with something constructive. This achievement requires grinding.

29 Jan 2016 15:34

Any suggestions on getting them to show up? I've seen 2 in my nearly 40 hours of play.
By hunterIV on 30 Jan 2016 07:01
Not so far. I've not seem them as mission targets. Only as skull symbols on the map. I have once seen the status of a station as them having seen a pirate lord in the vicinity, but I never managed to locate him.
By Singularity69 on 30 Jan 2016 11:39
People don't generally like solutions submitted by people who don't have the achievement yet.
By on 04 Feb 2016 06:04
Negatively voting a solution just because it has yet to be attained is childish. Given that I have the achievement for dealing with one Pirate Lord and that this is essentially a rinse and repeat of that process, this solution is perfectly sound.
By Singularity69 on 04 Feb 2016 06:46
Just a heads up, if you are trying to grind this by finishing events, you are going to piss off every faction but Citizenry. Make sure you complete the Militia and Pirate faction achievements first to spare yourself a headache of grinding later.
By hunterIV on 05 Feb 2016 03:16
I've been having decent success with just buying bounties from the bartender and clearing those that pop up on my map. Sometimes that's celebrated with a pirate lord showing up so I'm not sure if it runs on a timer or is a triggered event because of that. I have about 6 more to go at this point.
By DrMondo7 on 08 Feb 2016 15:25
3 more to go for me. I am averaging about 1 Pirate Lord per hour and they usually show up in sets of two with a second after defeating the first. I'll give bounties a try to see if it helps spawn a couple.
By hunterIV on 09 Feb 2016 00:53
My trouble is getting them to engage in combat, every one I find is just warping across space and I can't get near them, if I warp towards them I just go the same speed for ages and ages, tried cutting in front but they just keep warping ... bunch of pussies!

How do I get them to fight me?!
By o DEEVIUS o on 22 Sep 2016 18:35
It was a while ago now, but I was warping past them in a parallel position. But that only worked when they were interrupted mid-flight by other ships or asteroid fields. Once I was ahead I kinda guessed their flight path and waited in real time directly in front of them.
By Singularity69 on 23 Sep 2016 00:29
I'll add to this to make sure as you play, you take down any pirate lord that appears.

Chasing these is a real grind. By the end of the story, I had 10.

The quickest method for generating more seems to be going round the systems completing Crime Waves, Korian Invasions or Militia Embargoes and hoping a Pirate Lord generates. If nothing appears, or you've cleared the system of events you can complete, move onto the next system in a loop.

Using this method, it took around 4 hours to get the other 10. Waiting for War, Famine, etc events to clear can take up to 30 minutes each or longer.
By WolfOfBadenoch on 10 Jul 2017 22:58
For those coming here in the future: resolving outstanding events is the only way to move things along.
Just as a trial I did bounties like suggested further down in the OP- it doesn't help spawn a pirate lord.

Use the guide from bigbear XBA to speed this achievement up!
By Bennicbane on 27 Nov 2023 06:57
In an attempt to farm Pirate Lords, I am stuck with things like mining rushes and tech booms in all sectors so I can't end events by blowing things up. Do these just eventually end on their own? At a dead end at the moment, this sucks.
By hunterIV on 08 Feb 2016 08:25
As far as I can tell, those events resolve themselves over time. There are number of forums covering where people have attempted buying and selling lots of items at those stations to provoke a closure, but were unsuccessful. I am in a similar position with 10 more lords to deal with. It has become very tedious.
By Singularity69 on 08 Feb 2016 08:51
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It's a grind no matter what but this speeds it up. Find an "exclamation point" event that is easy to complete. Crime Waves and Invasions/Sieges are the best. Invasions/Sieges if you can get them before the craft gets to the destination are the best.

Go to the area (or the invasion craft on route). Almost complete the event then quit to title from your menus. This will save your game. Reload and complete the event. Go into your map and see which new event spawns. If it isn't a pirate lord, dashboard and quit the game from the dashboard.

Reload and you should spawn ready to complete the initial event. Complete and see what new event spawns. Repeat this until a pirate lord spawns.

Once a lord spawns fly to the lord. Quit to title from your menus to save before you kill him. Reload and kill him. See what new event spawns. If it isn't a lord, use the dashboard method until you get a lord.

It still takes awhile but I feel like this is much faster than any other method I tried.

12 Mar 2016 03:34

1 Comment
+1! Gonna try this, bout time I go back and finish that last achievement up lol.
By Shukuzen 粛然 on 17 Jun 2016 01:53
You're gonna wanna start looking for Pirate Lords pretty much as soon as you're comfortable with the game. They appear on your Map (Press cn_Y cn_LSr then cn_Y again to bring it up) as little white 'Skull' symbols. They can be tough opponents early on so save in a space station before tackling them. Keep looking for them as you progress through the story and by the end you'll probably have about 5-10. So now comes the task of hunting down your remaining Pirates.

Sometimes when you find a Pirate Lord they will be warping at high speed, and even with faster craft you cannot seem to reach them or make them engage. The best thing to do is warp straight to them from the front. If you're warping behind them, move to the left or right so you warp past them, then stop at least 500sm in front of them, make a u-turn and warp directly at them to make them engage.

Each system will have up to seven active 'events' running at any one time. These events are things like sieges, wars, mining rushes, convoys, or if you're lucky, Pirate Lords. These events are totally random and are not affected by completing missions or chasing bounties. They can be more easily recognised by a yellow exclamation mark on the relevant station on your map. Every type of event, including Pirate Lords, will eventually end by themselves triggering another random or linked event. However, you can end some of these events more quickly (in the hope of generating a Pirate Lord) by intervening in the ways listed below:

Crime Wave: The specific space station will be under attack, this will end by itself when the allies eventually destroy all attackers. You can speed this event up by destroying the main hostile capital ships around the station, the event has ended as soon as the exclamation mark disappears.

Korian Invasion: A Korian Invader (shown as a white sword icon on your map) will make its way to the station, once it arrives it will begin attacking the station with many more hostile and friendly ships appearing triggering a battle around the station. These can take some time so it's best to warp out to the siege craft before it reaches the station and destroy it, ending the event much more quickly.

Militia Embargo: The same as a Korian Invasion; a Militia Support Craft, Battlemaster or Dreadstar (shown as a white sword icon) will make its way to the station triggering a battle. This event will eventually play itself out, but you can end it more quickly by destroying the craft before it reaches the station, or during the attack.

Convoy Inbound: A convoy carrying valuables will make its way to the station, once it reaches the station the event will end. You can end this event quicker by warping to the craft (a white arrow symbol), get close to the 'Convoy Leader' and press cn_Y then cn_LSu to hail him. Demand that he drops his cargo, end transmission and you can then kill him ending the event. If he just gives you his cargo without a fight you can hail him again and destroy him.

The events below cannot be expedited

Archeological Find!: A treasure vessel / Science Transport, (shown as a white icon with three stacked bricks on your map) will make its way from one station to another. Although you can destroy this craft and take its valuables, and even deliver them to the correct station, it does not end the event.

Arms Race: A treaty delegation will make its way to the station, (a white fleur-de-lis symbol), once it reaches the station the event will end. These treaty vessels cannot be engaged in combat or destroyed, so you just have to let this one play out. Unfortunately these events (like Wars below) will almost always trigger a commodities event or a Famine.

Famine: A relief vessel, (shown as a white first aid icon) will make its way to the station, when it arrives the event will end. Although you can destroy the relief vessel, and even take its food supplies to the station yourself and sell them, it does not end the famine, another relief vessel will have to be dispatched making this event last much longer, and in my experience this may not happen at all freezing the event.

War: Same as an Arms Race; a treaty delegation (also a white fleur-de-lis symbol), will make its way to the station, once it arrives the event will end. You cannot destroy the treaty broker so this event has to just play out by itself. Also note that like Arms Races this usually ends with a Famine event.

Commodity Events
None of these events can be prematurely ended. They are often triggered as a result of one of the events listed above, for example; the end of a war or arms race may cause an economic boost or celebration. They involve a shortage or abundance of certain commodities and they will be marked with a (!) symbol in the commodities market.

Economic Boost: The station will have increased demand for certain items, giving out much higher prices when you sell them. As far as I can tell, no matter how many of these high demand items you sell there, it will not end the event, it has to just end by itself in time.

Huge Celebration: Like an Economic Boost the station will have a high demand for certain things, usually Greel Whiskey, Narco-Cola, things like that, but no matter how many you sell there it won't force an end to the event.

Market Glut: The station will have a surplus of various commodities making them cheaper to buy and giving you a poor price when selling them. But no matter how many you buy or sell it won't end the event.

Mining Rush: The station will have a surplus of minerals and metals, making them all cheaper. Alike to Economic Boosts it doesn't seem to matter how many materials you buy or sell there, the station will remain in a mining rush for some time.

Tech Boom: The station will have a surplus of tech gear, like robots and data cubes etc, making them all cheaper. Like the others, you just have to let this one end by itself.

So you have a choice of how to hunt down your final Pirate Lords; if you still have some outstanding Capital Ships and Fighters to destroy, some torpedoes to shoot down, or an Antimatter Speck to find, then your best bet is to travel around systems destroying siege craft and convoys, and ending crime waves in the hope you trigger a Pirate Lord.

However, if you have finished everything except this achievement, it may be more advantageous to try bigbear XBA's method of quitting and reloading on the same event:

A Korian Invader or Militia siege craft is definitely the best way to do this:

>Find a siege craft (sword icon) >Get close to him >Press cn_start and 'Exit To Title' to save your game >Sign back in, then continue >Destroy the siege craft >Look on the map to see if a Pirate Lord has spawned.

>If not; press cn_guide then cn_start and select 'Quit', then press cn_A and reload the game to try again.

>If so; go over to the Pirate Lord but do not kill him yet, treat him like a siege craft and exit to title to save, reload and destroy him, then check if another Pirate Lord spawned then do the same again.

08 Oct 2016 16:50

Pirate Lords are random events that spawn like Famines or Crime Waves at stations. For this you need to track down and kill 20 Pirate Lords. This trophy is a grind. Almost as bad as the trophy in Watch Dogs to be trailed by 5 other random people online. You have no control over which events spawn, or how quickly the events that aren't sieges or crime waves take.

During the campaign if you see a Pirate Lord drop everything and attack it. Make sure to dock at an outpost on the way to create a save so if you are destroyed you can retry immediately. Keep trying until you defeat the Pirate Lord. If you absolutely can't beat the Pirate Lord there's nothing you can do about it. During my campaign there was one Pirate Lord earlier on in the game I simply couldn't beat and had to let escape.

When I finished the campaign I had 9 of 20 Pirate Lords. My first instinct was to fly from system to system looking for Pirate Lords. After 2 hours I had found none, so I hunkered down in one system and did everything I could to force events along and in about 3 hours I was able to get the last 11 I needed with 1 escaping before I could get to it. I chose the system I did for this because it had been where I had found 6 of the 9 I destroyed during the campaign, and ultimately ended up providing 17 of the 20 I destroyed. I don't know if it was perhaps just great luck, or maybe something to do with the calculus for the procedural generation of the system (Briarius) in my game that caused it to create numerous Pirate Lords. Either way, staying in one system pushing along events was FAR more effective that flying from system to system.

Also, on a related note, if you're warping behind a Pirate Lord and can't catch up it's because the warp drive automatically slows down near an enemy to give you time to decide to go around it or not so you won't catch the Pirate Lord until they stop. The best way around this is to veer off slightly to one side. Your warp drive will speed back up and when you're about even with the Pirate Lord veer back into their path and both warp drives will be forcibly stopped by your ship and the Pirate Lord intersecting.

18 Aug 2016 03:16

While this can sometimes take awhile and be a bit random, this trophy can be save-scummed and is how I completed the last few pirate lords relatively quickly.

If you're planning on completing the game, the first suggestion is to wait until you're done to farm this as you'll get them randomly while doing other things so just make sure to kill the ones that pop up as you're playing.

A pirate lord has a chance to spawn whenever a new event starts. The easiest way to spawn a new event is to complete a previous event. The ones that you can actively complete are: Militia Embargo, Crime Wave, Korian Invasion, and Korian Siege.

To save-scum the event spawning: Find one of the previously mentioned events and enter the port to save the game. Complete the event and then bring up the map, looking for a new pirate lord event. If one does not appear, press the PS button and kill the game (do not Exit to Title because that will save). Reload the game and complete the event again and bring up the map to find a pirate lord -- rinse and repeat. I found a pirate spawned within 3 or 4 attempts; greatly reducing the grind.

28 Sep 2019 18:20

Randomly the game will spawn a Pirate Lord somewhere in the Galaxy. These ships appear in the system map as a skull icon and will travel from 1 station to another then disappear forever. When Pirate Lords appear and disappear, the News board in the Bar of every space station will announce each event. Pirate Lord events are extremely rare so you'll be doing yourself a favour by constantly check your system map to see if a Pirate Lord has appeared, especially if another event (e.g. a blockade, celebration, etc) has ended, which triggers the game to spawn another event hopefully a Pirate Lord. Once you get one, be prepared for a really tough fight especially early on when your ship is still relatively weak. In fact it's quite possible to be unable to defeat one even after 30 minutes of battle because the ship is simply too tough for you. If so then forget it and move on. However, if you want to save yourself a lot of extra time grinding away on these 20 Pirate Lords due to their rarity, you have to keep an eye on their appearances. By most accounts this trophy will be your last.

If you have difficulty finding Pirate Lords then there are 2 ways to help find them.

1: The first is simply to cancel out or finish events in-system and hope the next event that spawns is a Pirate Lord. If not then either complete that new one or reload and return to before the event was completed by you. So for example you notice a Korian Invasion Fleet, which is en-route to start a Korian Siege. By destroying the fleet en-route, you force the game to create a new event. Keep doing this until you get a Pirate Lord.

2: The 2nd way is based on the assumption that somewhere in the entire Galaxy is a Pirate Lord either waiting to spawn or already en-route to somewhere but not in the system you're currently in so keep transiting from system to system and hope you spot one.

As can be seen, hunting Pirate Lords will be luck-based so the amount of time spent on this will vary greatly and it's quite likely that you would only have killed 6-7 of them by the end of the story.

Go to a bar and ask for bouties, after collecting around 5 a Pirate Lord will spawn in the sector, rinse and repeat.

24 Mar 2019 00:00

The longest and most tedious trophy. Separately, because of this, the pleasure of obtaining platinum can last for an additional 20-30 hours, so it is recommended that you study the recommendations for obtaining it from the very beginning, described them on our forum .

08 Feb 2016 12:55

Also, the fewer events on planets/stations, the greater the chances of a baron appearing. When receiving a prize for blockades, barons appeared more often than when simply flying through the systems. If you are mining leagues of goza (long tedious and dreary), a lot of time passes, events update themselves, keep an eye on the map.
By Graf_Set on 22 Aug 2016 23:19
Always check the statistics before the battle with the pirate, and after.... for some reason, with these particular pirates, the statistics are buggy... with my counter of 12 killed pirates, 6-7 times I had to load and replay the battles.... and this Moreover, I fly alone, without mercenaries or nearby base ships... so be careful! so it's a hassle with these pirates, but if you beat them empty-handed, then you'll be flying for 100 hours ((((
By CAMELOT91 on 30 Aug 2016 10:16
The appearance of a pirate captain is an event. It is marked just like others with an exclamation mark at any station. In total, there can be 5 (sort of) events at the same time in one system. Accordingly, you need to “remove” other events. For example, if there is a wave of crimes at the station, then you need to destroy the pirates who have settled around the station. To speed up getting this trophy, you need to look for events that can be completed and then there is a high probability that the new event will be the captain.
By Amfetamin on 15 Sep 2016 19:40
In the Requiem system, pirates appear approximately once every hour.
I arrived, turned off the engines/went into drift, connected the joystick via a cord, turned off the console's sleep mode and went to watch the series...
an hour later he came in, killed the pirate and went on to do his own business, an hour later the captain came again... there was, of course, once when they did not recover, but there was also a time when two captains recovered at once...
I was the last to receive this trophy, so there was no longer any special interest in flying...
By baccet on 03 Sep 2016 20:40
in general, it seems to me that there is still a certain system when these captains appear. I did this: I destroyed all the unusual ships - trading caravans, ambassadors, attack ships, siege ships and others - and after that, as a rule, a pirate captain appeared. It is better to do this after receiving reputation-related trophies, that is, towards the end of the game.
By himeo on 22 Aug 2016 11:02
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