

28 Achievements


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Bloody roots

Bloody roots

Find the recollection of Paulus Aurelianus


How to unlock the Bloody roots achievement in Vampyr - Definitive Guide

Ok, so since the other guide is less than in depth, I thought I'd write something a little more encompassing.

In order to earn this achievement, you need to wait until Chapter 5 of the game. You will gain access to the last area of London, Temple Church (part of the East End). In the actual church, or rather under it, you will meet Usher Talltree who will give you a Citizen Mission that involves going back to the Theatre (where you will have been as part of the main story) and collecting his journal from a safe in the basement.

Now, annoyingly, you can only return to the theatre as another part of the main story (
). But when you do you will need to interact with the safe (Jonathan will comment on needing to find the key or something) in the basement. After you interact with it, go back upstairs and new enemies will have spawned that will drop the key when killed. Once you collect the journal DO NOT READ IT, return it to Usher and he will give you one of the collectables (The Brotherhood of St Paul Stole - Origin of the Brotherhood). He won't give you this if you read his journal.

On this collectable will be a little diagram that refers to the little hallway near Usher and the very obvious plates in the floor. Now for the tricky part, you need to look through pretty much every other collectable in the game to find ones that have dice-like spots on them and a symbol. Using the dice spots as the number in the order and the first collectable diagram as which plate corresponds to which symbol, you can work out that you need to step on the plates in a specific order. There will be a total of 6 in the order.

The order can be different from save to save, mine was the same as in the other guide on my first playthrough but completely different on my second. Actually doing the order seems to be a little finicky/glitchy, as it took me more than one attempt but seemed to work best if I did the order as quickly as possible.

Oh it is possible to glitch through the wall by attacking it but this will only work if the region is Hostile (otherwise you can't just randomly attack the wall) though you also apparently won't get the achievement, just access to the weapon. This is obviously useless to get this achievement, but helps if you just want the weapon as part of the achievement to collect all 1h weapons.

19 Jun 2018 14:55

You should mention that if you embrace Usher before you do this, the quest will be impossible to complete.
By Sashamorning on 14 Nov 2018 19:13
Also looks like you need either a total number of collectibles or a specific set of collectibles for the code. I have 15 collectibles and can only see 3 parts of the code.
By crewdy#4923 on 07 Apr 2019 11:14
The combination for the door is always the same. So if you know the combination, you only need to determine what each plate is in your game, for that is the extent of the randomness.

When you do Usher's side quest, the paper he gives you allows you to know where the fish, the circle, the diamond, and the square is.

The combination is : Fish, Circle, Square, Circle, Fish, Diamond.

Happy hunting all :D
By NafrayuNox on 16 May 2019 15:26
NafrayuNox said:
The combination for the door is always the same. So if you know the combination, you only need to determine what each plate is in your game, for that is the extent of the randomness.
Thank you! Had to do a full second playthrough for the main weapons... :C
By Healtti on 06 Jun 2019 08:44
It worked with the fish as the symbol pointing towards Usher Talltree. Got the sword and the recollection ....yet the achievement has not unlocked after 5 minutes still... This game is fookin glitchy. It says take responsibility for your actions! That's what the developers need to do with their game
By Thunder Rolling on 08 Jun 2019 11:15
I have the sword and book but my achievement still hasn't unlocked after a day. What do I do to pop it???
By Thunder Rolling on 09 Jun 2019 08:02
Any multi-part Achievement where 1 or more of the parts are missable needs to specify that clearly in the very first line or the solution is, at best, hit-and-miss information. Almost 1/3 of these weapons are missable, not merely the dragonbone one! If you let the district go hostile before you kill the NPCs with the required weapons, Achievement missed.
By Daelus1 on 01 Jan 2020 04:49
As a side note, stand on the plates until they have gone down fully. I was running from one to the next once I heard them make a noise and nothing was happening. Wait on each one until the noise of it moving stops and the move on to the next one
By TangerineGamer on 06 Mar 2020 12:18
Second TangerineGamer's point.

Also, I'm not sure if I got unlucky or if this is the same for everyone but one of my last collectible with a code on it was the very last one I didn't have (horned vampire one). I didn't want to backtrack after getting it so I just guessed and it unlocked the door and achievement no problem.
By Gamerjnb925 on 20 Apr 2021 23:20
Can confirm what a couple people have said above. If you can guess what order your tiles are in, you can unlock the door without having any of the notes/diary. I didn't even speak to Usher Talltree.

I already had the achievement unlocked when I tried this method, so hopefully someone can confirm whether or not it still counts for the achievement.
By NicoleRenee00 on 22 Oct 2023 15:19
This one is weirdly buggy. Didn't unlock upon getting the sword and reading the scroll. Restarted the game and console...still did not unlock but noticed that the room had relocked itself. Upon putting in the combination again I could make the door open and walking in trigger the achievement.
By I Sphyre I on 18 Nov 2023 20:32
To add to your description, don't just run over the plates whilst you're trying to do this. Stand on each one so that you push the plate *fully down*, then move on to the next one.

I tried running on each one quickly over and over again and couldn't get the wall to open. Waiting for each pad to sink fully is what got it working for me first try.
By segagamer on 04 May 2019 11:05
The solution you step on the tiles is always in this order:

1. Fish
2. Circle
3. Square
4. Circle
5. Fish
6. Diamond

There is no need to search each collectible as they are always on these 6 specific ones:

1 - The Great Hunt: The Crime of Lost Knowlege
2 - Guard of Priwyn: Laughing at the Guard
3 - The legendary vampires: myth of the horned vampires
4 - Species of Vampires: Rare Species of Vampires
5 - The Skals: origin of the skals
6 - The Need for Blood: Blood as addiction

The issue is the position of the symbols in the puzzle room changes per playthrough.

In my playthrough it was the following:
(Think of the 4 tiles forming a larger diamond)

Top Tile = Square
Left Tile (the one closest to Usher) = Diamond
Right Tile = Fish
Bottom Tile (The one by the entrance/exit) = Circle

Which means you would step on the tiles in this order: Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left

In the video CrysisWarXX3 linked, the solution was as follows:

Top Tile = Fish
Left Tile (the one closest to Usher) = Circle
Right Tile = Square
Bottom Tile (The one by the entrance/exit) = Diamond

The steps would then be: Up, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down

I went to a wiki and there was an image of another solution:

Top Tile = Circle
Left Tile (the one closest to Usher) = Fish
Right Tile = Square
Bottom Tile (The one by the entrance/exit) = Diamond

The steps would then be: Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

If you read the diary, you can try and brute force it. I would recommend trying the above 3 confirmed ones before attempting the brute force. I would also write down which had already been tried to keep track of the solution.

Make sure to step on a tile until it goes all the way down, otherwise it would register it.

Not the best solution, but faster than starting a new file and working your way back to this part however the document with the key is considered a collectible which mean you can't get the Lore Keeper achievement if you didn't get it...
By GuyverUnleashed on 15 Feb 2023 00:33
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Here is a video for how to get this weapon

Credits for youtube video goes to PowerPyx channel


01 Apr 2020 21:49

To complete this quest you need to have done Usher Talltree's quest "Pandora's Box" WITHOUT reading his letter (The puzzle WILL NOT work if you do the quest incorrectly). Once you turn in his quest you will receive the collectable "Origin of The Brotherhood" if you look at the collectible there will be a picture in the top right corner representing the room before Usher.

The picture will have 4 symbols (Diamond, Square, Fish, Circle), one in each corner. Every playthrough will have the symbols in different placements but the solution is the same.

While other collectible's written by usher have the order in which you press the symbols you do not actually need them.

12 Jun 2018 22:29

Not sure if possible without having all of the collectibles, but I can at least give you the information required as if you did.

In West End, beyond a quarantine barrier, you'll find another group of survivors such as the Baker brothers, Carolyn Price and her daughter Carol, but more importantly, the Primate of the Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole, Usher Talltree. He'll request your help in retrieving valuable information from the Guard of Priwen which will take you back into the Grand Guignol Theater (where you encountered Doris) but you can only enter here as a part of the story once more.

In the same catacomb-like entry leading to Usher are four pressure plates. The one you cross upon entering, one as you head towards Usher, and two others, forming a diamond-like display across the small room. The key to unlocking the door for the "True Dragonbane" weapon as well as getting this trophy lies in standing on these plates in a specific order. The order will be displayed as such below: NE, NW, SE, SW. When you're standing in the middle of the small room, N falls between both entry plates. So, the order is SE, NE, NW, NE, SE, SW. Make sure the plates sink completely before moving on to the next. Once the correct sequence is performed, the wall near the SE plate should shake and reveal the hidden alcove, and upon entering, the trophy and treasure is yours.

You can actually uncover all of this information provided throughout the game's collectibles. Upon returning Usher's journal to him, unread, you'll be given the designation of the four plates by their symbols, and there are six different Stole collectibles that each have a specific symbol and a number of dots associated with them.

08 Jun 2018 04:36

This achievement is related to finding one of the weapons in the game, and has a number of steps associated with it. I would suggest reading this guide as it does a very thorough job of explaining how to obtain this weapon. Essentially though, you need to complete Usher Talltree's side-quest "Pandora's Box" then get all of the game's paper collectibles, and use them to decipher the order in which to step on the pressure plates located in the room next to Usher. Stepping on these in the correct order will open a hidden passage where the sword waits for you. The video below will help you run through this as well.

Warning: Under no circumstances should you read the note that Usher Talltree asks you to retrieve during this mission, else you will lock yourself out of a highly missable collectible and the Lore keeper trophy_silver.png trophy.

To start this, you will need to get the side quest “Pandora’s Box” from Usher Talltree. You must gather all the paper collectables in order to decipher a puzzle using pressure plates that will unlock hidden room that is located next to Usher Talltree. Once deciphered, step on the plates in the correct order, which will then open up the passage to where you can obtain the weapon.
We first collect all collectibles. Then we go to the West End, the Temple area, which we discover by making our way to Aloysius Dawson. This place will be familiar to you, because you get the most important collectible, which allows you to earn a trophy, right here, in the temple dungeon, from Asher Tolltree, after completing his quest (under no circumstances read the diary that he asks you to bring, otherwise he will not will give the document). On the way to it you will see four pressure plates, these are what we will need to solve the puzzle. We open the document “Brotherhood of St. Paul: The History of the Creation of the Brotherhood”; in the corner of the image we see a diagram with symbols corresponding to the plates. The staircase passages can be guessed, so we understand where is left and where is right (that is, if you follow my photo, then we step on the “diamond” as we go down into this room, and the “square” is located in front of the stairs on the way to Asher). We open the rest of the manuscripts authored by Asher, some of them will have one figure with black dots, like dice. The number of these points determines the order in which the slabs should be stepped on (one point is the first slab, two is the second, etc.). Everyone’s pictures will be different, the developers have prepared a certain number of options, so I cannot provide a ready-made sequence, mine will not suit everyone. The result should be a six-digit combination that opens the front wall. We take the sword and the note - your!

07 Jun 2018 09:50


All options, for those who don’t want to look for all the clues. We stand with our backs to the exit and begin to sort through. The main thing is not to rush anywhere, calmly press on the plates, wait for the sounds to subside, and move on to the next one.
By ascarot on 21 Jun 2018 15:14
I strongly recommend collecting items, because in addition to the fact that the layout of the tiles is randomly given, the sequence of pressing is also random - for example, I had fish 1, 5; diamond 6; circle 2, 4; square 3.
And you’ll spend less time on the trophy than poking around at random.
By HellAd on 15 Aug 2018 17:21
Getting the trophy from start to finish in this video .
By mcoon06 on 29 Jul 2018 10:53
If you still read the note and didn’t give the quest, don’t despair, you can still get this trophy. Also, if the area has fallen (turned into a hostile state), you can get a trophy.
You just have to go through all the options from the hint above, namely from the ascarot hint
By Tessimba on 13 Aug 2021 17:12
It seems that the combination is still the same for everyone, only the layout of the symbols is different, so there is no need to collect all of Asher's documents for this trophy.
Here's the sequence: fish, circle (or "p"), square, circle (or "p"), fish, diamond.
Thus, you just need to compare this cipher with the picture on the document “History of the Creation of the Brotherhood” and determine which figure corresponds to which plate.
By Amfiray on 08 Jun 2018 05:01
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