The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

78 Achievements

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Killed It

Killed It

Win a round of gwent with a total strength of at least 187.


How to unlock the Killed It achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition - Definitive Guide

Keep in mind, that this achievment is glitched, like everything else in the game. Clear persistent storage and restart the game before you try it.

Copy and paste from Qozul for the OG Witcher 3, all credits to him:

Note: No DLC packs are necessary to complete this achievement. The guide below assumes no use of DLC cards, and was written before the DLC released.

This achievement is gained once you have won a round of gwent with your total strength over 187. Note that it is only a round; you do not need to win the game. Also, this is unmissable; you can play gwent (e.g. with innkeeps) even after the end of the game (free roam time).

Strength in gwent is how much each unit card is worth (it is basically a form of points), this base strength on each card can be modified with certain cards such as commander's horn. You total strength is the combination of the above.

Realistically, you will need to have, or very nearly have the Card Collector achievement. This would mean to are skilled at gwent, and have all, or most of the cards available.

Generally, it is useful to lose the first round, this often means the opponent just passes on the next, thus allowing you to play all of your cards without worrying about weather cards or scorch. This can be dependant upon the opponent faction, I've found Nilfgaard opponents pass more on the second round than monsters.

Because you don't need to actually win the game, this is much easier than you may immediately think, however it does require some good RNG with your hand.

Here is how I got to this strength with different decks:


Using this deck and method I achieved 198 total strength after a few attempt for the perfect hand. iAlecP said that removing the commander's horn and dandelion, and using Eredin, Leader of the Red Riders helps.

The strength to the monsters deck is that the Vampires, Crones, and Arachas can call each other in. This means you only need one of each in your hand. More would reduce your ability to reach 187 total strength. Also, because most of these are close combat you can use a horn (or Dandelion, they do not stack) to double all that strength. This allows you to get to high strength very quickly.

Leader - Eredin, Bringer of Death (you can use any leader card, but this allows you to play a couple of cards at the start, to increase the chance of your opponent passing on the next turn).
Total cards in deck: 26;
Number of unit cards: 24;
Special cards: 2;
Total unit card strength: 153; (This number doesn't account for horns).
Hero cards: 8;

Deck - 2x Commander's Horn, Geralt, Cirilla, Yennefer, Villentretenmerth, Dandelion, Mysterious Elf (Avallac'h), Draug, Imlerith, Leshen, Kayran, Erath Elemental, Fire Elemental, Arachas (all four), Crones (all three), Vampires (all five).

Ideally, your hand will contain: Dandelion (If not, then a horn), a Vampire, a Crone, an Arachas (only one of each, no more), Mysterious Elf (Avallac'h), then the rest could be anything, obviously it is preferable to have higher strength cards (Kayran is good for +1 to all melee cards). A commander's horn as well as dandelion is ok, you can use it on the siege units.

Round one - If you have Avallac'h then play him first, then place any non-hero card that isn't the vampire, crone, or arachas (e.g. Dandelion), play another card as well, then pass.
If you are lucky you will get two cards with are not vampire, crone, or arachas (if you already have one of each).

Round two - Hopefully, your opponent will pass immediately. Regardless, play all of your cards (start with hero cards if they continue). If you don't quite get there, don't worry, try again for the optimum hand.

Round three - you will probably lose this one, but it doesn't matter.


Using this deck and method I achieved 203 total strength on my first try.

Nilfgaard's potential is in it's use of spies and its card's 'tight bond' ability which adds the units base value to the unit if another card of the same name enters the field (contrary to what the game says, they are additive not multiplicative).

Leader - Emhyr, the Relentless (allows you to take an extra card, or even retrieve a spy to gain two more cards).
Total cards in deck: 26;
Number of unit cards: 24;
Special cards: 2;
Total unit card strength: 171; (This number doesn't account for horns or tight bond).
Hero cards: 9;

Deck - 2x Commander's Horn, Geralt, Cirilla, Yennefer, Triss, Villentretenmerth, Dandelion, Mysterious Elf (Avallac'h), Letho, Menno, Morvran, Tibor, Black Infantry Archer (both), Heavy Z Fire Scorpian, Stefan Skellen, Shilard, Cahir, Young Emissary (both),
Vattier, Impera Brigade Guard (all four).

Ideally, your hand will contain dandelion, and all or most of your spies, then any combination (it shouldn't matter too much because you will gain up to 8 more cards from your spies, 10 if you retrieve one with your leader ability).

Round one - play all of your spies here. Hopefully you will get all four Impera Brigade Guard, and both Young Emissaries, however I got 203 with 3 Guards and one Emissary, so don't worry too much. Then pass.

Round two - Now you can go all in. Start with your hero cards to be safe if the opponent continues to play, then place dandelion and stack your tight bond units to get over 100 easily, then just systemically place your cards. If you don't reach >187 then just try again with better RNG.

Round three - doesn't matter, you have the achievement.


I can add a guide for Scoia'tael and/or Northern Realms if anyone really wants them, but for the sake of reducing the volume of text I will leave them out. If you are struggling make sure you have tries the Nilfgaard deck and method, as it is less reliant on RNG.

RNG means random number generator, and refers to the way the computer randomly determines which cards you receive.


Thanks to Lyzyrd for pointing out the lack of necessity of DLC.
[Original guide, please giv him athumbs up:
The Witcher 3: Wild HuntKilled ItThe Killed It achievement in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt worth 167 pointsWin a round of gwent with a total strength of at least 187.

29 Aug 2022 22:51

1 Comment
Just wanted to say: following the guide for Nilfgaurd was easy! Got 211 on my first try. Thanks!
By Ryn0 L on 19 Nov 2023 03:45
I found the Northern Realms deck with a card drawing strategy super easy for this achievement. I was consistently hitting high 160s and 170s on my power with only my leader's Horn ability and no commander's horns in my deck. Once I found an opponent that didnt have a tendency to use weather cards and would pass Round 2 if he won Round 1, it was go time. I hit 215 power my 3rd try, playing against the Armorer near the Bridge to Kaer Trolde fast travel in Skellige. I havent even done the high stakes Gwent tournament yet or gotten Crach en Crate's card and my deck hasnt changed for quite a while. By the 3rd round of the game I had drawn my ENTIRE deck and had 17 cards in my hand.


Leader - Foltest the Siegemaster
Total cards in deck: 23
Unit cards: 22
Special cards: 1 (Commander's horn).

Key unit cards (will be played in power round):
1x Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
1x John Natalis (any 10 power Hero card will do)
1x Esterad Thyssen (any 10 power Hero card)
1x Yennefer of Vengerberg (healer hero)
1x Mysterious Eld (0 power hero spy)
1x Prince Stenmis (5 power spy)
1x Sigismund Dijkstra (4 power spy)
1x Thaler (1 power spy)
1x Dun Banner Medic (4 power healer)
1x Catapult (8 power siege)
2x Trebuchet, 2x Ballista, 1x Siege Tower (6 power siege cards)
1x Dethmold (6 power archer)
1x Keira Metz, 1x Sile de Yransarville, 2x Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter (5 power archers)

If you have 2 catapults you could sub out one of the 6 power siege cards above for the 2nd catapult.

Sacrificial cards (any two unit cards, I had Villentretenmerth x1 and Vesemir x1) - Ideally these two cards are in your starting hand, you discard them and draw either spies or healers if they arent present. I found that more often than not if I had at least 2 spies to start out I would draw my other two by the 3rd round due to spy uses and re-uses.

Therefore you want your starting hand to have at least 2 spies and one healer (preferably the non Hero one). Play your lowest NON Hero spy at the start. The armorer will typically use a Decoy card to play the spy back against you, allowing you to use your non Hero healer in Round 2 to replay that spy. Play ALL your spies in round 1, then pass. In round 2 if the armorer passes, play the non hero healer to replay the lowest power non hero spy that he played back against you in round 1. Since he passed your healer should be enough to win round 2 if you pull the 1 power spy from your grave, netting you yet more cards. If you have to play the 4 or 5 power spy from the grave, just throw down your lowest power archer (one that doesnt have tight bond) to win the wound and get yet another card in round 3.

In round 3 you can use your legend healer to resurrect the non legend healer, and use her to replay yet another spy hopefully, or the archer if you used it to win round 2. By now you should have 16 or 17 cards in your hand. Use the commanders' horn on the archer row and your leader's ability for a second horn on the Siege row. Then just slap down ALL your cards and you should break 190 power easily.

19 Mar 2023 13:53