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How to unlock the Challenger achievement in THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH - Definitive Guide

The hardest achievement of the game, now made easier with macros! I've written down specific tips for each challenge and noted how I beat them, but what makes my guide unique compared to other guides for this game is that I don't expect you to have played fighting games religiously for the past 10 years! There will be no cryptic code-talk in this solution, just easy tips everyone can do and understand.

Here's how to read a macro: they're just a list of what blocks you use and where, in the macro creation screen. So if it says "D, DF, F, LP" you want to input a down arrow, down-forward arrow, forward arrow and the LP icon. If it says something like "D[5]," you need to edit the frames value (by pressing X) on that block and change it to 5. If something includes an "S=(LP+LK)[5]," you need to use the S block to make your character perform multiple actions at once (like pressing A and B at the same time), and then change the frames for the S block to 5.

See my solutions for the acheivements The King of Fighters and Unnamed Challenger for tips on how to create a macro.

For the early challenges where you perform a lot of cancels and counters, keep in mind that you can change the button mapping for LB and RB to be the moves you need for each specific challenge.

I have culled this information from all over the internet; x360a, GameFAQs, japanese websites, forums, etc. If a solution to a challenge is lifted directly from someone, I give them credit, but most of this was researched by myself. I spent hours tweaking macros for this so give me a thumbs up!

If you're having trouble, be sure to check the comments for alternative tips from JMJimmy.

One of the hardest ones! I found the timing incredibly hard to master and just played until I got to play against a character this was easier to do against because their attacks are very easy to see and are pretty slow. Shermie was the one for me. Can be made easier by making the evade a macro:


Just mash A+X every time you're about to hit the ground.

You need to break the blue meter under their lifebar, which you just do by pummeling their guard until they've had enough.

This one is a very set-up challenge as it's always against Billy and he keeps spamming the same attack. Right from the start, just hold back to guard and when you see your character take a defensive stance, hit FORWARD and X+A at the same time.

Just crouch and block on the left-hand side and when the opponent is about to attack, mash Y+B.

This challenge has an unlimited attack gauge, which means you can use any character you like and give them a macro for a very powerful MAX attack and just spam it.


Use Terry and the following macro:

SP, N[5], D, DF, F, D, DF, S=(R+SK)

Use Terry and enter this macro:

SP[8], N[3], R[4], S=(R+LP)[8], LP, N[2], D[5], DF, F, LP[9]

(Credit for the macro goes to OmegaDL50 on GameSpot; though I modified it to remove the SDM he used in his.)

Use Andy, get close to the opponent and use the following macro:

SP[5], N, S=(LK+SP)[5], N, SP[5]

Credit for method to Ash The One; macro by me.

Use Ryo and enter this macro:

D[7], F[2], UF[4], N[15], SP[12], N[10], S=(F+SP)[4], F, DF, D, S=(D+SP), S=(DF+SP)[2], S=(F+SP)[3]

(Credit for the macro goes to OmegaDL50 on GameSpot again.)

Finding this macro was pretty much the hardest thing I had to do in this game, so I'm going to take this moment to complain about it! I really don't understand exactly what the frame setting does so I had to fiddle around for a very long time to find this macro, which will complete the challenge perfectly. Use Kyo and input:

D, DF, F, LP, N[5], S=(LK+SP)[5], N[5], D, DF, F, SP, N[10], S=(LK+SP)[5], N[10], D, DF, F, LP, N[10], S=(LK+SP), N[10], D, DF, F, SP, N[10], S=(LK+SP), N[10], D, DF, F, LP

Note that the second of four S inputs does not have the same frame setting as the first two! That's very important; if you make it all symmetrical it will not work. Also keep in mind that you have to press RT to activate MAX before you press LT.

You must use K' and perform his not-entirely-original uppercut punch, which you can do with this simple macro:

F, D, DF, LP

This opponent is extremely aggressive and pesky, but you need to push close and just keep spamming that macro as soon as she jumps. You lose the chain if you miss or if you accidently use another attack, so this one might take a couple of attempts even though it's simple.

Create and use the following macro for Kyo:

D, DF, F, D, DF, F, LP[200]

(It probably doesn't need to be set to 200 but it's just to charge the attack to the max, so I set it to something super high and it worked.)

An easy way to do it is to just re-use the macro you used with K' for Challenge 13. Just get in there and spam it. You can, of course, use any character you want and play with or without macros, though making a macro of a good special attack obviously makes it easier.


For this one, you're supposed to know that Takuma has a shielding-type move. You perform it by pressing D, D+LP in quick succession, and you punch that in as soon as you gain control. Then time runs out and you clear the challenge.

Use the following macro:

U[16], N, B[3], DB, D[4], DF, F, FU, U[4], BU[2], BD[2], D, S=(D+SP), SP[7], N[91]

It will complete the challenge perfectly. Credits to Ash The One for this macro. (The macro is for Vice, whom you must use for the challenge.)

Use Ryo and the following macro:

SP[5], N[5], S=(LK+SP)[5], N[5], D, DF, F, D, DF, F, S=(LP+SP), N[160], D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B, S=(LP+SP)

See CHALLENGE 15. Krizalid is a bastard, but not really that hard.

Use the following macro for Shingo:

D, DF, F, D, DF, F, S=(LP+SP)

Run the enemy to the opposite corner and then press LT. Try to press LT again right as the enemy is at the apex of their "jump," then do the same again (but with different timing as they fly higher the second time) to juggle them twice and finish them off.

Made very easy with a turbo controller and the macro.

This challenge has some kind of weird secret or something. I mapped Kenshou's fireball ability (D, DB, B, SP) to my macro but it turned into the meat bun eating move if I did it during the first 10-20 seconds of each round, meaning I got more life and an easier time beating the challenge. Eating didn't give any life on the third opponent, though.

These guys are much worse bastards than Krizalid was. I found the easiest method was just to spam a fireball at them and then do a low kick if they got close. Heidern, Athena, Kensou and others have fireballs. Even that method is far harder than it sounds and you need to be alert!

Use Lin, activate MAX (by pressing RT) and then stand right next to the opponent and pull this macro:

D, DF, S=(F+LP)[5], N[20], F, DF, D, DB, S=(B+LP)[5], N[5], F, DF, D, DB, S=(B+SK)[5], N[90], F, D, S=(DF+LP)[5]

Credit to Ash The One for the macro.

Use Ralf and perform his Galactica Phantom attack by doing D, DF, F, D, DF, F, LP two or three times to hurt the opponent - I hit it twice and then hit the opponent 2 or 3 more times with regular slaps to get my attack gauge up - and then perform his HSDM with this macro:

D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B, LP

Use Ralf, create the following macro and spam it;

D, DF, F, D, DF, F, SP

Use Choi. Immediately when the match starts, Benimaru almost always dashes at you using the special he just activated. Jump over him and run to the opposite corner and crouch with DB held down. When he gets close, quickly press UF and jump over him. Repeat for 30 seconds.

This is just a joke challenge or something. All directions are reversed, but the AI hardly puts up a fight at all so it's still ridiculously easy.

Right as the match starts, use Chang and mash X to swing his ball in the air, which will hit Choi and cancel his attack. Then, right before Choi gets back up and does it again, start mashing X to swing the ball again. Repeat one more time for success. The timing can be tricky and you may need to cancel Chang's attack (by pressing A+B+X+Y) right as it hits Choi in order to have enough time to launch the swing again before he gets up.

This is made much easier with a turbo controller with all face buttons set to turbo.

Apparently, these bosses are very sensitive to Heidern's "Neck Roll" ability. You need to abuse his Cross Cutter and Neck Roller moves. It doesn't really matter which one you macro, as they're made in the same way:

Cross Cutter
B[30], S=(F+LP)
Neck Roller
D[30], S=(U+LK)

Personally, I found Cross Cutter easier to do myself while I let the macro do the Neck Roller.

For Igniz, you can just rely on the Cross Cutter into Neck Roller strategy of tossing the Cutter first, then launching into the Roller while Igniz is busy blocking the Cutter. You can beat him without taking one hit with this method.

For Omega Rugal, the same strategy still applies but is far harder to pull off. So I just threw it out of the window and used nothing but the Cross Cutter constantly. I'd try to time it to hit him if he was on the other side of the screen, and if he was getting aggressive and pushing forward (which he does the second you let up) I'd start spamming it relentlessly to push him back. Cheap and cheesy tactic for a cheap and cheesy boss!

This last challenge is the toughest in the game and cannot be beaten by a simple "win challenge" macro like many of the others. You don't have to use Heidern and should probably just use whichever character you feel most comfortable with.

08 May 2012 14:19

Challenge 6: I actually had a hard time finding a max attack that I could get to work until: Bad - macro Forward, back, back down, down, down forward, forward + S=(LK+SK). This causes her to launch a projectile that explodes for a long combo so the initial guard counter is immediately nullified. Best thing is: She can launch up to 3 at a time for massive damage.
Challenge 7: Bad works for this as well, it's just tough getting the first hit... once the opponent is hit once, just keep spamming the macro and it's game over (had a 54 hit combo lol)
Challenge 8 & 9: Worked perfectly.
Challenge 10: I couldn't get it to work with that macro... making them all [5] worked though.
Challenge 11: Worked perfectly.
Challenge 12: Amazing that you figured this out, thank you!
Challenge 13 & 14: Worked perfectly
Challenge 15 & 16: Didn't come close to working after repeated attempts with K'. So, I did what the CPU did earlier... used Billy and B, DB, D, DF, S=(F+LP). Spam it and it keeps them at a distance so they can rarely hit you (got hit twice in total).
Challenge 17-19: Worked perfectly (19 took 2 tries for some reason, but it did work)
Challenge 20: Billy is better ;)
Challenge 21: Works, but does take a few tries.
Challenge 22: I could not get this strategy to work... he'd eat a lot but the damage output was too slow to keep up with both attack and healing. I found doing D, DF, F, D, DF, S=(F+LP, SP) when close to an enemy was far more effective. 3 hits per enemy and they're dead. Round 1: Dead with only 3/4 of a bar taken off, Round 2: Dead before half way dead, Round 3: Dead with 1/4 health left. Took me 3 tries but far fewer than I spent on the healing strategy.
Challenge 23: Again, Billy. Keep them at the edge of his range and they're hopeless.
Challenge 24-26: Works perfectly.
Challenge 27: The wording on this is a bit off... the key with Choi is to be constantly jumping backwards... when the guy moves in you then switch to jumping forward mid-air. This allows you to jump off the middle of the screen mid-jump. When you're crouching is when you get in trouble.
Challenge 28: Agreed, a joke. To make it even easier: use Billy and stand there watching the AI run into the end of your stick.
Challenge 29: Turbo or mash X, don't do anything else. Got it this way on my 2nd try.
Challenge 30.... not a clue. Igal just side steps cross-cutter and wipes me out... Billy can take out Igal really easily but then Regal owns him. I'll have to keep plugging away at it.
By JMJimmy on 08 Feb 2013 07:03
Your solution gives good advice on what to do in each challenge and every method you described seems to work fine. The only thing I criticize is that it’s stupid to rely on macros so heavily even for fighting game beginners (and I don’t consider myself an expert at all). You suggest macros for moves which are quickly done. It costs more time to record a macro than to simply do the inputs manually in most of the challenges facepalm. The majority of the challenges just require basic inputs, e.g. challenge 17 where you have to perform Takuma’s Style Sanchin defense move (D, D + LP or SP). I used macros for 5 of the 30 challenges. Most of the trials are easily doable without any macros. For the people who look for a tougher challenge without relying too much on macros I wrote some strategies down in this forum topic: How to finish most of the normal challenges without relying on macros too much.
By Orran Durai on 23 Dec 2021 17:00
Just some notes as I go through this as I *REALLY* suck at fighting games and am likely to have the most trouble using any guide, even a simple and well written one like this.

(controls mentioned are default though when macroing I find it better to put it on one of the bumpers instead of the trigger so it can be executed faster)
Challenge 1: I could not get the macro to work, but it was FAR easier to just do Forward + RB
Challenge 2: Again, made easier by using the LB button instead
Challenge 3: Use single strong punches (Y) with Kyo and on the last one that breaks the bar do a light punch (X)
Challenge 4: I had a really hard time with this one until I saw a video: Crouch guard (back+down) and when he hits you it will do so in 2 parts. First part shows what looks like a spark of lightning, then there's a pause, and a second spark. Releasing crouch guard after the first spark and pressing Forward+LB. I found this almost impossible to do without a macro. Upon setting it up (S=(F+LP+LK) the only trick is that after doing it once, go back into crouch guard immediately, let the 2nd spark hit which will push you back, then repeat. Otherwise you end up on the wrong side of him and your macro no longer works.
Challenge 5: Crouch guard + RB does different things on different characters. Using Kyo it needs to be just guard then RB otherwise he does an uppercut.
Challenge 6: It'd be nice to know a simple/powerful macro but for those who aren't sure: copy something from the skill list.
... more to come ;)
By JMJimmy on 08 Feb 2013 04:04
All of them have worked good for me. Until i got to challenge 30, the Heidren strategy works really good on Ingiz. But I can't do cross cutter consistently enough on Rugal, since I have neck roller on macro.
By Purds on 01 Dec 2012 01:47
O ya, +1 like from me!
By Purds on 01 Dec 2012 01:48
Great guide but you failed to mention which character you used...
By JMJimmy on 08 Feb 2013 02:26
Figured it out for challenge 30:

Heidern macro - B[30], S=(F+LP), N[44], D[30], S=(U+LK)

It's not a magic bullet but it's as close as I could make it. Igniz would go down with fewer than 2 bars of health lost 8 times out of 10. Rugal would go down 50% consistently but would usually get the better of me by 2/3rds down until I figured out the exact rules:

Controlling macros beyond their pre-programmed settings:
- For a macro that has a longish setup time like B[30] in this case, you can tap it again before those 30 frames are over to continue guarding. This goes for N[44], D[30] as well, during this period you can break him out of the current macro after he fires a cross cut to fire another one or guard. This is very very important.

- Don't touch anything but the macro button. The more you move the more he reacts.
- Wait until your feet hit the ground after spinning around his head then hit the macro again... if you trigger it during his landing the cross cut will hit him and you'll end up right next to him which is when he'll own you.
- If you do get close to him (and you will every fight) just rapidly tap the macro button to continue guarding - this will cause you to be pushed away while mitigating most of the damage (except if he does a couple very nasty attacks)

- This one took me a while but it's key: INTERRUPT THE MACRO FREQUENTLY.
- Again, use nothing but your macro. This includes moving around.
- Fire cross cuts mostly (and some guarding as needed) until he does his jump kick - but not just any jump kick... only jump kicks from the standing position when he's on the far side of the screen. Once he does a standing jump kick let the macro finish - 95% of the time he'll spin around his head just as he lands from the kick. If you attempt it when he does the kick after getting up from being hit by a cross cut then you'll land earlier than he does and he'll pummel you very quickly. The other 5% of the time he lands in time to give you a nasty kick to the face which drains 1/3rd of your health... nothing can really be done about this, I honestly think it's the CPU cheating.
- Cross cuts/guarding will block/interrupt every attack save his small energy ball and his 1 shot kill attack. This means you can afford to be patient, even when low on health. 3 bars can last quite a while defending like this.

All in all, amazing guide Drog - I would have been lost without it.
By JMJimmy on 08 Feb 2013 09:54
Cool stuff, I added a reference to your posts in the solution.
By DROGTURIST on 08 Feb 2013 13:09
For challenge 30 use ralf spam on the first guy then when you get to omega run to the back left and use your macro do it till you push omega to the far right wall then jump back to the far left and spam him to the right wall again.

Heres the MACRO - D, DF, F, D, DF, F, SP
By That505Guy on 25 Jul 2013 21:13
A small tip we can add:
(Same method as KOF XIII's survival mode).
For challenges where you need to defeat opponents in a row, (like 30) you can use Goro Daimon and input this macro:
F[1], D[1], DF[1], SP[1]
and now stay far from the opponent and spam it over and over again
(for challenge 30, it works like a charm on igniz, you'll beat him by perfect 9 times on 10, but it's a lil bit more tricky for rugal, stay on the left corner, spam the macro as fast as you can and when he comes close to you, kick him with D,SK, but be very carefull to your guard and to the timings of his moves)
i know it's not the perfect solution but i did it like this in less than an hour
By SHIRO HARADA on 05 Nov 2013 05:19
Thanks for the great guide it helped a lot clap
By GS13 ERGO PROXY on 07 Jan 2014 00:47
Use LP for Daimon's ground pound; the SP version is a fake version, so it wont work.
By ZensMeatSlab on 22 Jan 2015 10:10
Thanks for the guide, helped a lot. smile
By ZarlusteR on 15 Dec 2016 22:20
Great guide. Between your original solutions and JMJimmy's comments, I managed to get this in just a few hours! +1
By VictimOfDesire on 20 Feb 2024 19:29
Don't normally comment on solutions just to say thank you, but I can imagine a lot of time and effort went into this.

I severely suck at fighting games and am finding some of the challenges frustrating (to say the least...) but I can guarantee I'd have no working controllers left if it wasn't for this guide.
By on 17 Mar 2013 05:32
Additional tip for using Heidern on trial 30:

Against Omega Rugal, when he uses his 3 hit flash kick (the one where he does two kicks while rising to the air and a forward one at the apex) buffer your QCFx2 + LP super just before the 3rd hit comes out. You'll grab him with it on his recovery, doing a fair chunk of damage and stealing a certain percentage of his health. You should end up with at least 3 meters during the course of the two fights so it's extra health you can use to keep going for even longer. Its also useful putting it in quick if you see him about to use his Kaiser wave attack, as it'll go right over it and land on him while he's recovering.

Only catch is you switch sides, but that should be the least of your problems.
By Bigli Mezzana on 16 Apr 2013 17:10
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12 Apr 2012 00:09

1 Comment
Thanks, although challenge 30 did not work for me, I had to use Ralph, everything was very helpful
By PlanesWalker 97 on 04 May 2012 17:47
Just as a touch up on these already two excellent solutions.

If you get all the way to challenge 30, like me, and can't seem to beat it using the "Heidren" strategy.

Here is a alternative solution.
Set a macro for "Ralf".
D, DF, F, D, DF, F, LP
Its a really powerful attack, but takes a second to charge + has really good range.
As a tip don't use it when you are close to the enemy. Instead jump and use "LT"(macro), Ralf will dive downwards with a fire punch. Its a weak attack but will put some distance between you and your opponent and open the opportunity to use your macro.

I beat the challenge on my first attempt using this strategy.

Hope this helps you guys!

01 Dec 2012 02:06

Excellent. The Heidern nonsense got me nowhere but I created the Ralf macro and got this in 3 tries. Only thing I would change is don't bother with the "jumping macro" - it missed 100% of the time. Instead, I just hit L2 then dashed twice over and over.
By WeltallAY on 27 Mar 2013 18:04
Finished at 7~8 attempts.
It is the most legit solution to defeat Omega Rugal. But as you foretold, you have to put some distance (whole screen for me), press LT and dash back 2 times immediately to maintain the distance then rinse and repeat. He will probably grab you when you bend down or throw reppuken and there's nothing you can do about it, keep trying and you'll get it eventually. Good luck(literally)!
By seriousst001 on 21 May 2015 19:30