Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami

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How to unlock the Perfectionist achievement in Yakuza Kiwami - Definitive Guide

I'll break down the mini-games the same way I did for Yakuza 0.

Mahjong tutorial:
To complete this game you need to win 10kk in this game, win 10 rounds, win 5 mangan, 1 haneman, 1 riichi ippatsu and one full straight.
There is no need to worry about money and victories. You will take these completions while knocking out the rest.
The goal of playing mahjong, like poker, is to make a winning hand. You have to do it first, otherwise it won't count.
Your hand is scored by Han . Different combinations are valued differently, so I won’t go into too much detail about the different hands - you’ll have to figure it out. It is not difficult.
There are three types of digital chips - bamboo, dots and hieroglyphs.
Bamboo - the green peacock is considered a unit, the remaining numbers are indicated by the number of sticks on the chips.
Dots - one is a large round dot, the remaining numbers are counted by the number of dots on the chips.
Hieroglyphs - this is what you will need to either write out or memorize:
1 - 一, 2 - 二, 3 - 三, 4 - 四, 5 - 五, 6 - 六, 7 - 七, 8 - 八 and 9 - 九. There they, of course, are stylized as calligraphic writing, but in general they are written in exactly the same way.

There are 3 more types of dragon tiles - white , green and red . Corresponds to three types of chips - completely white, with a large green hieroglyph and with a simple red one (similar to the letter f).
There are 4 types of winds. Under your avatar in the game your wind is indicated. Collect it and get another Han.
All of them can also be collected into quadriplets, triplets and pairs (more on them below).
Hand combinations can be viewed by clicking on the triangle, but of all of them you only need to look at Full Straight . And if possible, try to collect it in rounds. But more on that later.
So, the types of combinations are as follows:
  • Chi (sequence of chips like “1-2-3”, “5-6-7” and the like, so that the numbers are in a row)
  • Pon (triplets of chips like "1-1-1", "8-8-8" and similar)
  • Kan (a sequence of all four identical chips like "1-1-1-1")
A winning hand must have 4 triplets (Chi and Pon in any ratio) and one pair. This situation is considered a victory. But there are a couple of nuances.
1) If you create combinations from other people's chips (take other people's chips using Chi, Kan and Pon) - your hand will be open and less total points will be awarded for this. So I don’t recommend taking other people’s chips to create triplets.
2) You can end your hand by taking a chip from the stack (then you need to shout Tsumo ) or by stealing the desired chip that someone threw away, shouting Ron . With Tsumo, all players lose money in your favor; with Ron, you take your winnings from the one from whom you stole the last chip. That’s why it’s a shame when Ron is given to you, because it’s often a big loss in points.
3) When creating a closed hand, you can use a very cool chip - Riichi . It is done when you only have one chip left to complete the hand. She is called to the square. After that, the game continues to play on its own until you win, lose, or end up in a draw. I advise you to check your hand on Riichi every move, poking at the square. And it is with the help of Riichi that the Riichi Ippatsu required for completion is made. The idea is that when you start Riichi, you find the last chip in one full circle. The last chip can be either stolen from someone (Ron) or taken from the deck (Tsumo).

And now the key to earning Haneman and Mangan :
Notice the open chip in the middle of the table. This is Dora's feature. But not exactly that, but the next feature that comes after it. If there is “1” bamboo in the center, then Dora is “2” bamboo. If there is a dragon, then Dora’s indication scheme is: “Red -> White -> Green -> Red”. Winds are indicated counterclockwise. In this case, you can determine Dora by finding the wind from the chip on the table (one of the players has a hieroglyph with his wind next to his name) and looking at the wind of the previous one. If you create a combination using the Dora chip, for each match with it you are given 1 Han. For Mangan you need to dial 4-5 Han , for Haneman - 6-7 Han .
The simplest thing is to make a hand in which you have a triple of Dora, shout Riichi and finish it in one move (ideally). This will give a minimum of 5 Han (Riichi - 1, Ippatsu - 1, Dora - 3). Those. for Mangan this is more than enough. It is possible to get another Han for Ura-Dora. It depends purely on luck, because Ura-Dora is the next chip in the center of the field that will open if you completed the round using Riichi. Those. If you win during Riichi, it will definitely open to you. If you're lucky, this will give you at least 1 more Han, which will be a Haneman, which you essentially need only one. Another way to increase your score is to use Kan in your closed hand. To do this, you need to collect 4 identical chips in your hand and announce Kan. This will unlock a second Dora, which will eventually cause the number of Doras to double when counted. Let me remind you that such a Kan must be made not by stealing someone else's chip, but in a closed hand.
The most tedious and random thing here is to assemble Full Straight . This is a combination in a hand from 1 to 9 of any one suit. Usually Haneman is given along with it, because when collecting such a complex hand, something else will inevitably be collected. And be sure to use Riichi at the most convenient moment.
If you want to boost money for completion, try to be no lower than second place in the results. Because third and fourth place will lose in any case. If you have won more than what you started with (more than 25,000) by summing up the results - exit the mini-game and the money will be counted as your winnings.

04 Oct 2017 12:23

Manual for Cho-Han , Cee-lo , Oicho Kabu and Koi-Koi . The game room is located next to the Millenium Tower and you can get there according to the plot and not before. The moment you are allowed to hang out with Haruka, go get your lottery tickets. They won't let you play right away. Come back here later, the next time you are given freedom of movement.

Cho-Han is essentially a simple dice game. All you have to do is guess whether the sum of the two dice is even or not. The goal of completion is to win 10000 points in this game. Not all options will be available in the game from the very beginning. After a few wins, you will be asked to guess a number or both numbers on the dice. The game is not worth the candle, because the chances of winning drop from 50% to 18% in the case of one die and to scanty in the case of two. But the third offer may be beneficial to you - the dealer offers to double your winnings by playing 1 on 1 with him. This option is good, but if you lose to it, you will lose all your winnings. Don’t be greedy - it’s better to pocket large amounts of winnings than to bet them. If you are in the black, you can exit the mini-game and save your winnings. It only counts if you leave the game with more points than you entered. Those. in the end you should have more than you had at the beginning of the game. For a more successful completion of this game, I advise you to find the keys to the drawers and get a cigarette and Even Goro rosary from there. The cigarette makes players bet more often on the losing option, so while the cigarette is active, you can earn a lot of points and open up other betting modes. It is worth using it when the bet grows to 500 points. When the effect of the cigarette ends, exit the game and enter again. If you have the option of playing 1v1 with the dealer, your goal is to win a decent amount of points and play 1v1 with the dealer. Ideally, you should try to win the first hand yourself. This will double the bet. We agree to the next one and use Even Goro Beads , which will lead to a 100% loss of even . Bet on it and double your winnings. Personally, this was enough for me to finish this game.

Cee-lo - bones again. But this time the rules are completely different. 4 players, plate and 3 dice. One player is a banker, three play against him. After one hand, the banker changes to the next player. One game is a full circle (each player was a banker once). The banker makes no bets and rolls the dice first. The rest place their bets and try to beat the banker's result. Successful - they receive their bet + the banker's money. If they fail, the banker takes their bet.
The result of throwing the dice is calculated as follows: After the throw, the top edges are checked. If there are a pair of identical values ​​on the dice, the value from the third dice is taken as the final result. Those. when throwing “1-1-5” - the number of points of the thrower is five. Players need to roll the same amount or more.
There are a number of combinations in the game that are either stronger or weaker than points.
Strong: all triplets (5-5-5, for example), any pair and 6, 4-5-6. For a banker, this is an instant victory.
Weak: 1-2-3, any pair and 1 - instant defeat.
For players, triplets carry another meaning. Good triplets triple the bet, bad triples (1-1-1) take triple the bet.
Each player has 3 attempts to roll the dice with any result. If there are no results when throwing, the player loses. If the number of banker and player points is the same, the player remains with his bet. If the banker was unable to throw out any results in three attempts, he lost and must give everyone the winning money. You can also throw the dice past the plate, which counts as a loss. The game makes it possible to reduce the number of attempts to reset the dice to one, while giving an increase in winnings. But you shouldn’t use this trick - it’s quite easy to earn money in this game in the standard three attempts.
To win quickly, you will need an item from the box that allows you to roll 1-1-1 the first time.
In general, our goal is to bet 1 on each bet where you are not the banker and throw out any combinations. It's not a pity to lose 1 chip. When it comes to being a banker, just use the item mentioned above. One throw is enough to pick out the pockets of the players and calmly go play another game.

Oicho-kabu is a fairly simple game. The goal of the game is to collect cards in such a way that the total score is closer to 9 and at the same time greater than the banker. Well, for the banker - so that the sum of points is greater than the players.
The game simplifies your calculations by displaying the denominations of cards issued and the amount of points directly in the interface. In total, you can take one additional card from the deck. The maximum number of cards in a hand is three. When you go through points, the countdown starts from zero. Those. if you have 9 and 1, then in the end you have 0 points. In this case, you must take the card. I advise you to stay around 7-8 points. If you already have 7 points or higher at the end of the hand, do not take the third card. The banker can also screw up by going too far with the points. The bankers also change every hand, but you don’t have to play a full circle to get out of the game.
A thing from the locker will greatly facilitate the task, giving you a chance to pull out the combination 10-10-1 , which simply takes out all other combinations.
Unlike the version in Yakuza 0, here difficulty levels must be unlocked. Therefore, play the initial level little by little, exiting after two or three rounds (after being a banker 2-3 times), after which select the game again and switch to the next difficulty level. And so on up to the " Advanced " difficulty level. Since the cheat item is only allowed to be used before the game, try to become a banker. I noticed that when leaving the game, the banker’s position was often not reset, and when entering, the next player in the circle became the banker. So I played Advanced twice and before my turn to be a banker, I logged out, logged in again and used the item. Having become a banker, you just need to pull the desired combination of 10-10-1 from the deck and rake in somewhere around 50k chips. To complete the game you only need 10k, by the way.

Koi-Koi is the most difficult of the four games to understand its process. Similar to mahjong, I would say. The point is to collect winning combinations in your hand and defeat your opponent on points.
There is a list of hands in the game, so I'll just tell you the rules and give a couple of tips.
You and your opponent have a full hand of cards. And in front of you on the table are open cards from the deck. Maps are divided into types and seasons. The seasons are marked either with branches (Spring and Autumn), or with “mountains” (I called them that because I didn’t quite understand what was drawn there), round and pointed. Collecting cards from the current season (you can see the season icon on the right) gives extra points. There are simple cards of different “suits” (flowers, leaves, etc.). And these arts have simple and special ones.
Simple - where there is nothing else except the background.
Special - where, in addition to the background, something is drawn.
All collected simple cards go into the trash pile. Having collected 10 cards in this pile, you can finish the game. For this they give one point and a similar method can be useful in order to prevent the enemy from finishing the game himself.
To win, I advise you to collect the simplest combinations. Look in the list of combos for options such as “Admiring the Full Moon” and other thematic ones and remember what cards are used there. Collect these options whenever possible. If impossible, collect ribbons. There are a lot of ribbons in the game and collecting them won’t be difficult. For a good combination you need to collect 5 different types of ribbons. If they are of the same type, this is a plus in points. There are two types - red and blue. There are point bonuses for both.
Now I’ll explain how cards are collected. You can take one card from the central field for yourself using your hand. If there is a card on the field with the same background as a card in your hand, use a card from your hand and take a card from the field. Collect special cards and ribbons first. if you have a tape and a special card in your hand, and there is a garbage card on the table, use the special card for the garbage card and take them both. If there is not a single card on the table that matches yours, place one garbage card from your hand on the table. You can get the second card by chance. After using a card from your hand, you are given a card from the deck. If there is a card matching its type on the table, you get a card. If there are several cards, you can choose which one to take. Take special cards and tapes first. If again there are no matches, you will have to leave the card on the table and give the move to your opponent.
When you collect any combination to get points, you will be offered to end the round or continue it. This can get a little confusing because the end of the round is NOT done by shouting koi . If you choose to shout Koi, the round will continue. This can be useful if you want to increase the number of points and you already have cards ready for this. If there are few cards in your hand and you cannot end your turn with an increase in the number of points, do not shout koi, otherwise your points will not be counted towards you at the end of the round. Show a little tactics and everything will work out for you.
You need to play at the maximum difficulty level ( expert ). And before starting the game, be sure to go to the settings and set your bet to a larger number ( 200 ) and the number of rounds to 6 or 9 . Your goal is to collect as many points as possible at the end of all rounds. The difference in points is multiplied by the bet and the result is your winnings. After winning, we leave and come back again. After a loss it’s the same. In order to count points at the end of this mini-game, you still need to be a plus at the end of the game.
By Hono-no_Snake on 04 Oct 2017 13:12
Mini-games in the casino - Poker , Blackjack , Roulette , Baccarat . The casino is located in two places - in the ramen shop (opened thanks to two substories) and in Purgatory.

Blackjack - elementary rules. We call this game “21” or “Point”. The goal is to collect more cards in your hand than the dealer, but not exceed the limit of 21 points. Number cards (from 2 to 10) are valued at 10 points, cards with a picture (Jack, Queen and King) - 10 points. Ace - either 1 or 11 points, depending on the situation.
To gain money faster, choose high bets. This way you can collect your winnings much faster. The dealer has an icon with cards and the number 21 above his head.
Cheating items in Blackjack will help you a lot. One forces you to constantly go overboard with the dealer's set of cards (you just need to bet the maximum and win over and over again), the second rolls out Blackjack after Blackjack to you. Those. Instant 21 points.
Use both items in turn (as soon as one runs out, use the second) and try to recapture as many chips as possible. Perhaps they will even be enough to complete the game right away. If it’s not enough, we play honestly.
First, place the highest possible bet and the dealer deals the cards. If you immediately get 10 (or any picture) and an ace, this situation is called Blackjack and you automatically win (provided that the dealer does not have the same combination), and receive a payout of one and a half times the size.
If you get any other combination, you can either leave your hand as is ( stand ) or take an additional card ( Hit ). If you have a combination of two identical cards, you can try to make two hands using the Split function. Then for each card you will be given one more and you can draw each hand separately. Accordingly, if you win both hands this way, you win 2 times more. But if you lose, you lose twice as much.
Sometimes the dealer will offer to play at higher stakes. Agree, because the winnings will also be increased. And after each victory, the bet limit increases. And you increase your bet accordingly. If you win three times in a row, it’s time to exit and save the result (unless, of course, you just got out of deep financial trouble and you already have a profit)
The dealer wins instantly if he gets Blackjack. Also, the dealer wins if he has more points than you. He will collect cards until the number of his points exceeds 17.

Roulette is a regular roulette. The completion here is quite simple. Take the maximum amount of chips and bet everything on red or black . Complete your bets and wait for the result. You can rewind the ball's rolling on R1 . If you get the right one, you double your winnings. Exit and save the result. If you lose, you also go out to throw away the result and the countdown starts from the current number of chips.
To win faster, use stones ( red, black and green ). They give a 100% chance of dropping the same color as the stone used. Green gives a roll of 0 or 00 . The main thing here is not to miss and bet on the result that comes up. Before using the green stone, it is better to save yourself so as not to waste it in vain. You don’t have to go anywhere to save - now it’s in the menu.
When the stones run out, you can play, betting on black and red until you are offered high bets. Then you won't be able to bet on color. Just bet 200 chips on the random crosshairs of the numbers and hope that one of the numbers comes up. If it hits, you will be awarded a decent win.

Baccarat is no longer the fastest game to complete. The meaning in it is the same as in Oicho Kabu, i.e. the player with the highest number wins. The count goes from 0 to 9. Cards with pictures - 0. Ace - 1. When enumerated, the count is reset to zero and counted from the beginning. Those. if you roll 9 and 8, the result will be 7. If the result is 8 or 9, no more cards will be issued. If below 5, another card is given. The player here is only required to place a bet on the player, banker or draw. The bet on the player is 1 to 1, the bet on the banker is 0.95 to 1. The bet on a draw is 8 to 1.
Now the bets in this game are not so crazy and are limited to one thousand chips.
The game has cheat items that guarantee the victory of the banker and the player. They won't give you much, so you have to play fair.
My option is to bet on a draw. If you win, you will receive a fairly large jackpot, although the chance of this result occurring is quite small. You can place this bet 7 times in a row until you win. If you don't win, leave and come back again. If you win even on the last bet, you will at least get your chips back and be in the black by 1000. Leave and come back again for the winnings to count. This method, in my opinion, is the fastest, because... if you bet on a player, then the winnings, although more likely, are much more modest.
I don't recommend playing the Super 6 variation.

Poker - this is where you have to sit and play. The point of the game is to collect a good combination in your hand and on the table. The combinations are as follows (written by seniority, from the weakest):
  • A high card is when no one on the field has a single combination. Then it is checked who has the largest card in their hands.
  • Pair - two cards of the same value. If two players have pairs, the one with the higher denomination wins.
  • Two pairs is the same as a pair, one more pair. The rules are the same; whoever has the higher face value wins.
  • Three of a kind - three cards of the same value. Cooler than two pairs. The rules are the same at face value.
  • Straight is a sequence of cards. For example 5-6-7-8-9 or 9-10-JDK. The suit is not important.
  • Flush - five cards of the same suit. The denomination is not important.
  • Full House - pair and three. Very cool combination.
  • Four of a kind - four cards of the same value.
  • Straight flush is a combination of a sequence of cards of the same suit.
  • A royal flush is the coolest combination of a sequence of cards of the same suit up to the maximum value. Those. starts with a ten and ends with an ace. It is very doubtful that you will ever see one like this.
My advice is don't be afraid to pass. But also don’t be afraid to bluff if your opponents have bad cards.
First of all, start playing at ultra-high stakes and buy the maximum number of chips.
On the first turn, it makes sense to raise bets if you already have a good pair in your hands. If not, call the bet and wait for the first hand. Three cards will be laid out on the table. Look for suitable combinations and if things work out in your favor, feel free to raise. If at this stage there is not even a hint of victory, just pass. This will save you money. However, first watch the reaction of your opponents. If they all check, it means their cards are messed up and there is a chance to take them for a show-off. To do this, wait until the last hand (5 cards on the table) and watch their bets. If they Check or fold, pressurize them by raising the bet. Often, this tactic allows you to chop off a hundred or two chips without having any combinations in your hands at all.
If the combination is excellent, raise your bet until your opponents either give up or answer your bet. With proper luck, you can complete this mini-game in a couple of runs.
By Hono-no_Snake on 04 Oct 2017 14:03
Billiards - in it we have several goals to complete. To complete we need to perform 3 combination shot and 3 carom shot.
To perform Combination Shot and Carom Shot, choose "play alone", the game "nine balls" and arrange suitable situations for yourself to perform these shots.
A combination shot is when you hit the right ball, and it pockets another ball. It only works if there were touches of white on the desired one and the desired one on the one that flew in. It's impossible to hit a bunch of balls and get a combination shot.
Carom shot is when your ball bounces off the target and pockets another ball. The same rules - there must be only 2 touches - on the desired one and on the one to be scored. Moreover, it is not necessary to pocket the desired ball in this situation; the main thing is to use it as a point for changing the trajectory. To perform both techniques with weak shots, drive different left balls close to the pockets. After this, perform the technique. Carom shot is easier to perform by placing the ball so that it changes its trajectory by 15-20 degrees when touching the desired ball. And, accordingly, you need to hit at the very edge.

Darts - To complete this game you only need to do 10 Hat trick. First of all, you need to learn how to play it. And I'm not talking about the rules. The system of this mini-game itself has not changed over time - you aim with a shaking hand at the board, choose the force of the throw and throw the dart. There are three types of sectors on the board - x1 (2 large ones for each number), x2 (the outermost one for each number) and x3 (between the two large ones in the middle of each number). Those. The maximum number of points per throw is 60 (20 x3). Hitting the center - 50 points.
For good aim, place the gamepad on a hard surface and play it like an arcade stick. The left stick is responsible for the sight - move your hand so that the dart's crosshair staggers approximately opposite the place where you want to hit. The right stick controls the force of the throw. And it doesn’t matter how far you take it. Timing is important here. For a perfect throw, you need to release the stick at the moment when your hand has passed the top point, but has not yet reached the end. If you miss a moment, smoothly release the stick and try again. It will take some practice to catch this moment.
For Hat Trick you need to make all three throws at the center of the target - bull's eye . A little training and everything will work out. There is no point in buying expensive darts at a thrift store for this.

Bowling - here the goal is similar to darts - hit Strike 10 times. And this is done quite simply. You need to hit the very first ball approximately between the first and second pin (slightly to the right or slightly to the left of center). Speed ​​is not important. For a more successful throw, I first walked a couple of steps to the side and then launched the aim. If the scope was tilted in one direction, I chose speed 75 and threw with a slight twist (maximum 2 divisions) towards the center. If the ball flies exactly to the right place, the speed can be turned up to 100.
Strike is when all the pins fall on the first hit. I advise you to play alone and at 10 cones, but take up bowling in the second half of the game. This way, you can reduce the number of attempts by having two duels - in the substory against the former champion and against Majima. Finish off the remaining strikes in splendid isolation.

Baseball - this is where the biggest problem was for me personally. Because you need to combine accuracy and reaction. You need to play each difficulty level and score at least 1600 points in each. The difficulty arose in the last course (not particularly difficult once you get used to it) and, surprisingly, in the easiest course.
There are three types of serves in this game:
  • Straight - a straight ball flying straight at you. One of the simplest serves. Easy to track and return.
  • Sinker - a diving ball that makes an arc to the right and flies up to you slightly from below. It is more difficult to predict the moment of impact.
  • Curveball - flying in an arc from the left. Similar to the previous one, but for me it’s easier to notice and fight off.
The balls also have different flight speeds. And this also has its own complexity.
To simplify the task, simply write down the type of ball and its speed on a piece of paper. This way you will know what to prepare for. For example, "1 - st/120, 2 - sn/80, 3 - cu/150", etc. Those. the number of the ball, its type and its speed. Quite convenient to navigate.
Someone could add a hint "look at the animation, Kiryu stops shaking the bat at the moment when he should hit" - the hint is very bad. The bat shaking animation stops for a split second. At high ball speeds, you will notice the animation stops when it is too late to hit. So don't fall for it. It doesn't help.
In addition, I highly recommend playing baseball like darts - with a gamepad on your lap. Aiming with a stick is a little more convenient - your finger won’t tremble at the last moment.
So, regarding difficulty levels:
  • Beginner - you don't need to aim. Just hit and hit balls for a home run. The difficulty is that you only have 4 margins for error. Those. you need to hit 16 times out of 20. For each hit, 100 points are awarded. We missed 5 innings and failed the attempt.
  • Normal - there are three home run bars in front of you. You need to knock out all three fields in turn. Despite the fact that you have to aim here, completing this task is much easier. If you hit each of the three home runs, you will be allowed to hit the target. For a hit they give 400 points and it’s not that difficult to do. Those. There is more room for error in this complexity. However, you need to get into it on the first try.
  • Hard - from a really difficult level of difficulty there is only a name. There are ten home run pitches in front of you. The secret of victory is very simple - aim at the boundaries of the junctions of these fields. By the way, you will need to hit them 10 times to complete one of the game ending conditions. If you hit correctly, both fields are credited to you at once. And if you get right into the crosshairs, then all four. And, of course, don’t forget about the 400-point target. Hitting boundaries allows you to save balls. This is, in fact, the simplest of courses.
  • Extra hard - approximately at the Beginner level, but with the need to aim. For me it's a little simpler. There are 9 fields in front of you, but this time they are not connected to each other. For hitting each one you are given a ridiculous amount of points - 20. However, for completing a horizontal, vertical and diagonal you are given another 100 points. Those. completing a horizontal will give you 120 points. If the crosshairs are completed horizontally and vertically - 220 points. The last hit will give you 320 points. Those. For a completed field, you will eventually receive 980 points. Not bad, especially if you don’t mess up and hit all 9 balls. For closing all fields, the target will appear again. It still gives you 400 points. Those. for 10 balls you can earn 1380 points. And for 10 balls you only have to hit 220, i.e. close horizontal and vertical. 5 balls. And you have 5 balls to make a mistake. Everything is elementary. The main thing is not to miss the target.
Having completed all the courses, replay Hard a couple of times to quickly get 10 hits into the field boundaries and you can forget about baseball.
By Hono-no_Snake on 04 Oct 2017 14:53
Karaoke. To complete the song you need to score at least 900 points. Not all songs are open from the very beginning. The most difficult and tricky one opens only after you go for a walk through hunger with Haruka. Just go and play it with her - at the same time, watch her special intro, if you don’t lose the rhythm by the middle of the song.
The essence of karaoke is a rhythm game where you need to press the required buttons to the beat of the music. There are 3 types of buttons:
  • Single click - the icon is simply a button. The window for hitting it is different, depending on the speed of the slider. But it’s better to press the button a little in advance.
  • Long press - a button with a blue stripe and the words "Hold" behind it. Here you have to press the button quite cleverly. You need to press it when the strip starts and have time to release it about 10% before the end of the strip. If you hesitate a little, you will fail. If you hurry, you may also fail.
  • Repeated presses - a button and a pink stripe behind it with the inscription "Repeat Press" . Needed only for banal clicking on a button. You need to hammer quite vigorously, around three clicks per second. You can also stop hammering 10% before the end of the strip, but it is not necessary.
There are four types of button hit results:
  • Great - the best result, shown in red text. The more hits, the higher the score for the song.
  • Good - average, yellow text. Appears if you press a button earlier than necessary. For the desired result, you can allow some hits to be in Good.
  • Bad - bad result, blue text. Either pressing much earlier or slightly later than the desired moment. You should not allow this result to appear frequently, because few points are given for it and, although this is not a miss on the button, you will not get the required point with such hits.
  • Miss - miss, gray color. In this case, the button remains on the strip without being painted over with any icon. It appears if you missed the button completely (pressed it too early, too late, or missed pressing it altogether), or if you pressed the wrong button. Try to avoid this outcome altogether.
There are a total of 6 songs in the game. The first three are pretty simple. On them you can delve into the gameplay of this rhythm game and understand how and when you need to press buttons to get into Great . These songs have only one level of difficulty and are performed personally by Kiryu.
The buttons are very well connected to the rhythm of the music. If you are playing this mini-game for the first time, you will still have to make a couple of attempts in order to remember the song and its rhythm.
Strips with buttons are located at different levels and you need to develop the skill of completing one strip blindly and switching to a new one before completing the last one. Sometimes you need to press a button from the next strip before the cursor moves to the new strip, because the desired button is located at the very beginning of the strip. The stripes also have different speeds for the slider. In general, to successfully complete a song, I advise you to first run through it a couple of times and remember its rhythm.
Kiryu no longer sings the remaining three songs, but sings along or claps next to him. And in these songs you can score 900+ only in difficult mode. And here you will definitely have to sweat a little, because the number of buttons and their combinations can be very confusing. Need training. Especially in the song that opens while hanging out with Haruka.
By Hono-no_Snake on 04 Oct 2017 14:16
I would like to recommend a few tricks that have helped me personally:
A list of all weapons and items with their locations in a thread on the forum.
Video guide with passing tests in shogi. This is to win 5 times without using cancel.
By Aeon_Evil on 27 Dec 2018 22:40
Since the trophy applies not only to mini-games, I’ll add about the “ Adventure ” tab in the Completition List
Basically, fairly everyday things are required there.
Taxi rides . You can either forget them or just use a taxi while passing. To close this point you need 30 trips .
Walking - both walking and running are taken into account here. You have to walk 100 km on your own two feet, so don’t be lazy sometimes and take a walk. Especially if you are used to taxis after the previous requirement.
Sprint - just sprint (at while running, press) and run to finish.
Talk to people - don't worry about it. You won't even notice how it rings.
Have a snack at a snack bar. It makes sense to boost this achievement only after you have finished ordering all the alcoholic drinks in the bars. To complete, you need to eat 100 times.
Eat all dishes in all eateries and bars . The Bottomles Stomach skill will help you here, which you will receive in exchange for CP from Bob the Clown near the arch on Tenkaichi street. It allows you to eat everything on the menu at one time, if it is not drinks (does not apply to Cafe Alps, everything can be ordered there at once). But you will have to consume alcoholic beverages in portions, because... If you exceed your quota, you simply will not be allowed to order more. The levels of intoxication are indicated on the left according to the colors of the bottle - from blue to pink. When it's pink, they don't pour you any more. Moreover, you can order one drink at a time, so you will have to run through the bars many times. It is possible to reduce the level of intoxication with a large supply of coffee, but you will have to carry a lot of coffee with you to bars. Cafe Pronto also has two operating modes - night and day. And two different menus for both of these modes. Plus the Bantam bar is not immediately available. You have to wait until Bacchus becomes a Bantam before you can drink there. Don't forget about the bar located near West Park. There is a billiard room and darts in the same room.
Earning and spending money - don't even worry. Collect this trophy while completing mini-games and knocking out weapons for another list.
By Hono-no_Snake on 07 Oct 2017 16:08
Super easy shogi (shogi).
Download shogi to your phone or PC.
My Android app is simply called "Shogi"
Now in Yakuza you need to give the first move to the enemy, and in the downloaded application set the maximum difficulty.
If you failed to make the first move, simply restart the battle (random, that’s how it is).
And the best part is, just repeat the bot’s moves in Yakuza on your phone, and repeat the SUPER bot’s moves from the application in Yakuza.
By Mind_Scratcher on 12 Jul 2023 05:49
One of the most annoying aspects of getting 100% complete (and platinum in general) is getting one hundred weapons and seventy pieces of gear, and in particular grinding them in the coliseum. You only need to farm the last tournament and only after fully leveling up Kiryu’s fighting styles. Then you will have access to this amazing method of farming the last Colosseum tournament, which will simplify your life for many, many hours:
By Rus_Trash on 29 Dec 2017 13:16
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