Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
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Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove achievements progress.
Plague Of Shadows
20 Achievements
Find Plague Knight's secret room.
Collect all Cipher Coins.
Purchase or unlock all relics equipment and upgrades.
Clear the Hall of Champions in 3 minutes and 30 seconds or less.
Finish any Stage without taking damage.
Finish the game without spending any money... including Cipher Coins!
Finish the game without collecting any arcana, bomb parts, or armors.
Beat the game within 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Destroy every possible checkpoint in the game.
Emerge unscathed from a battle with any Knight of the Order of No Quarter... except King Knight!
Retake the Explodatorium without breaking any grey blocks during the boss fight.
Trade each of the useless relics to Chester.
Stay in the air for 10 seconds without landing on anything.
Defeat an Order Knight using only bomb jump explosions.
Give Oolong a sample of every explosion.
Watch all of Mona's dance.
Finish any Order of No Quarter stage using 15 bombs or fewer.
Finish the game without drinking any tonics.