
12 Achievements


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Clear the first 9 waves without anything reaching the rim Evolved game - Normal difficulty


How to unlock the Deflect achievement in Tempest - Definitive Guide

If you are going after this achievement, I would advice going for this one first:
TempestSecureKMetalmindThe Secure achievement in Tempest worth 120 pointsHave 5 lives in handEvolved game - Normal difficulty

You may think getting 5 lives is harder than beating the first 9 levels without any enemy reaching the rim, but it´s actually easier. You will also get a lot of practice on levels 7-9, which are the hardest of the first 9 levels. You will learn a lot about how to survive too, which will make this one a lot easier.

You must start an Evolved Normal game at level 1. If any enemy reaches the rim, the achievement is nullified and you have to start over. If you lose all your lives, you must start from level 1 too. If you have doubts about if an enemy has reached the rim, it has probably done it, but keep playing anyway just in case. You will have doubts in nearly every playthrough.

When going after this achievement, your priority is killing anything near the rim before anything far away. Flippers (red enemies) and tankers (pink ones) will be your top priority. Spikers (green ones) can´t reach the rim, so they are lower priority. Anyway, keep in mind that if a Spiker returns to the beginning, it will evolve into a Tanker in another spot, so don´t stop killing them if you have the chance. Long spikes are a risk too because they make all enemies go faster to the rim. A Tanker near the rim is a high risk, as killing it will spawn two Flippers near the rim and it´s hard to kill them fast enough. So resuming: Nearly Tanker > Nearly Flipper > Far away Tanker > Far away Flipper > Spiker.

If a Flipper or Tanker kills you by touching you, it has reached the rim. Yeah, that means you can only die by shots or by crashing into a spike at the end of the level. Anyway, it´s hard to tell sometimes if you have been shot down or it was a close enemy.

It´s better too to die being shot that an enemy reaching the rim, and sometimes is better too to use the superzapper before losing a life (although sometimes it´s better to lose a life, more on that later). That means you have to play recklessly. Seriously. Being careful will often end on an enemy reaching the rim, and you having unused lives and/or unused superzapper. That´s a waste. Use your first superzapper once an enemy is reaching the rim, and do it fastly: It takes around a second to kill the enemies, so if you wait too long they will reach the rim. You will get the pacing down after a few playthroughs. Use the second one whenever you think it may help you. If you know you won´t kill an enemy that is going to reach the rim, try to die by a shot before it.

Levels 1-4 are easy and you shouldn´t have any trouble in most of your playthroughs. On level 1 there´s only linear Flippers, so just keep shooting at them. If by some chance one is near the rim, just use the superzapper. Level 2 is a little harder because Flippers can move around the level, but it should be easy too even without the superzapper. On level 3 you will see Tankers, so take them down before Flippers unless one is near the rim. Level 4 is easy too, as there´s only Spikers and Flippers. Take priority on Flippers, although remember each Spiker you don´t kill will return as a Tanker. If you kill all Spikers, you won´t see Tankers on this level. Be careful too about spikes at the end of the level. You shouldn´t die at all on these levels, although I think it´s better to keep playing instead of restarting to practice.

You will start having trouble at level 5, when only Tankers and Spikers will start appearing (and 2 Flippers after each killed Tanker). You MUST go as fast as you can killing Tankers and their Flippers. Don´t slow down because shots or enemy clusters. On this level is better to use the superzapper than dying, although keep in mind that unlike previous levels, there´s more enemies on this one, so the longer you keep unusing the superzapper, the easier you will beat the rest of the level.

Level 6 it´s IMO a little easier than the previous one, but keep the same strategy.

Level 7 will be too easy if you have already gotten the 5 lives achievement, as you will have played this level so many times... If you manage to keep superzapper unused for some time, you will beat this level easier, as it doesn´t have many enemies.

And lastly, level 8 and 9 are the hard ones, the ones that will screw the achievement most of the time if you get here alive. If you still have lives in stock, sometimes it´s better to die than to use a superzapper. The reason is the level will be shorter, and you will reset all Spikers that have become Tankers. So sometimes losing a life and using the superzapper after the next close situation will result in a short level, while using only the superzapper will make the level longer and harder. Remember, you must beat the first 9 levels, but you won´t need all your lives after that, so it´s better to die than to let any enemy reach the rim. On these levels, the game won´t warn you before starting to move to the end, so be careful too.

Lastly, a helpful tip: You can view enemies before they reach the grid, and you can move before the level actually starts, so look carefully at the end before starting each level, and line with the closest enemies to kill them faster once the level starts. Usually, the first 2 are Spikers and the next 1-2 are Tankers.

Once you reach level 10, the achievement will pop up. If it doesn´t, something reached the rim on the previous levels or you aren´t on Evolver Normal gameplay or you didn´t start on level 1.

16 Mar 2013 18:01

Nice guide, level 7 is the biggest pain in the ass imo.
By ArcCsc on 18 Mar 2013 18:27
Thanks!! Just gotten into Tempest recently to try to achieve 175/200, and I found there weren´t guides for these kind of achievements, so I thought about creating one after getting them.

Wanted to thank you too, as many of the tips I´m using while playing this game were written by you ;) I think Viper wrote some awesome ones too, but sadly it was on the old Xbox forums and most of that must be lost.
By KMetalmind on 18 Mar 2013 20:19
By the way, personally level 7 is easy as long as you can use the superzapper... Not being able to use it really makes it harder :(
By KMetalmind on 18 Mar 2013 20:21
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